Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 306: Little girl goes crazy

"Who says it's not? It's terrible to know people and face but not heart."

The daughters of each family had long thought she was not pleasing to the eye, so they held back their anger and took the opportunity to laugh at her wantonly.

Hmph, I don't even look at what kind of guy I am, I insist on marrying Young Master Tie, do I deserve it?

Usually arrogant and arrogant, what a big boss, but there is no man in the family, so I have to rely on a woman to get ahead, but how many people obey her?

Crying and shouting to force people to marry her, what do you think you are? [

It's a disgrace to all the women in the world!

"One must know how to be content, and greedy women are the most annoying."

"That's right, prudish, disgusting, no matter how bad the Tie family is, they wouldn't want such a ignorant person to be their daughter-in-law."

The more you say it, the worse it sounds, and you can't stop it.

Zheng Qiniang's face became more and more ugly, gloomy, like the weather before a storm.

Seeing this, Er Dangjia felt distressed for a while, and quickly jumped out to stop him, "Shut up, don't talk nonsense."

This young lady is sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued, how can she tolerate others?

"Hey, when we talk, is it our turn to interrupt?"

There were even some people who seemed to have discovered the New World, and said strangely, "Do you secretly like Zheng Qiniang? Make a bold confession. In my opinion, she is the best match for you."

The second master was red-faced and unable to resist.

This group of women is terrible, and they are not good.

The little girl watched with great interest, it's no wonder that Zheng Qiniang was outraged by the public, and she didn't get pinched all over her head.

"She likes men to court her the most. She wishes that all the men in the world will fall in love with her and let her choose."

These words were like adding fuel to the fire, and everyone became more and more angry.


She chooses all the men in the world?

"Bah, what a beautiful idea!"

"Zheng Qiniang, you have a really thick skin, shameless."

"Don't come to our Li family in the future, we can't afford to provoke you." [

"Don't come to our Jiang family either."

"Hmph, do you think of yourself as a fairy? In my opinion, female ghosts are more or less the same."

"That's right, ugly, it's scary to come out."

Every word you say to me is extremely lively.

It has to be said that once a girl is provoked, her force value is terrible.

Zheng Qiniang was furious, and her subordinates didn't dare to speak for her anymore. How can a man interrupt when a woman talks?

She gritted her teeth angrily, one person could not quarrel with so many people, so she could only stare at Xiao Ya fiercely, and put all her hatred on her head.

"Everyone, don't believe her words, she is all nonsense, she wants to frame me."

A girl sneered, "Why did she frame you?"

"She..." Zheng Qiniang was a bit scheming, her eyes rolled, and she had an idea, "I'm jealous that I have a marriage contract with Zhuoran. She likes Tie Zhuoran and wants to take him away, so she beats me and slanders me everywhere. Don't believe her Bullshit."

She wanted to bring disaster to the east, and lead everyone's jealousy to Xiaoya, so that she could get away.

The idea was good, but it didn't work out.

Zhuo Ran stepped forward and shouted, "I'm not interested in you, Miss Zheng, no matter what you do, it has nothing to do with me. And I only want to marry one person, that is Xiaoya. As long as she agrees to marry me, I will marry her right away."

He had a clear attitude, he didn't evade or hide, but he attracted a lot of goodwill.

They are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, straightforward and generous.

To be a man is to be frank and frank, and to be honest in your relationship.

Everyone looked at Xiaoya, all kinds of envy and hatred.

But relatively, compared to Zheng Qiniang, the girls' rejection of Xiaoya was not so strong.

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