Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 177: Prince Mu is finally here

Seeing this, Tie Zhongyu leaned over curiously, took a look, smiled inexplicably, and looked up at Xiaoya.

The little girl felt terrified when she was seen, why did she smile so weirdly?

Could this guest have something to do with her?

Hey, could it be that the family came to look for her?

Brother?Or parents? [

Thinking of this, she was shocked and her eyes lit up.

Under the expectation of everyone, after a while, a pair of outstanding men and women walked in side by side.

The man was dressed in black, handsome and immaculately elegant.

The woman is wearing a long dress that looks like a fairy, her country is beautiful and heavenly, she is peerless, she can be called a pair of lovers, she is dazzling.

Handsome men and beautiful women stood together, like a spotlight, attracting countless eyes.

Xiao Ya watched them approaching in a daze, her heart seemed to be grabbed by an unknown hand, and it was difficult to breathe.

How are they?

Zhuo Ran frowned, his heart seemed to be immersed in icy sea water, freezing him from head to toe.

How did they come?

Who brought them here?

Why is there no news in advance?

The two bowed profusely and performed enough etiquette, "Mu Feng, the younger generation, has met Mr. Tie, Mister Tie Da, and Second Master Tie."

"Ye Yuning, the daughter of the Medicine King, has seen Mr. Tie, Mr. Tie Da, and Mr. Tie."

"Please get up, both of you." Old Man Tie stepped forward to help them up, grabbed one of them with each hand, and looked very intently, "The Central Plains Wulin really has a lot of talents, and the young people are formidable."

The members of the Tie family were shocked. How could their grandfather be so polite and courteous?

Do these two people have a lot of background?

Judging by the clothes, they are all good-looking, with outstanding temperament, they must come from the rich and powerful.

Ye Yuning blushed and became more and more beautiful, like a peony in full bloom, luxurious and graceful.

The man who called himself Mu Feng was generous and generous, "I don't dare to be that."

He was talking politely, his eyes were already turning around the room, and he found Xiaoya at the first time, he was in a daze for a moment, the noise in the room seemed to disappear, the beauty like a cloud disappeared, and only this girl was in his eyes.

He couldn't hear what others were saying, so he couldn't help walking over, step by step, slowly and forcefully.

His affectionate gaze remained unchanged from beginning to end, tightly locked on that beautiful little face.

Standing still in front of her, excited emotions kept churning in my heart, thousands of words came to my mind, but they turned into one sentence, "Yong'er, long time no see."

The little girl seemed stupid and didn't respond.

Their sudden appearance, beyond her expectation, was too shocking.

He is the prince of a country, he should be living in the palace, how could he go to Fengyun Island thousands of miles away?

What is he doing here?

Countless thoughts flashed by, and my head was about to explode.

Zhuo Ran felt sore in her heart, sighed, and lightly touched her feet, she opened her eyes wide as if she had just woken up from a dream, and smiled politely, "Senior Brother, Senior Aunt Yu Ning, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to be here See you."

haven't seen you for a long time?Less than half a year, where did it take so long?

If possible, she would never want to see this couple in her lifetime.

But running to the ends of the earth, you can't avoid them.

She was very polite, no longer the intimacy of the past, she used politeness to distance herself, as if reminding herself, and reminding the other party that they could not go back.

Mu Jinmo looked at her affectionately, without blinking her eyes, as if she couldn't get enough.

"I came here specially to pick you up. I heard that you had an accident at sea, and the elders in the family are very worried..."

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