
Chapter 396, faint thoughts

Chapter 396, faint thoughts

Of course Su San would not enter, but said loudly: "I came in just to ask Princess Na Ren if there is anything I need, if not, Su San will go back.【】"

Holding the book in her arms, Naren Gerile said with a giggle, "Although this yard is your place! But now that Naren lives here, it is Naren's place. The master invites guests to come in, but the guests dare not enter. Why is this? Or is it the custom of all of you to seal people?"

But Su San laughed and said: "Princess Na Ren is a guest in the feudal kingdom, so she was not the host in the first place. The relationship between host and guest is unreasonable in the first place. The princess is a foreign envoy, and Su San is an official of the imperial court. It is better to meet in broad daylight." !"

Well you are in broad daylight!Na Renge felt resentful every day, seeing that Su San was determined not to come in, she waved her hands and said with a smile: "Then Master Su, hurry up, you don't have to run here every day in the future."

Su San smiled again: "The emperor has taken care of the princess's daily life. I can't tell you, but I have to come in every day. Please don't bother the princess."

"You pay tens of taels of silver every day, and you call it taking care of others?" These days, Narenge Sunguang has spent a lot of money to eat the food of the Su Mansion.But Su San refused to provide these for free, so Narenge Sunlight complained a lot.So take the opportunity to ridicule.

Su San heard that Na Ren was so fussy with him, so she smiled and said: "Princess mainly doesn't want to order those extra dishes, so Su San ordered from the best restaurant on the street. In this way, the princess will save a lot of money." .”

"You're really stingy!" Na Ren snorted, ignored Su San, and went into the room.

Su San raised her voice and said: "Since there is nothing else, I will leave now."

From the door frame of the main hall, a hand holding a book was stretched out and waved in the air to make a farewell gesture, but Naren Gerile did not show up again.

Su San thought, it's really troublesome, I have to come in every day and say these two words with Na Ren Ge Ri Le, Na Ren is not annoying, I will be annoying.And the key question is: I am ready to get rid of Narenge Rile, but once she lives here, how can I do it?

Could it be that this woman has broken her mind?

Hearing Su San turn around, Narenge Rile leaned back, showed half of his head behind the door, and watched Su San go out of the courtyard.It was not until the guards closed the courtyard door that Narengerile took back her leaning posture, carried the book on her back, and circled around the room.

In the yard, the guards began to struggle again. In the cold weather, each of them was topless, catching and falling. Narenge Rile had long been accustomed to these things, and she didn't treat them just because she was a woman. This kind of scene is shy.Martial arts, this is the true nature of a man.

However, I still like boys who are quieter, like Su San, there is nothing wrong with it.Whether it is a man or a warrior, as long as he is a man, he must have an aura.Without this kind of momentum, no matter how good the martial arts are, no matter how good the talent is, what is the use?

Naren Gerile thought for a moment, then turned to the maid and said, "Send a message to Princess Heyi, and tell her that Naren is currently living in the yamen of the Nine Gates Inspection Department, and ask her to visit her when she is free." Come talk to Na Ren."

The Nine Gates Inspection Division is Su San's territory, Zhao Qian cares so much about Su San, she must know that Su San is in the Nine Gates Inspection Division!In order to have a chance to meet Su San, Zhao Qian did everything possible to come.If Zhao Qian came, would Su San dare to stay in the courtyard instead of entering the door?

How do you hide from me!

When Mo Shaohua sobered up from a drunk, it was almost dusk!

The housekeeper cooked hot soup for Mo Shaohua to soak his feet, and brought a cup of fragrant tea for Mo Shaohua to sober up.Mo Shaohua drank tea slowly and soaked his feet, and then he slowly recovered.He asked the housekeeper, "Is there anyone coming this afternoon?"

The butler shook his head and sighed, "No one will come again."

The housekeeper was concerned about the coldness of the world, but Mo Shaohua was worried that Su San would go back on his word.Seeing that no one was looking for him anymore, Mo Shaohua felt relieved and left in no hurry.But seeing several ingots on the table, he asked, "Where did this money come from?"

"It was sent by some battalion heads! It is said to help the master with his legs."

Mo Shaohua smiled lightly and said, "Take it! I have 100 taels on me, which is enough." After speaking, he lifted his feet from the basin, and the housekeeper stepped forward to help Mo Shaohua dry his feet.While wiping, he replied: "The master still carries it with him. If you want to relax outside, it is also good to bring more money."

Withdrawing his feet, Mo Shaohua still snuggled into the quilt, waved his hands and said, "Do as I tell you."

While pouring the footwashing water into the yard, the butler glanced at the slowly rising moon, went to the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles and handed it over, "Master, let's just eat some noodles!"

Mo Shaohua gulped it down, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's better to eat like this and enjoy yourself. You should go to bed early, and you have to travel far tomorrow. I will start as soon as the city gate opens, you don't have to." Get up and see me off."

The butler nodded, collected the silver taels and bowls and chopsticks on the table, and went back to sleep.

Mo Shaohua blew on the oil lamp by the bed, turned on the lamp beside the bed, and leaned against the bed, enjoying the cold moonlight outside.There is always a faint thought of separation in my heart, which cannot be dissipated.

I can be regarded as a very free and easy person, why is it so sad when it comes to this?Mo Shaohua laughed at himself.Be prepared for danger in times of peace. When he was in office before, he didn't think about the situation like today!Originally, I thought that even if I encountered such a thing, I would leave in a leisurely way, but I didn't expect that when the matter came to an end, I still couldn't escape the common feelings.

It's not that I'm in love with the official position, nor that I'm sad about losing the emperor's favor; it's that the whole dynasty is about to slide to the brink of disaster, and the people of the country don't know it yet, and I'm at a loss and feel sad.

Troubled times are approaching, the former refus the wolf and the later the tiger, who can save this country?

The second prince has some abilities, but unfortunately his temperament can only put the entire Feng Dynasty into a more dangerous situation.If Su Sanzhen surrendered to the second prince, it might help the people of the country survive, but the final fate could not be changed.

Unless there is a change of emperor, it may be saved in case; but is this possible?Don't say that the Holy Spirit is very energetic today, in the spring and autumn period.Even if the emperor dies, the two candidates to inherit the throne will not look like a holy king.Since neither is a holy king, no matter whoever becomes the emperor, whether it is the prince or the second prince, I am afraid that this situation cannot be saved.

Mo Shaohua sighed, a deep sense of power lingered in his heart, which could not be calmed down for a long time.Leaving is the best result, avoiding the main military area far away, living in a remote place, and avoiding the war from affecting the family as much as possible.


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