
Chapter 393 You deserve it

Chapter 393 You deserve it

No wonder Su San didn't ask the case seriously. It turned out that Su San didn't intend to ask this case seriously from the beginning. 【】But yes, this was originally an unclear case, so it couldn't be better to deal with it like this.

Thinking of this, Mo Shaohua felt a little more admiration for Su San's intelligence!He knew that Su San was by no means an ordinary person, but what could such an unusual person do?In the end, it's not about being attached to the second prince or the prince.

Rather than follow Su San by himself, and still belong to the prince or the second prince in the end; it is better to leave!Otherwise, wouldn't my persistence all these years become a joke?

"Then Shaohua would like to congratulate Mr. Su, and make new achievements!" Mo Shaohua said slowly, a little carelessly!These have nothing to do with him, so there is nothing to empathize with.

Su San still said indifferently: "This is also due to your contribution!"

Mo Shaohua didn't want to get this credit!This credit is a trick, once you get in, you can't get out.Yin quickly replied: "Lord Su's words are wrong! Shaohua didn't ask about these matters, let alone tell him a few words, what credit is there for him? So I dare not take credit for this."

However, Su San didn't seem to have heard Mo Shaohua's words, but said to himself: "Whether there is credit or not, Shaohua's words don't count, Su San's words count. As long as Su San plays it, Shaohua will be reinstated." Although it is impossible, it is not impossible to find a party to govern."

When Mo Shaohua saw that Su San was trying to lure him, his heart became even more impatient!If someone else spoke to him like that, he would definitely leave in a huff.The officials of the imperial court are not given by Su San at will, so there is no need for Su San to pretend to be a good person here.

Even if the Allah is ruling one side, it is still the emperor's kindness, what's the matter with Su San!Besides, if I really accepted this official, what's the difference between it and a begging official?This is not his style.

"Thank you, Master Su, for your care! But Shaohua has been away from home for many years, and has not returned to his hometown for many years. This time, there have been major changes, and he just wants to relax. Thanks to Master Su for his rescue, Shaohua is very grateful. As for other things , Shaohua wants to wait a little longer!"

Mo Shaohua was a little worried that if he said that, Su San would give him shame!After all, Su San spent all his energy in order to save himself!If I reject Su San's kindness so much, everyone will be angry!

But Su San still said calmly: "Well! You should! You should. Then you go!"

"Ah!" Mo Shaohua never expected Su San to react like this, and for a while he couldn't understand Su San's real intention.It stands to reason that even if Su San is not furious, he still has to say things like people need to know how to repay their kindness.How could it be possible to just let him go?

Could it be that Su San has already seen through his own mind, knowing that it's pointless to keep him?Therefore, there is such an attitude!It doesn't make sense, since Su San can be so decisive in dealing with things, why did he bother to save himself in the first place?Or, Su San originally wanted to be in charge of the Nine Gates Inspection Department, and saving himself was just a matter of passing?

It seems that there is only such an explanation, otherwise Su Sanduan would not be so indifferent.

Mo Shaohua stood up, bowed to Su San and said, "Then Mo Shaohua is leaving!"

Su San waved his hand, it's not Mo Shaohua!

Mo Shaohua turned around slowly, and took two steps out tentatively!Seeing that Su San was really moved, she really wanted to let go and leave, so she finally settled down.But he was not in a hurry to leave, but turned around and said to Su San in the hall: "Actually, Mr. Su wants the nine battalions to be obedient, the method is very simple."

Su San looked at Mo Shaohua coldly.

As soon as Mo Shaohua met Su San's eyes, he stopped talking!Mo Shaohua clearly felt that Su San didn't want to hear what he said at all.

Su San snorted coldly, and said slowly: "My lord sits in the Nine Gates, and I don't need outsiders to dictate! Do you think that my lord has no means, and I have to rely on you to give pointers? Huh?"

Mo Shaohua's face became hot, and he thought that he was really talkative!My original intention was to express my gratitude before leaving, but Su San didn't appreciate it.He was still angry with himself in his heart.

That being the case, it's better to leave as soon as possible!In case Su San changed his mind and was not allowed to leave by himself, it would be a little troublesome.

He cupped his hands, turned around quickly, and walked down the hall.

"Wait a moment!"

When Mo Shaohua heard Su San's call, his heart sank immediately, secretly hating himself for being so talkative, it's all right now, he can't leave.

Pretending not to hear, you have to bite the bullet and go out!But when the guards outside the hall turned their heads in, they knew that it was impossible for them to pretend not to hear.

He had no choice but to sigh, and turned around gently.But when Su San was in the case, he waved to him, motioning for him to come closer.Moreover, the smile on Su San's face seemed as if she hadn't been angry at all just now.

Walking to the case step by step, Mo Shaohua saw the smile on Su San's face, and felt his heart beating wildly!I had no choice but to ask softly: "What else does your lord want?"

Su San grabbed it from his sleeve and took out more than a dozen banknotes, all with a face value of 100 taels!He patted the case and said: "I know you are an upright official! What you spend is more than what you earn. I heard that until now, let alone seeking benefits for the family, even marrying a wife has been delayed because of lack of money. This is not possible. Su San admires you in his heart, so you have the right to accept the money, so you can prepare something for the family when you go home, even on the way home, you also need to prepare some strength, take it."

Mo Shaohua was taken aback!Hearing the meaning of Su San's words, she still has no objection to her leaving.But what does it mean to take money for yourself?Do you give it to yourself sincerely, or do you want to use this kindness in a hypocritical manner to make the last retention for yourself?

No matter how greedy I am for money, let alone the current situation, even if I change the person or the occasion, I will definitely not be able to accept this money!

"Thank you Master Su for your generosity! Shaohua still has a small property in the city, but he can exchange some silver taels, and the travel expenses back home are still enough. So."

Su San waved his hand, and said in a very authentic way: "If you are told to accept it, you will accept it. I didn't steal the money, nor did I snatch it. Could it be that your reputation has been humiliated? It’s just a name, but it’s still going to eat the fireworks. These people, even if they don’t think about themselves, they have to think about their families. The family will pull you up with shit and urine. Don’t you just want you to get ahead? That’s good, your reputation is gone, money and wealth are gone, and even the most basic thing of having children is not available. Take this money, the world is hard, and the future I don't know how the world has changed, it's impossible for you not to marry a wife and have children for the rest of your life, it's impossible for you to be so lonely all the time."

When Mo Shaohua saw Su San admonishing himself in the tone of an elder, his face couldn't help turning green and white.He really wanted to get angry, but he suppressed his anger forcefully.With a cold face, he said: "When a man is alive, if he behaves properly, he will never be sorry for his parents and family members! The name of the picture is even more ridiculous. Mo Shaohua will be loyal to the emperor for a day when he is in office. , there will be no more slack. Even if there is some bad reputation, it was given by others, and it was not obtained intentionally. Mo Mou disagrees with Master Su's words. It is Mo Mou's private affairs, and Master Su does not bother to ask! Farewell."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Su Sanyi patted the table and said coldly: "Let's go? And when you come back!"

Mo Shaohua's heart sank, and he thought that Su San finally spoke the truth!I couldn't help but sighed, and said to myself: Everyone is vulgar!

Ignoring Su San's words, he walked out bravely.

Su San shouted in the hall: "You are something! You are an ungrateful bastard. Get out, get out, get out as soon as possible, I don't know how to raise a wolf cub, don't let my lord come to you again, or you will be good to me. Finally, I send you a few words: 'You think of the sky, and you deserve it!' Go back and think about it."

Being scolded by Su San, Mo Shaohua's face was terribly gloomy, and when he walked down the hall, he saw that all the subordinates lowered their heads and did not look at him.My heart can't help but feel sad for a while.

Hurriedly returning to the residence, looking at the small courtyard, thinking of Su San's heart-wrenching words again, he couldn't help feeling angry.Invite the housekeeper, let the housekeeper find someone for this courtyard immediately, he wants to sell it at a low price, then he walked back to the room in a dull mood, packed some things that he had carried with him for many years, and asked the housekeeper to carry them out, please Send it back to your country of origin.

At noon, the housekeeper found the man who bought the yard.Mo Shaohua didn't have the heart to bargain, so he asked the other party to pay 300 taels of silver, and then sold the yard.After handing over the title deed and writing the book, he accepted 300 taels of silver bills!

The 100 taels of silver were handed over to the housekeeper, and he was asked to go back to his place of origin with his luggage; the 100 taels dismissed the servants;

The butler said with tears in his eyes: "My lord! We just went home like this? We have been here for so many years, and it's just for nothing..." The butler said a few words, his throat was so choked that he was a little speechless.

This housekeeper was brought by Mo Shaohua's side since he was a child. Neither of them had married wives, and they rarely walked around with other officials in Jinling.Leaving like this now, I'm afraid there is no one to see him off.Speaking of it, it is really a bit bleak.

Mo Shaohua didn't have any regrets in his heart!He has been upright all his life, and he has nothing to regret at this point.It's just that the butler's mood, he can also understand, he couldn't help but sighed, patted the butler on the shoulder and said: "You go back first, I still want to relax outside! Jinling is good, but it's not something that people like me can do. A place to stay for a long time. If you are full of talents, full of promises, you have to meet people who want to use them and know how to use them. All of this is fate." After saying that, a deep sorrow turned into two lines of bitter tears and flowed down.

The butler wiped away his tears, and didn't know how to persuade Mo Shaohua, so he just cried with him.

The yard will be collected tomorrow, and there is only one night to stay in Jinling. Mo Shaohua is worried that something will happen to Su San, so he is eager to leave.Once things were arranged properly, Mo Shaohua took a few thick clothes with him, packed a backpack, tied it behind his back, and walked out the door.

Just as he was walking to the door, he saw Du Xing leading several battalion heads into the door.


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