Miss Tie Er showed contempt on her face, and accused her repeatedly, "Why are you like this? You are not comfortable in the room, Hong Xing is out of the wall..."

Zhuo Ran's face changed, and he said coldly, "Shut up."

Miss Tie Er refused to listen, she was very excited, her face was flushed, "I want to say, Mr. Mu is a handsome man with a handsome demeanor, why are you willing to give up on him? He is much better than my elder brother, your eyes are too bad. "

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, and she suddenly realized that she had fallen in love with Mu Jinmo.

She didn't even know the other party's family background, so she jumped in, which was too hasty. [

What did she like about Jinmo?

Well, things like this happen often, and she's used to it.

Zhuo Ran is very upset, Prince Mu is better than him?What are you kidding?Her eyes are not working well.

When she gets angry, she speaks very rudely, "Someone has a crush on you, but they won't take a fancy to you, so get rid of it as soon as possible."

He doesn't need to look at people, he can say whatever he wants.

Miss Tie blushed, but raised her chin confidently, "His wife ran away with someone. I feel sorry for him. The Tie family kidnapped one of his daughters-in-law, so let's give him another one. This way, we will not lose."

Everyone fainted, Zhuo Ran was completely speechless.

Is Mu Jinmo very pitiful?

Poor fart!

And the little girl burst out laughing, "Puff haha."

It's so funny, such a theory is too violent.

The young lady just said clearly that I am the candidate, and I will be that justice envoy to save Mr. Mu's life.

Ms. Tie Er became furious and stared at her fiercely, "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Ya's face was flushed with laughter, and she couldn't stop for a while, "What you said is very reasonable, just go ahead boldly, but be careful, don't fall."

She suddenly found that people in the Tie family were very interesting, um, they could play around.

Miss Tie stomped her feet angrily, "What do you mean? Laughing at me? Our Tie family is also a good family, and the daughter of the Tie family is worthy of anyone."

"Yes." Xiaoya reluctantly put away her smiling face, nodded solemnly, and laughed again in the blink of an eye, "Hahaha."

Good guy, dizzy, what standard does she use to measure?

From a distance, Mu Jinmo saw the little girl smiling with crooked eyebrows, flushed cheeks, and watery eyes, as gorgeous as peaches and plums. [

Feeling hot, he quickened his pace and walked over, "Yong'er, what are you laughing at? So happy?"

Xiaoya pointed casually and said with a casual smile, "Your peach blossom has bloomed again."

His love luck has always been very prosperous, he only needs to go out once to ensure that a woman will catch up and stalk him.

And he never directly refuses, he turns eighteen corners when he speaks, and the head of the person who walks around becomes dizzy...

A flash of comprehension flashed in Mu Jinmo's eyes, but he didn't look at Miss Tie Er more, and looked at her affectionately, "I don't care about rotten peach blossoms, I only care about you."

The little girl shivered, she was so nasty, the former him would not say such things even if he was killed.

what happened to him?Excited?

Everyone present was astonished, and Ms. Tie Er was even more puzzled, "Young Master Mu, people don't want you anymore, so why bother to pester you? Where is there no grass in the world, there are many good girls in the world."

Strange, he eloped with his husband, why is he still infatuated?

What is the charm of this little white girl?

She looked left and right, but she didn't see anything special.

The little girl curled her lips, and let them look at her generously.

Look, Miss Ben is not afraid of being watched.

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