
Chapter 397, so it is

Chapter 397, so it is

It's ridiculous that Su San thinks that he has outstanding talents, is smart for a lifetime, and has won the emperor's trust, so he is greedy for power. 【】What's the use of these?Ten years ago, he was in the prime of his life, wasn't he also full of holy will?But today, it's not the same result!

Full of enthusiasm, ten years of youth, outstanding talent, all wasted in vain.Life has its ups and downs, isn't that what it is?How many more years will you, Su San, be able to do?

It won't be long before the two countries of Fengyuan wiped out the Jing people, and when the original people are going south, can you still sit in the hall?

Thinking of how Su San scolded him in class today, Mo Shaohua felt his face burn.Then he sighed again, and then laughed at himself: They are all people who have already left, and they still care about what to do.Young man, it's already pretty good to be able to suppress the fire for so long.

On the contrary, what Su San said at the end was somewhat confusing.It sounds ugly, but when I think about it now, it's a bit weird!What does it mean: go and come back?

Is it possible to go back by myself?Could it be that Su San took something against her?

Mo Shaohua could no longer think of any way Su San could hold him back!Besides, Su San is a smart person, he should have realized that he didn't want to be an official anymore, even if he forced himself to stay, it would be a trouble.What was the reason for him to say the phrase 'I will go back'?

Maybe it was because Su San was in a hurry, so he talked nonsense.However, what he said after that was even weirder.Especially the words that Su San sent to himself at the end: "You Si is the sky, and you deserve it!" .

These few words always feel a little strange, I really want to be the master of Qingtian, in fact, I have also handled many difficult cases in the position of Jiumen.Cheng You's words that he is Mo Qingtian are not false.

But the blame is that I am a resigned official!Even with the name of Qingtian, it doesn't hinder Su San in any way.Anyone with a little intelligence would not scold: You are worthy of it.

And if other young officials said that about themselves, that would be normal!Young and vigorous!But it's not normal for Su San to speak like this.Su San's mind is different from ordinary people, how could he be so impulsive?These last few words were not only sent too harshly, but also those swearing words in front of the street could never appear on Su San again.

But this happened.

Mo Shaohua thought about this blankly, and couldn't think of why Su San made such a fuss.After thinking about it for a long time, he smiled again, and said to himself: "It's really hard work, what's the matter? I walked away by myself, and I will never deal with Su San again. How can I go around? Habitually thinking about this! Why can't my mind be idle?"

Because I lay down flat, I decided not to think about these things any more, and prepared to sleep well again, and start my traveling career tomorrow!I just slept well, but the room was not closed yet, and the cold came in waves.So I had to sit up again and go to close that.

When I closed the door, I saw the moonlight as white as washing. Although it was not a full moon, it was still bright and lovely, and it was printed in the room with spots and spots, which was not a special scene.Because I thought of the poem Mingyue Poem written by Su San, there is a saying: look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think about your hometown.

"Hey, what a pity for such a great talent!" After finishing speaking, Mo Shaohua stretched out his hand and gently pulled Ge inward.

Just when Ge was about to close it, but didn't close it, Mo Shaohua's eyes seemed to have caught something, his eyes were wide open, staring straight out, and his whole body suddenly froze there.Guan's hand also seemed to be frozen, holding it motionless on the lattice, without any movement.And the expression on Mo Shaohua's face was as if the seven souls had gone and the six souls had died suddenly.

Mo Shaohua's situation at this time, if outsiders saw it, they would think that he had seen a ghost, but if he went to the place Mo Shaohua was staring at, it was dark and there was no ghost.

Mo Shaohua just sat on the head of the bed like this, holding Ge with his hands, and he had to have such a stick of incense to finally fight a cold war, and the whole person was considered to be awake.

Mo Shaohua, who came to his senses, closed the door very quickly!He found the fire folder again, lit the oil lamp, put on his clothes, and started walking back and forth in the room.The spirit of the whole person became extremely excited in an instant, and he no longer felt sleepy.While walking, Mo Shaohua rubbed his hands back and forth from time to time, as if he had discovered something unusual and surprising.

Naturally, an extremely astonishing thing was discovered!And if this matter is really revealed, it will be a major event that will break the sky.Otherwise, Mo Shaohua would never be so emotional.

I heard Mo Shaohua keep chanting: "You think about the blue sky? Do you think about the blue sky? Could it be that Su San is really making riddles and couplets? You think about me, think about you, do right, green versus yellow, sky Right! I want to be the yellow land, I want to be the emperor, I want to be the emperor!"

Every time Mo Shaohua reads it, he takes a deep breath! "He also said: You deserve it? The corresponding answer should be: who else but me!"

Mo Shaohua patted his head and thought to himself: I said how could Su San react so radically, so he was hinting!If "You think as the blue sky, you are worthy" is the first couplet; then wouldn't the second couplet be: I want to be the emperor, who else can I?

I am a dear mother!Who the hell is this Su San?This is really killing me, Su San is really crazy if she plays too much.

But if it wasn't for Su San being so crazy, it would be difficult to understand Su San's actions.Only by knowing Su San's intention, can all Su San's actions be understood.That sentence: If you will come back, it can be understood now; Su San's anger in front of the court today, and the behavior of driving himself away can also be understood as secretly recruiting himself.

But how dare Su San hint at herself so boldly?This is a great crime against the heavens, and it is to punish the nine clans.Is he so assured that he won't inform?Or, he has already seen through himself, and is disheartened by the current court situation?

Anyway, that's what Su San hinted at.Then, how should I face it next?Is to continue to leave?or stay?

If you leave, you will be wandering in the rivers and lakes, and sit back and watch Feng Chao be annexed by the original people!

To stay here is to rebel with Su San!

Mo Shaohua rubbed his hands, feeling a little hesitant.

He was thinking, does Su San have the ability to rebel?What is his reason?Why is he so bold?Or does he still have a backstage?

Mo Shaohua felt a lot of thoughts rushing in, and his mood had never been so chaotic.I always feel that this news came too suddenly, too unexpectedly, and too intensely, so that my brain is a bit insufficient.

His intuition told him that tonight he would make the biggest decision of his life!

One step forward may be a catastrophe; one step backward may miss many wonderful achievements.Where do we go from here?

Hey, why did I meet such a bold Su San?In the two face-to-face exchanges with Su San, Su San let himself choose independently.The first time, I chose to take a step closer to Su San; this second time, did I jump directly into Su San's boat?

When he thought of jumping on Su San's boat and rebelling with Su San, his heart jumped twice, as if he had done something shameful.

He hurriedly glanced back, forth, left, and right, and saw that the room was empty and there was no one else, so he felt a little relieved.It's ridiculous that I was still laughing at Su San as ridiculous just now, I'm afraid that in Su San's eyes, I am the real ridiculous existence.

I feel that my mind is still a little messy, thinking about things here and there, but I still can't settle down to think about the key issues.Mo Shaohua simply blew out the lights, walked to the courtyard, let the cold wind blow his face, and tried his best to calm down his emotions.

In fact, it was still early. When I was in office before, at this moment, I was still in the yamen and had not returned.Now I am alone, I have nothing to do, and I go to bed as soon as it gets dark, so there is no pressure.

Well, you still have to be careful about this matter!Su San is so bold, but he can't follow Su San so crazy.Think it over, think it over again.

Su San is an unusual person, even he himself is not sure of his temperament, this kind of person can only be described as unfathomable.For such a person to be an emperor, he himself is not sure whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.But if Su San becomes the emperor, one thing is certain is that he will be an emperor with means, a heart, and a pattern.

The current situation needs such an emperor!The people also need such an emperor to save them from fire and water.

So, from the source, if the country really has an emperor like Su San, it can be regarded as the gospel of the people.

So, the next question is: Why did Su San want to be emperor?

Is it pure ambition to seek to usurp the throne?Or do you also realize that the chaos is coming and want to save billions of people?

Mo Shaohua couldn't figure this out clearly, although he had an intuition that Su San would not be so stupid as to usurp the throne in peacetime (this is absolutely possible.) But he really couldn't think of how Su San could be so bold.

It stands to reason that Su San has only been in Jinling for two months!Even if Su San is extremely smart, has an unusually unique vision, and has a clear understanding of the officialdom, and judged from various situations that chaos is coming, but only two months later, he not only broke the momentum of future development, but also With such a quick action, I determined what I wanted, and quickly started to make arrangements.

Is this too unreasonable?

It's really unreasonable, but it seems to be the case in reality.Therefore, Mo Shaohua couldn't figure this out.Therefore, he decided to put this question aside and go directly to the next question.That is: whether Su San has the conditions and possibility to become an emperor.


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