Elder Zuo frowned, very displeased, "Girl, your heart is too cruel, even if Second Young Master did something wrong, the elders and family members will teach you the lesson, and it's not up to outsiders to do it."

Elder You was also very upset, "Come to our Fengyun Island, you dare to do something to our Tie family, you are really daring, hand over the antidote, and spare your life."

The little girl curled her lips and made a grimace. She hates these people and she is going home.

What a broken place, it's not interesting at all.

Zhuo Ran endured it again and again, but still couldn't hold back, "Father, Xiaoya is just a child, and she won't take the initiative to provoke trouble."

Although he didn't hear clearly just now, Xiaoya understands her temperament very well, and she will not tease people for no reason.

The second brother must have said something unpleasant, and he is not worthy of sympathy at all.

"Father." Weizhu jumped up anxiously, his face was scratched in pieces, like a ghost, "She, ah."

Surrounded by a beautiful woman, several maidservants rushed over, they were shocked to see the scene in front of them, tears flowed down, and their hearts ached.

"Husband, save Yu'er quickly, he is my only son."

The little girl rolled her eyes, cut, it's not like she's dying, so why exaggerate?

Even if he was going to die, it would be in vain.

Patriarch Tie took a deep look at her, and called softly, "Xiao Wu."

A young man in Tsing Yi walked out behind him, his head slightly lowered.

"Yes, father."

He took out a golden needle from his bosom, walked to Weiyu's side, and stuck a few needles on several acupuncture points, and he felt no pain at once.

The little girl stared wide-eyed, wow, the medical skills are very good, not as good as the master, but much better than her.

Strange, he is not very old, why is he so powerful?

As soon as Tie Weiyu was freed, she wiped her face desperately, stared at Xiaoya viciously, wishing to chop her into eighteen pieces.

"Father, you must avenge me. This little girl relies on her elder brother to love her, so she is pampered and spoiled, causing trouble, and doesn't take anyone seriously, even you. Just bully me, I..."

Not only did he sue the little girl, but he also dragged his elder brother along to get rid of the two annoying guys in one fell swoop.

The beautiful woman was furious when she heard that, "You are so brave, how can you have such a savage little girl? Husband, please let the concubine take care of her."

Xiaoya stood at the bow of the boat and looked down at the crowd below with a look of impatience.

"Okay, okay, what means do you have, just let the horse come here." [

What kind of mother is there, what kind of son is there, all of them are all the same, and they can't get on the stage.

That woman is the second wife of Patriarch Tie, and she is so favored that even the left and right elders want to give her three points.

Her position in the Tie family is very stable, equal to the eldest wife of the Tie family, so her temperament is extremely spoiled.

What's more, the person who was humiliated this time was her most beloved son, how could she bear it?

She yelled, "Come here, take her down, put her in a water prison, and don't give her food or drink."

The way she looked at Xiaoya was like looking at a dead person.

In her heart, this girl was doomed.

The servants responded and stepped forward to grab the little girl one after another.

Patriarch Tie had no expression on his face, just looked at Xiaoya and said nothing.

Zhuo Ran's cold mask couldn't be worn anymore, and he was in a hurry, "Father."

He is well aware of the second wife's status in the family, and he is almost unambiguous. As long as it is not involved in major issues on the island and does not hinder the interests of the Tie family, his father has always turned a blind eye.

Seeing his flushed face in a hurry, Xiao Ya felt much more at ease, didn't he like to pretend?Keep pretending!

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