Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 200: The past cannot be traced back

"If you are so timid, what big things can you accomplish?"

The little girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, and said plausibly, "I'm a girl, and I don't want to be a female emperor. What a big deal."

Mother said, the higher the status, the greater the responsibility.

The most rare thing in this world is a wealthy and idle person, who can eat and drink without worrying about food and clothing, so enjoy it as much as you can.

The Tang family's daughter does not have to bear any responsibilities, but is only responsible for the two major things of spending money and having fun. [

Tie Zhongyu was dumb, and wanted to say something worthless.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, she was right.

He smiled slightly, already immune to the weird behavior and thoughts of the children of the Tang family.

I have seen all kinds of strange things in Xixi City.

The children of the Bai family and the Tang family all had weird ideas, all of them were influenced by Bai Qianqian.

What is said that daughters should be pampered and sons should be raised roughly.

The only daughter is pampered and pampered, and she wants to get wind and rain.

But her two cousins ​​and her own brother were more difficult. They had been trained by devils since they were young, and they were instigated by that woman Bai Qianqian.

Hey, that's a legendary family too.

While making people feel envious, they also smile knowingly.

Sometimes, he was really surprised, how could there be such a strange person as Bai Qianqian in the world?

The mind is full of strange and weird things, and the way of thinking is different.

It's amazing every time.

He looked at his nephew and winked, "Is everything done?"

Zhuo Ran shook his head slightly and sighed silently.

That man won't let it go, those burning eyes are too hot and stubborn to give up easily.

It was not the first time Tie Zhongyu knew the Mu family boy, so he knew his temperament quite well.

A typical member of the royal family, seemingly harmless on the outside, but extremely complicated on the inside.

"Don't be afraid, with Second Uncle here, this is our territory, how can that kid turn the world upside down?" [

Never mind, anyone who robs the Tie family of wives will be shot out.

Tie Zhuoran couldn't help laughing, pride slowly rose in his heart.

Not bad, nothing to worry about.

After that storm, many things changed.

What Xiaoya said just now is very clear, she will not look back.

So what is he not worried about?

As long as she doesn't want to leave, even if the emperor comes, he won't let her go.

It doesn't matter if Mu Jinmo is the prince of a country, this is his territory, and it takes advantage of the right time, place and people, so what can he use to compete with himself?

The little girl was right in front of his eyes, it was impossible for him to watch her return to that man's embrace.

Prince Mu is not suitable for Xiaoya, he is too complicated and has too many desires, while Xiaoya is too simple.

It is better to fight than to regret and regret for a lifetime.

Winning and losing are divided equally, what has he to be afraid of?

The uncle and nephew talked and laughed all the way, and the little girl followed silently, looking up curiously from time to time.

It's strange, brother Zhuo Ran's aura is different.

What was he thinking about?

As soon as she reached the foot of the hill, Miss Tie Er rushed over like a locomotive, looking back eagerly.

She looked away in disappointment, "Miss Bai, Mr. Mu is really your husband? Did you elope with my elder brother? Did he come to arrest you and deal with it?"

A series of bombs hit, and Luo Li kept asking questions.

Xiaoya could clearly feel the contempt and disdain, and smiled coldly, "This is my private matter, so don't worry about it."

Nosy people are a nuisance.

Apart from her parents and family, she doesn't need to explain her private affairs to others.

Miss Tie Er showed contempt on her face, accusing repeatedly, "Why are you like this? You are restless in the room, and the red apricot is out of the wall..." [

[That’s all for today, and we’ll continue tomorrow. Junjun will hold a male lead selection event on Sina Weibo, Prince Mu or Young Master Tie. Anyone who is interested can come and participate. Search Junfengyuan’s pen name and it’s ok up. 】

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