
Chapter 390, get off

Chapter 390, get off

"Cough, cough, cough.【】" Mo Shaohua was choked by the dim sum foam in his throat, and coughed violently for a while, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.Staring blankly at the subordinate for a long time, he was sure that he was not joking, and then said anxiously: "Really? Didn't you say you were asking questions?"

"The ones who are close are almost hugging each other. I don't seem to be asking questions."

"Impossible! Dehera and Princess Naren would joke with Mr. Su like this?"

"So it's not easy!"

Mo Shaohua couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to go over to have a look, but stopped in his tracks!

He wanted to go back to get the book on the table, and found an excuse to go there, but withdrew his hand, still sat behind the table, and continued to work.

After an unknown amount of time, the subordinates around Feng Tianyuan rushed in from the outside and were about to go to the side hall, so they called Feng Tianyuan in.Asked: "Just now you went out in a hurry, and now you come back in a hurry, what is the rush?"

Feng Tianyuan looked up when he saw Mo Shaohua!Although he had never worked under Mo Shaohua, he had heard of Mo Shaohua's name.Even though Mo Shaohua is not the chief officer now, Feng Tianyuan is unwilling to lose his courtesy, not to mention that Su San treats Mo Shaohua with courtesy, saying that he brought Mo Shaohua here for questioning, but right now there is no questioning mean?

After bowing to Mo Shaohua, he replied to his colleague's question: "I'm going to get the 'playing cards'! It is said to be a kind of 'Fighting the Landlord' object." After speaking, he mysteriously took out a thick card from his sleeve. A pile of bamboo chips.

Mo Shaohua took a look, and saw that there were many numbers and some patterns roughly carved on the bamboo piece, but there was nothing special about it.I had no choice but to look away, staring blankly at the man on the table, not knowing where my thoughts went.

Feng Tianyuan withdrew, went to the side hall, and handed the cards to Su San.

Su San took the poker player and taught them how to play!After playing for a while, it got dark.Only then did Su San stand up, and said with a straight face: "Okay, this is the end of today's question! You two have a good rest, and we will ask again tomorrow. You can't put stickers on your face when you ask the answer tomorrow. That’s where real money is paid.”

Then he turned and left.

As soon as Su San left, the expressions of Naren and Dehera became a little unnatural.Dehera said to Na Ren: "Princess Na Ren, please go first!"

Narenge Rile smiled slightly, bowed slightly and said, "Naren has passed!" After saying that, she led the maid out of the side hall.A group of guards rushed up and returned to the backyard together.

Dehera stood quietly in the side hall and sighed softly as Naren Gerile left.It seems that everyone has been chatting all day today, but Su San has clearly expressed his attitude through chatting: that is, the activities of the Beijing and Yuan countries in Jinling City must be carried out under his control.

Su San's attitude is very tough!This toughness is not manifested in words, but in actual actions.He calmly invited himself and Na Ren, and without another greeting, he took control of the Yuansuo.However, the technique is not intense, and it is just right, so that I can't backhand at all.

This is the realm of the seal!If Su San insisted on detaining himself here, there was nothing he could do.But Su San didn't even want to bear the name of detention, and used the name of questioning the case to carry out the reality of detention. If he didn't cooperate, and he didn't stop fighting, he could only stay here slowly.

Although Su San couldn't detain him forever, it would not be a problem to detain him for a few months.Dehera couldn't imagine how much harm Su San would do to the people in Beijing if Su San only detained herself for a month and released Naren Gerile back!But he knew that Su San would definitely do this kind of thing.Therefore, now that Su San has made his mark, the three of them can only get along harmoniously, and he can only play with Su San.

As soon as Na Ren returned to the backyard, Bilita asked, "Why does this Master Su mean to keep us here forever?"

"Hehe! Did you know?" Narenge Rile was in a good mood this afternoon, and she found that Su San wasn't that annoying either.

"But, why don't we leave? If we want to leave, how dare the people here stop us?"

"Let's go? Where are we going! This is Fengren's territory. We can't leave until we find out what this Master Su has to offer."

Bilita asked curiously, "Why?"

"It's because Su San is the one who left us here!"

"What else can he do to us?"

Narengerile turned her head to Bilita and said with a smile: "Who knows? If we knew, we wouldn't be here anymore. Besides, Dehera won't go back to the prison, so what are we in a hurry for? Our roster has been taken away." Let's go, Master Su is doing us a favor by keeping Dehera here!"

"But is it going to go on like this forever?"

"There's nothing wrong with it! At least it's safe here. It's best to stay here until Father Khan's order comes, and we can go back to the grassland directly."

Bilita stared closely at Narenge Rile and said, "Then, shall we kill Su San or not?"

When Narengerile heard Bilita's suspicious voice, she couldn't help being stunned, and Bilita was also looking at her.He couldn't help but slapped Bilita's face, and said angrily: "Bold!"

Bilto quickly turned his face away, Bilta also lowered his head, not daring to speak.

"When did you dare to slander this princess so boldly! Do you think that this princess seems to have a crush on Su San, so she won't kill him?"

That's exactly what the two of them meant!So head down even lower.

"Go down and get the ten leather whips yourself! You don't need your advice on whether Na Ren wants to kill this person. This is not something you need to care about. If you don't want to stay here, you can go back to the grassland for this princess!" Ignoring them, he turned and went into his room.

Bilita and Bilituo looked at each other, unbuttoned their shirts, exposed their bare arms, took the whip, and whipped it!After smoking, he knelt outside Naren's door to plead guilty, and only dared to go back to the room to apply the medicine after pleading guilty.

While applying the medicine, Bilituo said: "Brother! We have to report this to the general. This situation is wrong. Princess Na Ren hasn't smiled as much as today. My smile is not fake. Princess Su San That gaze is like the gaze between lovers."

Bilita landed on the roof without saying a word!

Bilituo was in a hurry, and said softly: "Brother, you have something to say! We can't fail the kindness of General Situ. No one on the grassland knows what the general thinks about Princess Na Ren, so we can't sit idly by. "


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