
Chapter 399, Homemade Breakfast.

Chapter 399, Homemade Breakfast. 【】

Xiao An nodded, as if she didn't hear Mo Shaohua's questioning, but slowly made a cup of tea for Mo Shaohua!Don't go too deep on this issue.

Mo Shaohua felt as if he had been caught by a cat, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Mo Shaohua's eagerness to know, Xiao An couldn't help but smile too.In fact, if Su San hadn't told him that he didn't need to hide too much from Mo Shaohua, he wouldn't even say this.The lesson from a few days ago is still vivid in his memory, now is the time for him to be very careful.If he hadn't wanted to say something, even if Mo Shaohua tried his best, he would never be able to trick him into saying a word.

Seeing that Xiao An didn't say anything, Mo Shaohua felt itchy for a while, so he also left.After all, he has been an official for many years and has deep thoughts.Since Xiao An refused to say anything, he didn't ask any more questions.At least now he already knows that Su San's backside is not simple.

In other words, how can a person who wants to be an emperor be as simple as it seems on the surface?

Just as he was thinking about how to come up with something, he heard a sound coming from the yard.

Mo Shaohua followed Zhang Gong and Xiao An's eyes and glanced outside the door, and saw that Su San had gotten up and was practicing martial arts in the yard.Su San's slow and graceful movements didn't seem to be practicing martial arts, but dancing.

Xiaoan turned around and saw that Mo Shaohua had already got up, and said: "Mr. Mo, please wait here. When the third master is practicing martial arts, he doesn't like others to disturb him."

Mo Shaohua smiled and said: "I never thought that your third master is still Wu Shuangquan!"

Zhang Gong continued on the sidelines and said: "This is where you are. It's not just Wu Shuangquan. Our third master is proficient in everything, and he is good at everything. There is no third master who can't do it." Zhang Gong said Words come from the heart.At least in Zhang Gonglai, Su San can do business and cook, and knows that Su San is not just an ordinary person, but a real proficient.

Since Mo Shaohua came from Zhang Gong, he is also a martial arts practitioner. Seeing Zhang Gong speak loudly, he said: "Compared with your martial arts, the third master, who is higher and who is lower?"

Zhang Gong immediately said: "Naturally, the martial arts of the third master is higher. The third master killed the thunderbolt hand with one punch, so Zhang Gongcai can't compare with him! It can't be compared, there is no way to compare."

"Thunderbolt Hand?" Mo Shaohua was stunned. He presided over the Nine Gates and had contact with martial arts people, so he naturally knew the name Thunderbolt Hand He Haotian.Can't help asking: "Is Thunderbolt dead? When did it happen?"

Zhang Gong said: "Don't you know? He Haotian has always been attached to Lin Hailu. When Li Daoming's imperial envoy went to Wuling to investigate the case, Lin Hailu sent He Haotian and a dozen others to chase and kill Li Qin envoy. If the third master hadn't punched him After He Haotian died, how could there be Li Cheng now?"

Mo Shaohua couldn't help being surprised when he heard Zhang Gong say so casually!Although he didn't know the specific details of Li Daoming's assassination, he knew about it.He didn't expect that Su San, who was still a commoner at that time, would get involved with Li Daoming, and all these things would happen.

Being able to kill He Haotian with a single punch, even a person like him who has never practiced martial arts, can calculate that Su San should be very good at martial arts.

With this prejudice, when Mo Shaohua looked up at Su San's dancing movements in the yard, he felt different.

But he was a little puzzled, where did Su San get so much time and energy to perform so well in both martial arts.And thinking about it now, Su San's maturity of mind, depth of understanding of the world, and even his seasoned way of doing things, which one is not outstanding?Su San like this is simply a monster, right?Such characters should only appear in story books, and exist in people's limited imagination.

After a long time, Xiao An stood up and said: "It's almost dawn, and it's about time for the third master to stop. Let's wait outside?"

Mo Shaohua put his mind to it, and walked into the yard with Xiao An and Zhang Gong!

In the kitchen on the other side, a little girl was cooking under the kitchen fire, as if she was preparing breakfast.Xiaoan and Mr. Zhang are holding brooms and cleaning the floating dust in the yard.The people in the yard seem to be doing their own things regularly, indicating that they do these things every day.

After waiting in the yard for a stick of incense, Su San held back his breath and withdrew his hands. After calming down, Su San took a leisurely look at Mo Shaohua.

Mo Shaohua didn't know what was wrong with him, as soon as he met Su San's eyes, he couldn't help calling out: "Master!"

Su San didn't seem to be surprised, but nodded naturally, and said, "Let's talk in the room!" After saying that, he walked into his room.

Zhang Gong brought in the charcoal fire, Xiao An helped Yu'er bring in the wash water, and Yu'er brought in the prepared breakfast together.Watching a group of people busy with work, Mo Shaohua felt that this scene seemed to have appeared in a dream before, so he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Su San wiped her face with a gauze scarf, then wiped her neck, then took the jacket from Yu'er and put it on her body, and put on a long robe, which was neatly tied. Said: "Sit down, let's chat while eating!"

Xiaoan asked Mo Shaohua to sit down together, and they all sat down around Su San's desk.Su San picked up a dumpling, put one into Mo Shaohua's bowl first, and said, "Try Yu'er's craftsmanship! Ning Yuan never tires of eating it."

Mo Shaohua thought that with so many people, it would be hard to say anything, so he relaxed and satiated before talking.The dumpling is really soft, and the ingredients inside are very special. I can't tell what it is, but I think it is delicious.The porridge is also very warm, with some unique side dishes, it is really a dream breakfast.I didn't care too much, and used it in a big way.

In fact, everyone is also wolfing down, there is no distinction between primary and secondary, there is a faint affection between everyone, just like a family.

While eating, Su San said to Xiao An: "I'll take Mr. Mo to 'Ting Chao Xuan' for a walk later."

Xiao An nodded quickly.

Su San then said to Zhang Gong: "Don't be fooled around all day, Martial arts is not only a test of martial skills, but also a test of strategy and strategy. If you can't pass this aspect, it is useless for you to kneel in front of the third master and cry. Spend a little more time reading, and there is still half a year of work, as long as you work hard, you will have enough time."

"Don't you want to ask the third master for advice and pick some books for the younger ones?"

"Don't choose! You have to go by yourself. You can read all the military books designated by the martial arts academy. Isn't it enough for you?"

Zhang Gong scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Su San then said to Mo Shaohua: "Let Xiaoan take you around today to familiarize yourself with the situation. Later, Ningyuan has some important matters here, and I have to leave them to you. I heard that Chaoxuan is an important place for Su San. You There must be some contact with them in the future, so it’s good to get acquainted with them as soon as possible. If you have any doubts, after you go there, you will naturally understand, and there is no need for Ning Yuan to explain anything.”

It never occurred to Mo Shaohua that Su San didn't talk to him at all, and got straight to the point.It made it impossible for him to refuse.

Originally, he was full of questions to ask, but now he was blocked by Su San, and now he couldn't ask at all.

On the contrary, he acted vigorously and decisively, but Su San really trusted him so much?The two had known each other for only a month.

Su San didn't have as many worries as Mo Shaohua, he was a person who wanted to do big things, and it was impossible for him to put all his thoughts on tempting his subordinates.Moreover, time does not allow him to come slowly like this.

One month's observation time is enough for Su Santou alone, especially this kind of secret observation, Su San believes in his own vision and judgment.In fact, even if he really made a mistake in judgment, Su San did not have a backup plan.

Su San naturally knew that Mo Shaohua still had many doubts in his heart at this time, and he didn't want to stay here with all his heart.But since Mo Shaohua came here, Mo Shaohua should have already made preparations to stay here forever.

As for the questions in Mo Shaohua's mind, instead of explaining them one by one, it's better to put the reality in front of him and let him figure it out by himself.

Although this move was somewhat aggressive and bold, in fact Mo Shaohua was always under his control and it was impossible to escape.Once he finds that Mo Shaohua's mind has changed, he can make him disappear at any time.

Besides, Su San put 'Ting Chaoxuan' in front of Mo Shaohua so quickly, it wasn't a sudden thought, a whim.Rather, it is well thought out.After all, what he wants to use Mo Shaohua to do is a major financial matter that is closely related to the dream of supporting his entire empire.If there is a problem with this, the loss will be huge.

This huge loss refers not to money, but to time!He has no time to invest more energy in money.The situation does not allow him to calmly plan, and considering the current situation, he must take some bolder measures to bring in a large sum of money in a very short period of time.

Su San wants to take advantage of the fact that he has not yet joined the army, and while he still has time to preside over here, he will collect as much money as possible from the folks into his own hands, in order to make greater use of it.

If Mo Shaohua couldn't figure out his strategic intentions and guess his overall plan from "Listen to Chaoxuan", then Mo Shaohua would not be the Mo Shaohua he imagined.But in the present, since Mo Shaohua was able to enter Su's residence, it is enough to show that he is a person who is good at thinking and observing.I shouldn't be wrong.

Letting go of this thought, Su San said to Yu'er: "How are things going with you these past few days? Are those women still obedient?"

Yu'er eats the most among these people. Hearing Su San's question, she gently put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then replied: "Yes! They are all studying seriously. Sister Feng studies most attentively, and it is often someone else. After resting, she is still practicing alone, even Yu'er can't help herself."

"Well, tell the students that work and rest should be combined! Only when you have enough rest can you study better. Zhang Gong, you should learn too! There will always be something useful in the future."

Zhang Gong looked depressed, but he had no choice but to nod.


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