
Chapter 398, Forget it

Chapter 398, Forget it

If Su San took advantage of the chaos and waited for Yuanren to start going south, then he might not be able to become emperor. 【】Su San should be able to figure this out, but if he doesn't take advantage of the chaos to become emperor, then what is Su San's plan?How will he carry out his plan?

Even if his plan is carried out smoothly, he will definitely be able to stop the chaos from approaching.

The more Mo Shaohua thought about it, the more he lost his confidence!

It's not that he didn't think about going to discuss these issues with Su San face to face.

But if he really wanted to meet Su San face to face, if he really wanted to discuss these things openly, then he could just sit on the boat honestly.For Su San, this must be a secret that can't be spread out even if killed!It was impossible for Su San to let the person who knew the secret leave.If you really want to ask, you can only be prepared to stay in the boat forever.

Mo Shaohua still hesitated!No matter how free and easy he is, he has to be cautious about this kind of thing.

There is a strong desire to take this road in my heart, but my mind tells myself to be careful, and be careful.This mood drove him to walk faster and faster in the yard.When he was sweating from walking, he forced himself to sit on the steps.But after sitting down for a while, he stood up again and walked faster and faster.

With all these things, it was only in the early morning that Mo Shaohua could truly settle down!

Since I can't make up my own mind, let Su San decide this matter!Su San said that she would go back, so she should go back and ask him face to face.Just because I don't have confidence doesn't mean that Su San doesn't have confidence. In fact, Su San is indeed smarter than himself. Maybe he has a better solution.

Forget it, the left and right are just one death.Even if I'm not satisfied with the final result, that's the so-called, no matter how bad it is, it won't be much better than the whole life and what I'm comfortable with now.

Having made up his mind, Mo Shaohua returned to the room, put on his clothes again, arranged his clothes in a leisurely manner, and after tidying up his hair, he still carried the changed clothes on his back.Only then did he leave the yard and walked towards the Su Mansion.

On the street, it was quiet, no one moved around!

From the alley in the distance, there was the sound of clappers on duty at night, and it was already Yinshi!Holding torches, a group of soldiers walked obliquely from the street not far away. They were Du Xing's men.This area is under the jurisdiction of Du Xingying. Since the Shangyuan Festival, at the request of Su San, patrolling on this street has become a law.

Even if I leave the Nine Gates Inspection Division, the sky of the Nine Gates Inspection Division will not be ruined.Some things should be done, and they will still be done, and they will not stop because of their departure.

Mo Shaohua clung to the eaves of the street, carefully avoiding the patrol team, and walked in the shadows for a long time before reaching the door of the Su Mansion.

The gate of Su Mansion is not big, but the inner courtyard of Su Mansion is huge!When Su Yi was in office, Mo Shaohua had been to the Su Mansion. Now that the owner of the Su Mansion has changed, he came back this time, but it was a different scene.

After standing in the alleyway in front of the door for a while, Mo Shaohua finally walked over and knocked on the door of Su Mansion.

According to common sense, at this time, even if someone is on duty at night, it is impossible to come to open the door for him so quickly!Therefore, Mo Shaohua deliberately knocked loudly on the door, and knocked a few more times in a row.

After clapping a few times, I guessed that there should be a sound from inside, knowing that the door would not open so quickly again, so I stopped, planning to stop and knock again.

But the door opened unexpectedly.

With a sound of 'squeak', Zhang Gong slowly opened the door and glanced outside.Seeing Mo Shaohua standing outside the door, the man fixed his gaze on Mo Shaohua, and looked him up and down.Then he asked in a low voice: "Are you Mr. Mo Shaohua?"

scare!When Mo Shaohua heard this man's question, he was stunned.How did this person know that he was Mo Shaohua?

Knowing that it is impossible for a sect to have such a guess, Su San must have ordered him to appear, so the person on duty at night would ask this question.Hey, I really fell into Su San's plan!

Smiling slightly, Mo Shaohua nodded to the man in the door and said, "Exactly!"

When Zhang Gong saw that the person who came was really Mo Shaohua, he couldn't help being overjoyed, secretly thinking that the task assigned to him by the third master had finally been completed.

Hastily stepped aside, asked Mo Shaohua to come in, and gently closed the door.Then he spread his hands to Mo Shaohua, made a gesture of invitation and said, "Please!"

Mo Shaohua didn't speak, and silently followed Mr. Zhang inside.

There are three large courtyards in the Su Mansion, each with a large area.The two of them walked all the way to the westernmost side courtyard of the third entrance.After entering the yard, Mr. Zhang closed the gate, and said to Mo Shaohua: "The third master said, when you come, just wait in this yard, don't move around!"

Mo Shaohua nodded, really just stood in the yard obediently, waiting quietly.

Zhang Gong turned to the wing room on the left side of the yard, and knocked lightly on the door.

After a while, a very young man came out of the door.Mo Shaohua went there by the light in the yard, and saw that the young man looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, and his face was extremely tender.After looking carefully, I found that it was the housekeeper Xiaoan who went to the prison of Dali Temple with Su San a few days ago to visit him.

Zhang Gong and Xiao An said a few words, and Xiao An stepped forward to salute Mo Shaohua and said, "Mr. Mo, please sit in the room to escape the morning cold!"

Mo Shaohua had already let go of his airs when he was an official. In fact, he didn't put on airs too much when he was an official, so he was able to treat people with a normal heart.He smiled and said, "I'm going to be the butler, Xiaoan!"

"Mr. Mo, you're welcome." Xiao An smiled and led Mo Shaohua to the room.

Mo Shaohua walked into the wing room while thinking: Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Only the two people around Su San, calm and not arrogant, can show Su San's good looks.

Zhang Gong went to the kitchen to get a fire, and lit a charcoal stove in the room.Xiao An took clean water to make tea, and after working for a while, she sat down and talked with Mo Shaohua by the fire.

Mo Shaohua had many questions in his mind, thinking that since Xiao An and Zhang Gong were people around Su San, they should know something about Su San to some extent.Then he asked, "Your third master, when do you usually get up?"

Xiao An said with a smile: "You must wake up before you die, every day! No matter how late you go to bed, this rule will never change. Now the time is almost the same."

"So you're so hardworking! No wonder his writing skills are so outstanding. Don't you usually spend a lot of time reading?"

"Actually, not much! I only have time to read and practice calligraphy. But getting up early every day to practice martial arts is unshakable. When I was not an official, I still had some time to write and paint. Now I am busy during this time, and I have to go to the Yamen every day." I went to get some errands, so the time is much tighter." Xiao An spoke slowly, and there seemed to be no defense at all between the words.

It's just that these words have nothing to do with what Su San wants to do!

Mo Shaohua knew in his heart that if he asked such a question, he would not get any results. He thought that Su San seemed to be very familiar with the big and small things in Jinling City, and someone must be helping Su San to collect this information.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Su San to name the heads of the camp once he entered the Nine Sects without ever meeting those heads.

Thinking that this information must have been collected by Su San's servants under his orders, he said, "Your time is tight, you must be more tired! I and your third master are very sensitive to the big and small things in the city." It’s hard work for you to understand.”

Xiao An smiled lightly and said, "Don't dare to say that you are troubled! In fact, these things are done by dedicated people, and Xiao An doesn't need to ask at all."

"Oh! Is someone doing it?" Mo Shaohua immediately pricked up his ears and asked curiously.


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