Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 198: The past cannot be traced back

Only Yong'er can affect him like this.

In the past, I didn't know the taste of love and missed it.

Now I finally understand that it is not too late to catch up.

He believed that Yong'er would return to him sooner or later based on their more than ten years of relationship.

Of course, you have to get rid of the obstacles first. [

Ye Yuning looked at his distraught look, his whole body seemed to be immersed in ice water, shivering from the cold.

Who is he thinking about?

Who can make him show tenderness?

Is it Tang Junyong?

Thinking of this, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, and shook my head desperately, trying to shake off that terrible conjecture.

"No, no, you're trying to anger me on purpose, Jinmo, I really didn't do anything, I won't ruin your business, I'll just do my best to help you, really, I can do whatever you want me to do, I'm at your disposal."

She spoke incoherently with excitement, her eyes were scattered, her lips were pale, and deep fear floated on her face.

She would never admit that she lost to Tang Juanyong who was inferior to her in everything.

Mu Jinmo snorted coldly, "That's enough, just calm down by yourself."

He flicked the corner of his clothes and drifted away.

He left as soon as he said, without mercy.

Ye Yuning's heart ached, she rushed forward and grabbed his sleeve, only one crazy thought was in her mind, to keep him, not to let him go to Yong'er.

He is hers, and she must not lose him.

"Stop, Mu Jinmo, don't forget, I know a lot about you, if I tell you all, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes went dark, and his throat felt a sharp pain.

Mu Jinmo grabbed her neck with one hand, his black eyes narrowed dangerously, and his whole body exuded a cold murderous aura.

"Can you say that again."

Ye Yuning was strangled by the neck, gasped for breath, and then woke up, the gentle and elegant man in front of him became murderous, dangerous and terrifying.

Oh my god, is she crazy, she can't choose what to say...[

It's over, it's miserable now.

The strength in the neck is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting more and more difficult for her to breathe, like a fish that is about to drown, with her mouth opening with difficulty.

Two lines of clear water rolled down and landed on his big cold hands, but he didn't move at all, still staring at her gloomyly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

At this moment, her heart froze.

It turned out that he really didn't love her, and if he became ruthless, he would kill her.

Even if they grew up together, as long as they blocked his way, they would kill him.

But why at this time, her love for him is still so deep, so nostalgic?

"Amo, I was wrong. I was just too angry to be confused. I take it back, take it all back."

Mu Jinmo's eyes were extremely cold, and there was a chill in the air, "I hate people threatening me the most..."

Ye Yuning cried in fright, tears streaming down her face, "I don't dare anymore, never again."

She always knew that his gentle appearance was a false appearance, but after seeing too much, she mistakenly thought that he was really a gentle man.

Until now, she woke up from a dream. He was not the man who grew up with her childhood sweetheart, but the crown prince who grew up in the palace and walked through the sea of ​​blood and conspiracy.

The heights are extremely cold, and the higher you stand, the greater the danger.

And he can live safely until now, and still keep the crown prince firmly, no one can shake his position, not by luck, but by being more ruthless, more ruthless, and more cunning than others.

Under the moonlight, Mu Jinmo's dark eyes exuded a cold and gloomy light, like a beautiful evildoer, ready to rush over and bite at any time.

"If I want to disappear in this world alone, I have a lot of ways."

His tone was cold and heartless, and his eyes kept staring at her, as if he was thinking about how to do it.

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