Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 120: Evil will be rewarded with evil

Tie Hai frowned and remained silent.

Tears flowed from the green clothes, and she begged, "Elder Hai, please read the friendship between the two families and wait for a few days. I'm afraid... before I get home, I won't be able to keep him. I've failed the elder's good intentions."

She is very good at talking, calmly pointed out the predicament, and secretly praised Tie Hai.

Tie Hai was in a difficult situation.How can the water splashed out by words be changed day and night?

And Bai Xiaoya was watching from the side, he couldn't change his words. [

Seeing that he was loose, the green clothes kowtowed repeatedly, "Elder Hai, please, if something happens to our head, there will be chaos in our Zheng family. This is something no one wants to see."

Tie Hai thought about it, once the Zheng family's forces were in chaos, it would be troublesome and not conducive to the overall situation.

Seeing how pitiful she was, my heart softened, and I let out a long sigh, "Forget it, get up, let her stay on the boat to recuperate, but she is not allowed to enter or leave the cabin at will, if you have anything to ask the guards outside."

He also specifically pointed out a relatively remote room, sent them to live there, and sent four guards outside to guard it in turn.

Lu Yi felt relieved, "Thank you, Elder Hai."

The idlers were all driven out, Tie Hai frowned, and looked around, "Let Miss Bai move to the Xing Pavilion next door, you live together alone, and it will be bad for your reputation if it spreads."

Even the future wife can't be so casual.

It's a pity that Zhuo Ran doesn't like this, he can't wait for it, he spread his hands with a hippie smile, "That can't be helped, I want to protect the little girl."

Tie Hai was a little annoyed, "I've already said that this kind of thing won't happen."

This kid has always acted well and is very measured, why can't he get around this kind of thing?

Zhuo Ran put away his smiling face and said coldly, "As long as the evil spirit is not dead, this kind of thing will still happen, and it is impossible to prevent it."

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

He couldn't bear the consequences of this eventuality, Xiaoya had to stay under his nose to be at ease.

Like a deflated ball, Tie Hai sighed softly, "He is always your real brother, and he has already lowered his head just now..."

Zhuo Ran said indifferently, "Second brother is rather small."

Although the words were short, the meaning was understood.

Tiehai was very frustrated, these children were not reassuring.

It's better to be alone and have no children.

"Miss Bai is not that weak, she has the ability to protect herself, Miss Bai, what do you think?"

The little girl had a well-behaved and sensible face, and said with a soft smile, "I listen to brother Zhuo Ran all the time."

"You..." Tie Hai almost rolled his eyes. The fierce and invincible female Kaohu just now suddenly became a docile house cat, a little incapable of accepting it.

But her words were impeccable, without any flaws.

He could only sigh, "A girl's reputation matters."

He also has no choice, Zhuo Ran will be the future Patriarch, so he must pay attention to every word and deed.

Especially the patriarch himself is romantic, but he has high demands on his children and doesn't like their children's misbehavior.

The little girl pursed her lips and snickered, what does it matter, the Bai Xiaoya in everyone's eyes is not Tang Junyong.

Anyway, two rooms, it doesn't matter.

She is not used to staying in strange places. She has been surrounded by a group of people since she was a child. She has never been alone like this before.

Now only brother Zhuo Ran is the most familiar person, and she doesn't want to be too far away.

Fame is nothing, as long as you are open-minded.

Seeing this, Elder Hai was very puzzled. What's so funny?

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