Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 175: Prince Mu is finally here

Tie Zhongtang said flatly, "This is not a punishment, but a sympathy for her hard work and let her have a good rest."

A group of women who are full and have nothing to do, why don't he come and find something for them to do, so that they don't think about house fights every day and stir up a mess.

His words broke everyone, and they couldn't believe it, even the six-year-old girl couldn't believe it.

The second miss felt sorry for the grievances suffered by her biological mother, and she was so angry that she said, "Father, why do you listen to Bai Xiaoya so much? Whatever she says, it's nothing. Have you ever thought that these people are your closest pillow people? It hurts their hearts too much."

Hmph, Bai Xiaoya shut herself up and copied Buddhist scriptures softly, her father didn't know what was going on, his head was hot, so he did it. [

What exactly is going on?

How could Bai Xiaoya have such a great charm that she could change her father's mind who never interfered in the affairs of the backyard?

Miss Tie didn't hold back either, "Yes, father, Bai Xiaoya is just an outsider, she must be uneasy and kind, you can't be fooled by her."

The little girl rolled her eyes, she was really innocent, she was watching the show well, why did she get involved?

She did nothing, but was charged with many crimes.

Tie Zhongtang waved his hand resolutely and interrupted her, "Mingning, from now on, I don't want to come back until my mother's family has not invited you."

Miss Tie was shocked, "Father, you..."

Did she hear it wrong?

Her father wouldn't do that to her.

Yes, must have heard wrong.

Tie Zhongtang didn't even look at her, and went straight to the point, "Ma'am, the second daughter and the third daughter are both in their prime years, and marriage should be put on the agenda."

"Yes." Da Furen was secretly happy in her heart. The delegation of power by her husband was out of respect for her and affirmation of her.

This made her very happy, and even her anger when she heard her daughter being blamed was calmed down.

Will she finally be able to stand upright and be an upright and powerful lady?

Has Hu Meizi ever climbed onto her head relying on her husband's favor?

She has the final say on everything in the backyard?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel elated.

The faces of the others were heavy and extremely ugly, but no one dared to say a word.

Under the accumulative prestige, how dare to resist? [

Father took the opportunity to stand up for Zhuo Ran, no matter who rushed up, he would be killed by cannon fodder.

The lesson from the past is right in front of you, how can you act rashly?

Tie Zhongtang had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, smiled faintly, and raised his glass.

"Come on, let's toast my father and wish him a long and healthy life."

Old Man Tie drank it all down, patted his son on the shoulder and laughed, "Okay, you've finally been decisive."

This son can be called perfect, but he has some flaws in female sex, there are so many women that he can't even count them.

And those who can raise a house to be a concubine are all those who have children, and there are probably hundreds of women who have no children.

When there are too many women, there is trouble.

However, he never paid attention to the affairs in the backyard, and let them mess around, making people's hearts flutter and turmoil.

Tie Zhongtang smiled slightly, his eyes were deep and deep, like a bottomless deep pool.

Zheng Qiniang watched him violently attack, resolutely and resolutely, turning the clouds and rains, turning the world around in just a few words, and falling apart.

She felt chills in her heart, but for the sake of the future, she had no choice but to step forward, "Uncle."

Tie Zhongshang frowned slightly, and cut off her words before she finished speaking.

"Miss Zheng hasn't recovered yet, so I'd better go back to rest earlier. lest the guests see a haggard bride and think you want to hurt the face of the Tie family."

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