Look, Miss Ben is not afraid of being watched.

Miss Tie Er shook her body, and she was already a few steps away. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the man who pushed her in surprise.

Mu Jinmo smiled like a spring breeze, her blood boiled, she was so excited, he smiled at her.

"Sorry, girl, you blocked my view."

The polite and cold words fell into my ears, like pouring a basin of cold water, cooling my heart. [

Miss Tie Er's mouth twitched, blocking his sight?Can't help but become angry from embarrassment, "You don't care about this kind of woman who doesn't obey women's rules and shame?"

Unreasonable, incomprehensible.

Before she could finish speaking, a gust of cold wind blew past her ears, her cheeks hurt, and a trace of bright red blood flowed down. She covered her face in fright and screamed, "Ah!"

Mu Jinmo still smiled elegantly and eye-catchingly, but there was a hint of chill, "Next time I will speak out loud, so don't blame Mu for being rude."

Ms. Tie Er was terrified, her guts were about to break, and she was panic-stricken, she couldn't be disfigured.

"You...crazy, no wonder she doesn't want you, hum."

As soon as she turned around, she covered her face and ran wildly, wanting to go back and look in the mirror.

If she was really disfigured, she... would have to marry him, never mind.

She is entangled with him.

Tie Zhongtang slowly cupped his fists and said with a slight smile, "Don't blame Mr. Mu. This kid is spoiled by me. It's rare to come here. I'll let my second brother accompany you to go sightseeing. You must have a good time."

Jiang was really old and spicy, so he changed the topic calmly, and practiced Tai Chi without leaving a trace.

Mu Jinmo didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of him, and politely replied, "Thank you, Mr. Tie Da."

Tie Zhongtang nodded slightly, turned his face to the side and told him earnestly, "Second brother, Mr. Mu will be handed over to you. You must explain it well and don't be rude."

Tie Zhongyu nodded knowingly, "Understood, brother, Ah Mu, come, I'll take you to a resting place..."

He arranged Mu Jinmo to rest in the guest courtyard, while Xiao Ya was arranged to live in the Yinshui Pavilion in the backyard. The two places were far apart, and the guest courtyard was outside, and outsiders were not allowed to come and go in and out of the backyard casually.

It doesn't matter to Xiaoya, it doesn't matter where she lives, there is only one requirement, cleanliness, so that she can have a good rest.

She was exhausted from the long sea trip, and she couldn't wait to go back to the house to rest.

Zhuo Ran looked at the bruises in the corners of her eyes, and raised his chin, "I'll take you to Yinshui Pavilion, where the scenery is the most beautiful."

Xiaoya nodded wearily, and followed him on the way. [

Mu Jinmo looked at the backs of them leaving one after the other, an inexplicable cold light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he said surprisingly, "I want to live with Yong'er."

"Huh?" Xiaoya's footsteps stopped, and she almost bumped into Zhuo Ran in front of her.

Zhuo Ran gently supported her, and when she stood still, he refused mercilessly, "No."

My heart was so angry that I said husband and wife in one mouthful, as if they were so close.

Selective amnesia?

Or self-deception?

Mu Jinmo walked over quickly, stretched out his hand to pull the little girl, and asked aggressively, "Why not? I am husband and wife with her, of course husband and wife should live together, this is justified."

The little girl is a little crazy, what exactly does this person want to do?

Zhuo Ran pulled Xiaoya behind her to protect her, "If you can't do it, you can't do it. Xiaoya doesn't recognize your identity. If she doesn't let go for a day, you don't have the right to say that, let alone get close to her."

He hated Mu Jinmo's natural tone, as if the little girl was his property.

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