Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 174: Prince Mu is finally here

Tie Zhongtang's eyes were like electricity, and his cold eyes moved slowly across everyone's faces, his voice was as cold as snow, "Who else is not convinced? Stand up."

The domineering aura that belonged exclusively to him emerged spontaneously, filling the entire room.

The crowded people were out of breath nervously, looking at each other with deep fear on their faces, how dare they say a word?

His methods of dealing with the enemy are cruel, and everyone knows it.

I can't imagine how miserable it would be if he was regarded as an enemy. [

At this time, Xiaoya felt a little respect.

He started to pave the way for the eldest son to succeed in the future. First, he took the most arrogant second wife, mother and son, and killed the chicken to respect the monkey, and warned others not to move.

It's just... such a father is scary.

Family love is gone in the face of power.

If it was her, she would rather have a loving father. Although rights are good, they are not important to her at all.

She sighed secretly, and didn't think about it any further, this was the Tie family's business, not her business.

The eyeballs rolled around, observing everyone's expressions openly and aboveboard.

Zheng Qiniang's complexion was very strange, complicated beyond description in words, as if she was happy, sad, hesitant and nervous, sad and frightened.

She seemed to feel something, her eyes swept over, and when she saw her, her complexion suddenly became fierce, and she stared at her fiercely, full of anger.

The little girl curled her lips, not in the mood to practice her eyes with her, and turned her eyes to look at others.

Tie Weiyu held her hot face and stood there stupidly, like a lifeless sculpture.

Tie Xiaosan lowered his head, unable to see any expression.

Tie Xiaowu frowned slightly, and flicked the corner of his clothes lightly with his right hand, over and over again, as if this was the most important thing.

And Tie Xiaosi smiled at the corner of his mouth, slowly sipping the wine, calm and at ease.

The women were not so sulky, and their faces showed signs of calm, but none of them dared to speak out.

Tie Zhongtang waited for a while, but no one stood up to speak.

"Since no one objects now, don't ever object in the future. If someone plots against him in the future, or makes troubles secretly, he will deal with it according to family law, and there will be no mercy."

His voice paused, then suddenly raised his voice, "Weiyu, what is the first rule of family law?"

Tie Weiyu recited like a wandering soul, "Unconditional obedience to the Patriarch, if you dare to disobey, you will be... killed." [

He spat out the last word "killing" with difficulty, sweating frequently, and his clothes were drenched on his back.

His father was too cruel to treat him like this.

He is his son, not an enemy. Doesn't he care about his son's life or death?

The atmosphere was extremely stagnant, everyone's faces were tense, and their breathing slowed down unconsciously.

Even the smile on Tie Xiaosi's face froze, showing a strange expression.

As if Tie Zhongtang didn't see it, he continued to give instructions, "After the dinner, the wives are confined in the courtyard, copying Buddhist scriptures, cultivating their mind and character, and don't come out if there is nothing to do."

Everyone's hearts are chilling. Is he going to vigorously attack all forces and reintegrate?

The third lady couldn't help crying, "Husband."

She didn't say anything, why didn't she even let her go?

Tie Zhongtang looked at her coldly, "If you disobey me, you will all be expelled from the house, and you don't have to come back."

The second young lady couldn't help but shouted, "Father, what did mother do wrong? Do you want to blame her so severely?"

She was born of the third wife, and the relationship between mother and daughter is very good.

Tie Zhongtang said flatly, "This is not a punishment, but a sympathy for her hard work and let her have a good rest."

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