His face was flushed, he covered his nose with his hands, his eyes were red like a rabbit, like a mouse scratching his heart, he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to die.

When Tiehai heard the movement, he turned his head, and was surprised to see a lunatic with hair all over his hair and red face jumping around on the boat, accompanied by sneezing.

How is this going?

I never heard that Tie Weiyu suffers from epilepsy!

The corner of Zhuo Ran's mouth curled up, drawing a mocking arc. [

Overwhelmed!deserve it!

The boat finally landed, and the people who had been waiting on the shore for a long time were all dumbfounded.

Patriarch Tie stared blankly at his second son, who was always gentle and elegant, but now he looked like a madman out of control, with torn clothes, bloodstains from scratches on his body, and a long stream of snot on his face, looking disgusting.

Oh my god, is this the second young master of the Tie family?

"Father..." Tie Weiyu rushed out of the boat first, pointed to the little girl on the bow, and was eager to complain, but opened her mouth, "Ah."

The sneeze was earth-shattering, the yellow nose sprayed Patriarch Tie's face, and everyone present was petrified and cracked.

The head of the family is so clean, he wears a snow-white robe all the year round, and his clothes are fluttering, very stylish.

But this time all the clothes were ruined, and it was so disgusting that it made people want to vomit.

Tie Weiyu's eyes darkened, she really wanted to pass out.

"Father forgive me, I..."

The atmosphere was stagnant, and everyone looked at each other awkwardly.

Elder Zuo has a more tactful temper, so he quickly jumped out to make a rescue.

"Everyone is finally back, Zhuo Ran, we were all frightened when we heard that you were in distress at sea."

Zhuo Ran's face was pale, and even if he saw his father whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he didn't look happy, so he cupped his hands, "Blessings everyone, come back safely."

Weiyu covered her face with her sleeve, and was busy scratching it again. She couldn't stop sneezing, and he didn't want to, but she just couldn't control it.

His face turned into a pig liver color, and he was completely ashamed in this life.

Angry from his heart, he turned around and rushed to the boat.

Elder You reacted very quickly and grabbed him, "Weiyu, what are you doing?"

Tie Wei Yutian had difficulty even saying a word, "Revenge..." [

After saying two words, he opened his mouth wide and was about to sneeze again. Elder You was startled, let go of his hand quickly, and jumped to the side.

too disgusting.

Weiyu was stabbed deeply by his actions, her eyes were red, she pointed at the little girl frantically, her whole face twitched in hatred, but she was too busy sneezing to speak properly.

I was so anxious that I was going crazy, I jumped on both feet, I really wanted to die.

This time the embarrassment was too big, and the face was disgraced.

All eyes were on Xiaoya, and she was standing on the prow of the boat in a pink dress, facing the wind in the sky, her skirt fluttering like a fairy.

The skin is like snow, the eyebrows are picturesque, and the satin-like blue silk flutters in the wind, showing a beautiful appearance.

Patriarch Tie's eyes flashed with realization, "This is..."

Tie Hai was very anxious, and winked at her desperately, "Miss Bai, it's the fault of handing over the antidote."

This is a terrible situation. In front of so many people, especially the face of the Patriarch, it will have serious consequences.

At least the faces of the left and right elders changed, becoming angry and aggrieved.

But the little girl didn't appreciate it, she pouted her mouth and refused to bow her head, "I don't, he wants to throw me into a dungeon and beat me to death, I'm just going to punish you a little, it's just a gift, don't be too polite."

If you dare to have sex with her, you will kill him!

Elder Zuo frowned, very displeased, "Girl, your heart is too cruel, even if Second Young Master did something wrong, the elders and family members will teach you the lesson, and it's not up to outsiders to do it."

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