
Chapter 395, 1 o'clock, this 1 o'clock

Chapter 395, that moment, this moment

Feng Tianyuan was also taken aback, and secretly called out!With just a few words from Su San, the boat of nine people was broken, and the nine people could only do their own thing. 【】

Usually the nine handles are the same, and the spheres of influence do not interfere with each other. Some things need to be coordinated, and you must also establish a good relationship with other battalion leaders. Therefore, everyone is in trouble with you, and I will help you. amiable.But if Su San did this, the power would be out of balance, and once the power was out of balance, someone would definitely want to fight for it.

When the nine people are divorced, who else would dare to confront Su San face to face.This move was played beautifully, and no one could raise an objection. Even if there was an objection, if the Shangguan made a decision, how could he not obey it?

Su San's eyes flashed in front of everyone's eyes one by one, until the nine battalion heads did not speak, he said: "Since no one speaks, there is no one to choose! Then I will appoint one to try first, if it doesn't work well." , and replace it with someone else."

The nine battalion leaders all tensed up, listening to Su San's intentions.

Tie Jinshi said in his heart: Most likely there are more opportunities to pick yourself.

Su Sanyi pointed at Shi Yu and said, "You should try it first!"

Shi Yu was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Su San would call his name.

Su San continued: "Guanguan is not just a name! You have the right to intervene in the affairs of each battalion, you can question it, or deal with it according to circumstances! There will be a special position for you in the Yamen, and you can go to each battalion to choose Appoint your own qualified and qualified manpower to form your own team. The expenses for these drawn manpower are specifically listed in the secretary's expenses. If you find out that any camp has violations of regulations and disciplines, you can directly investigate to the end. But You have to be more disciplined yourself, if you are first sued to this official, it will not be a matter of removing you from the post of supervisor."

Shi Yu's scalp tightened, his heart was both happy and worried, he took a step forward and said: "This subordinate takes orders!"

"Feng Changqing, you are also taking a job in this new department. If Shi Yu has something that is not well thought out, you can help him."

Feng Tianyuan was overjoyed, and immediately said: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

Only then did Su San slap the gavel, and said, "Let's talk about going out to drink during Yingtou's official business!"

Everyone was stunned, originally thought that this matter was over, but who knew that Su San killed the carbine and then turned back.

"Since you are in charge, Shi Yu, if something like this happened to the camp below, I can only look for you. Tell me, what should you do?"

Shi Yu was tongue-tied for a moment, he was the only one who took the position, and this happened before he took the position!But when Shi Yu saw that Su San had bitten him to death, he knew that he couldn't admit it.When I went to other camp leaders, I saw that the other camp leaders lowered their heads and did not leave him.Shi Yu knew that he had been forced to the central position, and he could not get up or down.I had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Punish!"

"You are a soldier, so I won't punish you with your salary. Come on, drag it out, and you will be responsible for twenty battles!"

"Guang Ling!" A token was thrown down.

Someone quickly stepped forward and dragged Shi Yu down!

The sound of "Porphyrin" came from the board, only Shi Yu's muffled hum was heard.I don't know if the catcher was showing mercy, or Shi Yu gritted his teeth, but Shi Yu didn't cry out.

Logically speaking, Shi Yu should have yelled!In this way, Shangguan will relieve his anger and feel that the punishment is in place.Su Sanxin said: Shi Yu is quite an honest person, and his choice is not wrong.

All of a sudden, the board was finished.The policemen should have played very measuredly, Shi Yu, except for a little inconvenience in his movements, was a big problem.But his face was flushed, presumably he must have been punished in court, and he couldn't bear it.

Su Sankuan said: "In the future, restrain the camp gates carefully, so that no similar incidents will happen again."

Shi Yu really hated and couldn't hate, and couldn't stand up, so he could only bow his head and say: "Yes, my lord!"

"Then, let's go. Do whatever you want." Su Sanyi waved his hand.

After Tie Jinshi left the gate of the yamen, he felt a little regretful on the way back to the camp.Such a good job was snatched by Shi Yu.If you want to blame it, you can blame yourself for not being firm. As soon as Mr. Su came to Sili, he pointed out the relationship between him and his elder brother Tieping, and he worked side by side with him to calm the chaos.It's because I didn't know how to cherish the opportunity, and I didn't support Mr. Su several times, otherwise today's errand would definitely be the flesh in my hands.In charge of the Nine Gates, in that department, it is equivalent to being under one person and above ten thousand people. What a pity, what a pity.

Su San told everyone to disperse, and felt relaxed!For him, these small tricks are too commonplace. With such a small number of people, he has no reason to be unfair.

A Shi Yu got up today to form a competitive relationship between them.With the relationship of competition, there are people who want to perform desperately.In this way, I don't have to bother to stare at them and guard against them.

Governance is great governance!The chief official who does everything by himself is actually not a good official.This is the concept that Su San has always believed in.

If the power that should be let go is kept in his hands, it will only be more dragged down, and it will not be effective.The camp affairs are handed over to Shi Yu, and the internal affairs are handed over to Feng Tianyuan. Although they are not the powers bestowed by the emperor, as long as they are in power for one day, they can use the powers they have added to them.There is no special official position, but there is a special status. If you want to keep this special status, you have to honestly give your life to yourself.

Without such an immediate boss as themselves, they lost their biggest backer.

After Su San put everything in the yamen into Feng Tianyuan's hands, he walked into the yard behind the yamen. There was still a headache waiting for him in the yard.

This trouble, of course, is Narenge Rile who has come and doesn't want to leave!

Headache, Su San really has a headache!With Narenge Rile's posture, she won't live until the day before returning to her original country, and she probably won't move away from here!I am determined to disgust myself.

Su San really wanted to do something to make Narenge Rile angry, and it would be best if Narenge Rile could be angered away.But in the end Su San gave up on this idea!Because Narengerile is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Now she is the one who takes the initiative, and she is at a disadvantage. With the emperor on top to support her, she can deal with herself confidently and boldly.

If I was careless and didn't think about it at all, then I would fall into the hands of Naren Gerile.In such an unfavorable situation, it's better for him to avoid it.

What's more, I don't need to spend so much energy for a Narenge Rile!With so many things waiting for him, it's not a good idea to waste time arguing with Na Ren.If she wants to stay in the yamen, then let her stay.Anyway, the food is for Na Ren himself, and he doesn't have to pay for it himself.

If I was in a good mood, I would reluctantly agree to a few requests from her; if I was in a bad mood, I would ignore her.As long as her safety is guaranteed, can she still use the emperor to suppress herself?

Thinking of this, Su San walked into the courtyard where Naren Gerile lived!

I saw Bilita and Bilituo wrestling in the yard!Several Narengerile's guards also applauded.As soon as Su San came in, the two stopped their hands.But he was shirtless, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, revealing his solid muscles, and he pointed at Su San like a demonstration!It seems to be interested in buying.

Su Sanxin secretly smiled, ignoring their hostile gazes.Instead, he stood upright in the yard, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "I'm here to ask the princess if she needs anything, please send a report!"

Su San was extraordinarily polite, as if he wasn't the one who sang and danced with Dehera and Narenge Rile a few days ago.Naturally, there is a saying here, when Dehera is present, it is called a three-party meeting, no matter how the talk is, it does not matter if it is passed on to the court!No one will arrange him in a crooked way again.

But this moment, that moment!Now that Dehera has gone back, there are only people from both sides left in this yard.At this time, be careful.After all, Narenge Rile is carrying the name of a marriage. As long as Chi Keen agrees to the reply of the marriage and conveys it to the Feng Dynasty, Narenge Rile will be the queen concubine.If the two of them were alone, even if there was nothing wrong with them, no one would be able to resist being splashed with a basin of dirty water by someone with a heart.

Besides, if Naren Gerile wanted to use this incident to hurt him, then he would have no place to cry.In Su Sanlai, Narenge Rile was not someone who couldn't do these things.

Therefore, at this time, you should bring as many people as possible around you, and keep a sufficient distance from Narenge Rile!This distance includes not only space, but also attitude.

Narengerile heard Su San's voice in the room, and walked to the open door.Today Na Ren wore a cotton gown that sealed people off, and the light red satin printed on her face, making her look even more delicate.Beautiful women, no matter what clothes they wear, they are all seductive.Foreign women wearing Feng Dynasty costumes are even more seductive.

If it is not Su San who is in this courtyard today, but Prince Zhao Guang is in this courtyard, I am afraid that it will be inevitable to lose one's soul.But Su San looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, looking unmoved.

Su Sanzhuo Naren Gerile held the book in her hand, looked at herself with a little resentment, then lowered her eyes directly, and stopped looking at her.before he comes.The more Narenge Rile dressed herself up like this, and the more she showed resentment towards herself, the more it showed that the hidden things behind it were not simple, and it was impossible for her to be fooled by Naren.

Narengeri was happy to see Su Sanji give her a cold look, and lowered her eyes.The heart was angry for no reason, and then sighed softly.Across the door frame, separated by so many guards, Narenge smiled lightly at Su San who was standing quietly in the courtyard, and said loudly: "Master Su, please come in!"


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