Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 178: Prince Mu is finally here

"I came here specially to pick you up. I heard that you had an accident at sea, and the elders in the family are very worried..."

He was as gentle as ever, as if nothing had happened, and the eyes he looked at her were still full of tenderness.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Ye Yuning's eyes, but she quickly disappeared.

The little girl pursed her lips, her heart ached, she didn't want to hear him say any more, "I'm fine, how is everything at home?"

He looked at her deeply, stretched out his slender right hand, "Okay, everything is fine, let's go back." [

The Tie family didn't know that these two people were Bai Xiaoya's family members until now, and they were all very curious.

This man looked extraordinary, and he couldn't hide his nobility.

Mufeng?Which martial arts family has the surname Mu?

After searching around, I don't remember any famous family with the surname Mu. Could it be that they used a pseudonym?

Xiaoya took two steps back, avoiding his hand, drew a distance, smiled slightly, and was very polite, "I have a good life here, and I plan to stay for a while. Wandering around, it’s not in vain to take a trip.”

Mu Jinmo's eyes dimmed, and he was sad, and a shadow was cast over his whole body, causing the women present to gasp, feeling pity spontaneously.

Such an outstanding young master actually showed a hurt expression because of Xiaoya's words. What is the relationship between them?

Ye Yuning's heart was overwhelmed, she took a step forward, intentionally or unintentionally blocked Jin Mo's sight, and smiled sweetly, "Yong'er, you call me Shigu?"

In the past, such a smile would make the little girl feel like a spring breeze, but now it makes her feel cold all over.

She said flatly, "You are my senior aunt. You used to be young, ignorant, and yelled nonsense. Now that you have grown up, you still have to abide by some rules."

It's just a sister-in-law, the sisterhood has long since disappeared like smoke and no longer exists.

A crack appeared in Ye Yuning's perfect smile, "You hate me? Yong'er, we have some misunderstanding..."

She always thought she was the best, the most perfect, and the most lovable of all the children.

But after being coldly received during this period, I realized that the previous popularity had a premise.

That is, she must be Tang Juanyong's good sister, the person she trusts and loves the most.

Now when the two turned their faces, the others also turned their faces.

Not to mention that the Bai family and the Tang family were both annoyed and treated her indifferently, even the father who always loved her changed his face and blamed her for stealing Yong'er's man.

Did she snatch it?

The person Jin Mo likes is her, it's her, Ye Yuning. [

Yong'er was the object he had to choose, a compromise driven by interests.

Xiaoya glanced at the two of them lightly, feeling pain in her heart, but it has faded a lot. The heart-piercing pain at the beginning is now just a very faint layer of sadness.

"You think too much. No matter what, you are the daughter of the master. The relationship between the Ye and Tang families will not change. Don't worry about that."

She is not a fool. Once she jumps out of that boundary, she can see clearly many past events and people's hearts.

I used to be stupid, maybe I was a fan of the authorities.

Ye Yuning's expression froze, as if she had been slapped twice, with pain and numbness.

Is she implying that the Ye family needs to be attached to the Tang family in order to be prosperous?She, Ye Yuning has to curry favor with Tang Junyong in order to be popular?

Unfortunately, she couldn't refute a word.

Mu Jinmo pushed away Ye Yuning who was blocking the way, and looked at the little girl bewilderedly, "Yong'er, we have been to Yaowang Valley and the port, and we are only one step away..."

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