
Chapter 394, what a great authority

Chapter 394, what a great authority

When everyone saw Mo Shaohua dressed up like this, there was no one who didn't understand Mo Shaohua's intentions. 【】

Du Xing stepped forward and grabbed Mo Shaohua and said, "My lord, what are you doing. Let's go, let's go to Master Su to give you an opinion."

Mo Shaohua smiled wryly and said: "Okay, don't trouble me anymore! Master Su's help to rescue Shaohua out of the cage is already a kindness. It is Shaohua who wants to leave, and has nothing to do with Master Su."

Du Xing said: "But he insulted you in front of the court, you can kill a scholar, but you can't insult him. You need to find someone surnamed Su to argue."

Mo Shaohua took a look at these battalion leaders, they were all the most caring people he usually trains, and said with a wry smile: "You are not fools either! Mr. Su saved me because he wanted to use me. I have already failed him, so let him It doesn't matter if you scold me! It was originally something that I didn't care about, so I don't care about it."

Tie Jinshi also stepped forward and said, "But you can't leave just like that! Whatever you say, let us see you off."

"Yes, how can we just leave like this." Several battalion leaders also shouted together.

So everyone took Mo Shaohua to find a nearby restaurant!I asked for an elegant private room and set up a farewell banquet.

Seeing how generous everyone was, Mo Shaohua had no choice but to accept the banquet.

On weekdays, Mo Shaohua has integrity, is responsible for situations, and has a heart, which is why he has won the hearts of the camp leaders.Therefore, the friendship of everyone seeing them off was genuine, Mo Shaohua felt it, and felt depressed, so he simply let go of his mind and drank together with everyone.

After a thirsty drink, Mo Shaohua drowned his worries and got very drunk.

It wasn't until some soldiers found the restaurant and said that there was something going on in the yamen that they wanted to call a few battalion heads, that the banquet was barely dispersed.

It was already mid-afternoon when Tie Jinshi, Du Xing and others walked into the main hall of the Nine Gates Inspection Department reeking of alcohol!

There were many officials standing in darkness in the hall, and there were crows and sparrows, and the situation was that they were waiting for a few battalion heads.

Seeing this situation, several battalion leaders stopped drinking, carefully stood in the line, and looked up the hall.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Feng Tianyuan said to Su San: "My lord, all the officials at all levels in the Nine Gates are here! Please give me your instructions."

Before this, Su San had been sitting in the hall with a book in his hands, even when several battalion heads came in smelling of alcohol, Su San didn't raise his head.After listening to Feng Tianyuan's words, Su San raised his eyes to the last few battalion leaders who came in!In the end, he still turned his eyes back to the book, quietly finished a page, closed it carefully, but threw the book on the table very casually, and then sat upright in the chair.

Everyone thought: This Mr. Su, what an official authority!

Su San doesn't care what these people think!The ones standing below are all his subordinates, he is a genuine old man, if he doesn't put on airs in front of these people, can he pretend to be his grandson?

"It's been six days since I've been in office! I wanted to call you all here early in the morning to discuss this year's secretary affairs. But when I called today, I waited for more than an hour for all the people to arrive. If this happened in Bie De Yamen, That's easy to say, but it's hard to say if this happened in our place, is our place an ordinary yamen?" Su San shouted.

Hearing Su San's voice so shrill, everyone knew that the new official took office three fires, and it was about to start to flare up today.Everyone secretly glanced at the battalion leaders who entered the door later, and secretly complained that they were so careless and made everyone in this hall stand here.

Naturally, some people also understand that today the Nine Camp Heads and this Mr. Su in the hall are about to compete.

Su San is now firmly seated, and the emperor's order of appointment has already come down!Even if the nine battalion heads united together, they would not dare to offend Su San.After all, Su San was the chief official of the department, and if a senior officer crushed someone to death, no matter how bad the battalion leaders were, if they said they were going to go down, they would still go down.

Otherwise, why didn't Su San call everyone together a few days ago, but waited for the formal appointment before calling everyone together?

If Su San was determined to change all the battalion heads, the nine battalion heads would not be able to make it to the sky.There are only nine battalion heads, and the relationship in the court is also complicated. It is not so easy to deal with, and it does not mean that you can go on masturbating.

Feng Tianyuan was thinking and thinking on the sidelines, thinking that Du Xing would be the one who suffers the most today!Du Xing was the least relevant among these battalion leaders. If Su San wanted to find a scapegoat, he was most likely to find Du Xing.

"Feng Changqing, tell me, what is the punishment for leaving work without authorization and going out to drink during business hours?"

Feng Tianyuan tightened his body and said: "If it is light, you will be fined, and if it is serious, you will be dismissed!"

Su San heard it quietly, but didn't speak.Just take a look at a few battalion heads who entered the door later.

The nine battalion leaders knew that Su San was going to attack them, and they wanted to advance and retreat together, but Su San really took advantage of this matter, and he didn't take it for granted.Therefore, they all wink at iron gold stone.

Tie Jinshi once boasted how strong the relationship between Tie Ping and Su San is, now is the time to prove whether he has face or not.

Tie Jinshi was the one who drank, and he thought that he couldn't get away with it.But when Su San's new official took office, the fire was the first fire, and he had no reason not to give Su San face and keep him from stepping down.

Letting Su San down is tantamount to letting himself down; if he doesn't give Su San face, Su San is afraid he won't give himself face either!Besides, Su San is the savior of the eldest brother, it is the Tie family who received Su San's kindness, not Su San who received the kindness of the eldest brother, under such circumstances, even if Su San teaches himself a lesson, the eldest brother will not help him if he knows say.So how dare he make such a head.He just shook his head again and again, shaking his head wildly.

Seeing that Tie Jinshi was willing to be punished, and seeing Su San rolling his eyes again, not knowing what he was planning, they gathered their spirits and forcibly pushed Jin Tiishi forward. The nine of them took a step up together, knelt down on one knee and said, "I It is equal to sharing joys and sorrows, receiving guilt together, and receiving punishment together!"

All the officials in the hall, this situation is really a confrontation, Su San can't help but how to deal with it.

Su San smiled and said, "What are you doing! Get up, get up!"

Seeing that Su San withdrew his cold face, the nine battalion leaders all stood up together when they knew that things had turned around, thinking: the law does not punish the crowd, even Su San dare not punish all nine of them.

Everyone is proud of themselves.But I heard that Su San didn't talk about the punishment at all, but smiled and said: "I am very happy to see you so united and helping each other! These days, I am thinking that it will be too much for each of your nine battalions to take care of each other. Loose, now that you are up, you still know how to help each other! In order to strengthen your cooperation with each other, I want to select one battalion leader from the nine battalion leaders, so as to take care of my own part as well as the overall situation! This This matter is the internal affairs of the Secretary, and I can be the master. Therefore, the purpose of calling you here today is precisely for this matter. The nine of you are all here today, so that’s just right. You can choose for yourself! Choose one Gongtou comes out and assists me in managing the Ninth Battalion."

As soon as Su San said this, the nine battalion leaders looked at each other in dismay, feeling that the alliance of nine who had a tacit understanding just now was disintegrated in an instant.


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