Seeing this, Elder Hai was very puzzled. What's so funny?

Could it be that she made up her mind to pester Zhuoran?So let it be?

The sliver of goodwill that had just arisen was swept away in an instant.

He despises women who shamelessly climb dragons and phoenixes the most, and despises them.

Xiaoya doesn't care what he thinks, anyway, she can't do anything to her. [

Zhuo Ran didn't take it to heart, no matter how much he babbled, he just smiled and said nothing.

Elder Hai persuaded for a long time, talking dryly, but he didn't move one of them, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and walked away.

Finally, the ears were clean, Zhuo Ran let out a sigh, and touched Xiaoya's head, "Xiaoya, it's my fault, I didn't protect you well."

He loved to touch her head since he was a child, and he didn't know how he got into the habit.

The little girl in the past slapped him long ago, but now she is lazy and doesn't want to move, and squints her eyes comfortably.

"Why? You protect me in everything, and your heart never wavers. I'm very happy. Besides, I'm not that weak."

His movements paused, and his voice was a little heavy, "But I'm a man."

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, and understood what he had said. He is a man, and he is born to protect women.

Well, she will continue to be a lazy rice pet, eat well, sleep well, play well, and be a good newcomer.

"Dong dong." The servants brought over supper, steaming meat wontons.

As soon as there was something to eat, the little girl shone brightly, and immediately forgot all the depressing things.

The wontons are plump and crystal-clear, with a little scallion floating on the soup, a few traces of egg flower, sprinkled with sesame oil, take a bite, the meat filling is delicate and smooth, so delicious that you can't wait to swallow your tongue.

Seeing the little girl who was eating so much, Zhuo Ran whetted his appetite, um, it tastes good.

"Don't blame Uncle Hai, he is not a bad person."

The little girl ate four wontons in a row before she raised her head and said inarticulately, "A straightforward person with a hard mouth and a soft heart, a simple mind and strong martial arts."

A few words lightly revealed Tie Hai's temperament.

Zhuo Ran looked at her appreciatively, "Wow, my little girl is really amazing. She knows Uncle Hai's temperament just after seeing her once. She's so smart. Come on, I'll reward you with a wonton."

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, one?Treat her like a child.

She bluntly dug another one from his bowl and put it in her mouth. [

"Don't flatter me, I won't be angry with him, but your second brother..."

Tie Weiyu, Zheng Qiniang, these two people, she has written down, it is the family rule of the Tang family to avenge any enmity and repay any kindness.

Zhuo Ran knew her temperament well, but he couldn't say a word of pleading, "He is my half-brother, what can I do?"

It is impossible to slap him to death, and it is impossible to throw him into the sea to feed the sharks.

You can only take away everything he cares about, and let him live in the pain of not getting what he wants all day long.

Well, he is not a kind person either.

The little girl kept moving her mouth and glanced at him in her busy schedule, "He won't give up."

Zhuo Ran smiled nonchalantly, "Soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the earth, his ability is limited, he can't make any tricks."

If Tie Weiyu doesn't take it to heart, he won't be able to turn the sky.

The little girl drank the last sip of soup, wiped her mouth contentedly, and asked with a smile while holding her warm stomach, "Which brother do you fear the most?"

She had the posture of a long talk, with curiosity on her face.

Zhuo Ran laughed, "They're all my brothers, how could they..."

Seeing her glaring at him with those big watery eyes, his heart went numb, and the truth came out, "It's the fourth brother, you should be careful when you meet him."

The little girl stared and frowned, "Has he ever bullied you?"

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