Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 199: The past cannot be traced back

His tone was cold and heartless, and his eyes kept staring at her, as if he was thinking about how to do it.

Ye Yuning shivered and trembled all over. At this moment, she had no doubt that he had murderous intentions towards her.

Too late to regret, I wish I could take my words back.

"Ah Mo, I'm sorry, I'll listen to you, let me go, I'm so uncomfortable."

"Hmph, I'm going to kill you, you will never live until tomorrow." Mu Jinmo smiled coldly, let go of his hand, took out a snow-white handkerchief, wiped it carefully, threw it away, and drifted away as if no one was there. [

Ye Yuning clutched her burning throat, fell limply to the ground, bursting into tears, heartbroken.

How could he be so cruel to her?

Different from their chilling, Xiao Ya followed Zhuo Zhe carefully, as if afraid of getting lost.

Zhuo Ran stopped, sighed softly, and pulled her to his side.

As soon as she grabbed her little hand, she refused to let him hold hands as if angry, and just followed him without saying a word.

Zhuo Ran had nothing to do with her, so he tried to walk as slowly as possible.

"Little girl."

The little girl stepped on his shadow, kicked and kicked, and lazily responded, "Huh?"

He stopped talking, and called again after a while, "Little girl."

Xiao Ya stared at his back impatiently, "What are you doing?"

Just say something, why do you keep calling her name?

Zhuo Ran pursed his lips, hesitated for a long time, and asked softly, "You...really won't go back with him?"

Xiaoya heard the worry in his voice, and became inexplicably happy.

The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and she said with a smile, "I won't go back for now, let's play for a while before talking."

"You..." Zhuo Ran couldn't see her expression, let alone guess her thoughts, so he simply walked to her right and grabbed her sleeve with one hand, "Are you serious about what you said?"

The little girl doesn't like to walk at night, she doesn't like to walk in front at night, she always feels that there will be ghosts popping out in the dark night, she always likes to follow others, it's a strange habit.

But because it's her, try to accommodate as much as possible.

The little girl rolled her eyes, remembering that they were still in a cold war, and pouted, "So what if it's true? So what if it's fake? It's none of your business?"

Isn't he very attractive? [

Don't you want to talk to her?

Zhuo Ran sighed again, his voice was very low, like a whisper, "Don't go, stay..."

Before she finished speaking, a black figure jumped out from the side, the little girl turned pale with fright, rushed into Zhuo Ran's arms without daring to look up, and screamed, "Ghost, brother Zhuo Ran, there is a ghost."

Tie Zhongyu rolled his eyes towards the sky in a speechless voice, "Is there anyone as handsome as me?"

It's all Bai Qianqian's fault, what a ghost story to tell the child.

Not only did she speak in the middle of the night, but she also coordinated with various voices, which greatly stimulated the adults, let alone the children.

It scared the little girl so much that she didn't dare to run around in the middle of the night.

Uh, could it be Bai Qianqian's original intention?

Hearing the familiar voice, the little girl raised her head secretly, and when she saw that it was Uncle Tie, she let out a sigh of relief, and pushed Zhuo Ran away heavily.

"Second Uncle Tie, don't jump around at night, it will scare people to death."

Zhuo Ran looked at his empty hands, feeling an inexplicable emptiness in his heart.

The stinky girl who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, can't you let him hug her for a while longer?

He shamefully missed the feeling of Wen Xiang Nuan Yu hugging him.

Tie Zhongyu cast a disdainful glance at his nephew, a good-for-nothing guy, who is usually so free and rebellious, but now he is driven into a daze by a little girl, making him a fool.

"If you are so timid, what big things can you accomplish?"

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