Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 305: Little girl goes crazy

"What a joke, what are you, the emperor's daughter? You can marry whoever you want? I have never seen a woman who is more ignorant than you. No one wants you, and you still cry and stalk me. Your parents are ashamed."

It's so annoying!

According to her intention, she simply scratched the woman's face to see how she still yelled.

If you say who Zheng Qiniang hates the most in this world, Bai Xiaoya definitely ranks first.

Seeing that she was dressed so beautifully, it almost overwhelmed the limelight of the bride, and Tie Zhuoran beside him was looking at her affectionately, jealous and furious, and said nothing. [

"Shut up, what are you, dare to take care of our family's affairs?"

Xiaoya spread her hands innocently, and said with a smile, "I can't stand it anymore, I want to express my opinion, can't I?"

Zhuo Ran was the first to jump out to express his support, with a smile on his face like a nympho, "Of course, I can say whatever I want."

It's beautiful in my heart, and the little girl is jealous, hahaha.

Mu Jinmo felt sour in his heart, lowered his face and reprimanded lightly, "Yong'er, this is someone else's housework, don't get involved in it."

Xiao Ya glared at him coldly, "You are just my senior brother, you are not qualified to discipline me."

What the hell, for Uncle Mu's face, and for the friendship between the two families, she has always shown him a little bit of sympathy, but he is lucky, not only ungrateful, but also has to do things that make her angry one after another.

Well, Miss Ben is not a vegetarian either.

Since you don't care, why should I save face for you.

For sluts, use cheap tricks.

It's useless to reason with him politely.

"You..." Mu Jinmo was stunned in shock, and found that she had changed, became sharp, and became unforgiving.

For a moment, he was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Zheng Qiniang glared at Xiao Ya fiercely, sparks could come out of her eyes.

"My surname is Bai, you have nothing to do here, don't meddle in your own business with a mouse."

She is like her own natural enemy, every time she meets, she loses miserably.

But in front of the heroes, we must turn the situation back.

She can't lose again!

She thought Xiaoya didn't dare to be arrogant in front of everyone, so she had to pay attention to her image. [

But I didn't expect Xiaoya to blink her eyes and smile very cutely, "I am willing, can you control it? When you were on the boat, you would flirt with Tie Lao Er, flirt with each other, have a hot fight, and even stick together at night ..."

nnd, if she doesn't pinch her head full of bags, her surname is not Tang.

Looking at it made her angry, and I really wanted to beat her up.

Everyone is interested, sex news?

Wow, this is good, this is good.

All of them raised their ears and listened very carefully.

Zheng Qiniang was taken aback, she didn't expect that she would bring up that matter, and she shouted in panic, "Shut up, Bai Xiaoya, I warn you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

The more nervous she was, the more wretched everyone's eyes became.

Xiaoya was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

"It's all true. Many people have seen it with their own eyes, so why don't others tell it? After you hook up with your younger brother, you come to flirt with him again. Your appetite is too good. You don't care about it."

Talking like a knife, merciless, sharp and embarrassing.

Now Zheng Qiniang was disgraced, her face was flushed red, and she was so angry that she was trembling all over.

The words were like a bomb, so powerful that it exploded in the crowd.

"My God, how could such a thing happen? I usually see Miss Zheng being arrogant and arrogant, but I didn't expect her to be this kind of person."

"Who says it's not? It's terrible to know people and face but not heart."

[Today is the weekend, Junjun adjusts the rest day, haha, forgive me, the little girl stared, shit, this lady can't bear it, she is going to show off, all the tickets are brought, everyone is obedient, tomorrow this lady will kill two big bitches , you understand. 】

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