Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 179: Prince Mu is finally here

Mu Jinmo pushed away Ye Yuning who was blocking the way, and looked at the little girl bewilderedly, "Yong'er, we have been to Yaowang Valley and the port, and we are only one step away..."

An annoying step, like this every time, never catch up with her.

That time at the port, Ming Ming quickly caught up with him, but he passed by in the end, so he could only look at the ocean and sigh, feeling extremely annoyed.

Now that he has finally caught up with her, he never wants to leave her half a step away.

Xiaoya sneered mockingly, why are you chasing her? [

She made such a fuss back then, vigorously, and didn't save face for anyone, especially him. It can be said that she lost all face and everyone.

Did he catch up to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?

That's too petty.

"When is the wedding date for the two of you? If I'm free, I will go to the wedding with my family."

Because of the friendship between the two families, it is impossible to turn against each other. If he wants to take revenge, he will probably have to wait until his next life.

Mu Jinmo felt a sharp pain in her heart, "Yong'er, she and I..."

Old Man Tie frowned and winked at his eldest son.

I want to come with him to grab my grandson's wife, dreaming.

Tie Zhongtang said with a cheerful smile, "Both of you sit down quickly, don't make everyone stand by you."

No matter how anxious Mu Jinmo is, he can't be rude. This is the demeanor of a royal prince, and there is no room for mistakes.

The two sat down one after another, and the servants brought drinks.

Tie Zhongtang stood up and waved his hand, "Both of you, it must be very hard work coming from a long distance. Come, this is the sea turtle wine from our island. Drinking it can relieve fatigue."

"Thank you, Mr. Tie Da." Mu Jinmo swallowed it up, turned the cup upside down after drinking, and paid respects to the other party, showing the grace and demeanor of a child of the royal family.

The eyes of all the women present were shining, and their hearts of admiration spontaneously arose.

Such a handsome and noble man is exactly the dream of a spring girl.

The Tie family did their best to be the master, and Mu Jinmo was good at dancing with long sleeves. He was good at talking to people, talking nonsense when he saw people, and the guests were enjoying themselves.

It's just that other people are a little bit out of their minds, and the seven souls have lost three souls.

The little girl was playing with the wine glass, drinking one sip at a time, her little face was as bright as a peach blossom when she drank it.

A heart at a loss. [

The little hand was held, she turned her head in a daze, and frowned.

Zhuo Ran snatched the wine glass from her hand and asked someone to bring tea, he poured the tea himself and handed it to her.

She pursed her lips, a little displeased, she wants to drink, not tea.

Zhuo Ran stretched out his hand stubbornly, but refused to retract it.

Xiaoya sighed with a bitter face, took the teacup helplessly, and took a sip, the bitter tea spread in her mouth.

What kind of tea is this, why is it so bitter?

He must be trying to punish her.

Seeing that she had drunk, Zhuo Ran lowered his head and ignored her.

The little girl gave him a hard look, rolled her eyes, secretly poured the tea from the cup into his wine glass, shook it, and solemnly raised the wine glass and forced it into his hand, motioning him to drink it.

The corners of Zhuoran's mouth twitched, that bratty girl played tricks on him again.

But still inexplicably drank the bitter and spicy liquid, his stomach felt uncomfortable, but his heart felt a lot better for no reason.

Seeing this, the little girl pursed her lips and snickered, hahaha, it's hard to drink, and I share the bitterness.

Mu Jinmo saw all this in his eyes, and felt sore in his heart. He clasped his fists and saluted, and said with a slight smile, "Mr. Tie Da, I want to take Yong'er away tomorrow, I wonder if I can?"

Tie Zhongtang frowned slightly, then let go quickly, and said with a smile on his face, "Since you're here, why bother to leave, the scenery on the sea is beautiful and rare, so why not stay here for a few more days."

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