Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 372: Ye Yuning Goes Crazy

Tie Xiaowu vomited blood angrily, blushing, "You're the brat... Stop, don't leave."

Even if he is the youngest of the Tie family, he is older than her!!!

Xiaoya ignored him at all, walked quickly, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Zhuo Ran finally heaved a sigh of relief after finishing the affairs after finishing the work. He was exhausted.

The night wind blows on my body, it's cool. [

I was exhausted and dragged my heavy feet, but I didn't want to go back to the room to rest.

Is this most familiar place his home?

Why did it become so strange?

Thinking of his father's words, and his brothers and sisters' eyes, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

The Tie family is a den of right and wrong.

He was reluctant to pull Xiaoya in, but it was impossible to just give up.

That was the only person he ever wanted growing up.

After finally getting to this point, the dawn is about to be seen, how can he let go?

Suddenly I really want to meet that cute girl.

With her by my side, even listening to her twittering is better than thinking wildly alone.

But when he got to her room, he found that she had disappeared, and he broke out in a cold sweat on the spot. Could it be that those people took the little girl away with a feint shot?

What about the servants?Where did it all go?

Sweating profusely, he was about to rush out to find someone, but stopped by the rockery.

That slender figure stood in the wind, small and thin, like a lily in the wind, so weak and pitiful.

There was a stabbing pain in his heart, and he walked slowly. The little girl didn't know what she was thinking, her eyes were dull and blank, and her little face was already frozen with cold.


He walked up to her, but she didn't notice.

Feeling slightly sour, he stretched out his big hand to touch her little hand, and sure enough, it was cold, like icicles in winter.

He asked softly, "Why are you standing here, isn't it cold?"[

He was angry and annoyed, annoyed that she didn't cherish her body, she was no better than others, she was born weak and sickly.

If it weren't for the precious tonics that seem to be poured for free these years, and the medicine king personally took care of her, she would grow up safely.

But compared to ordinary people, the foundation is still weak.

If you don't pay attention, you will catch a cold and get sick, which is worrying.

He didn't want to see her lying on the bed miserable again, pinching her nose and taking bitter medicine.

He hastily took off his cloak and put it on her body, covering his warm chest with his little hands.

Xiaoya seemed to wake up from a dream, and finally saw the person in front of her clearly, and stared at him blankly, "I just went to see Ye Yuning."

There was a trace of fragility and sadness in the voice.

The woman who was always in high spirits huddled in fear, trembling non-stop, tightly pulling on Mu Jinmo's clothes with her fingers, refusing to let go, like a poor child who would be abandoned at any time.

It looked very bleak.

Zhuo Ran frowned, it's that woman again, what's so good about it?

"It's enough for her to have Mu Jinmo."

Who knows if it's real madness or fake madness?

That woman has a lot of eyes since she was a child, and her temperament is extremely treacherous, how could she collapse so easily?

Xiaoya frowned slightly, "Yeah, even if you are crazy, you still only remember him, maybe this is also a kind of happiness."

If she is awake, she cannot face the contemptuous eyes of others, even if it is not her fault.

Only when you are insane can you escape all embarrassments and be able to pester the man you love without any scruples.


Zhuo Ran's face was very ugly, he hugged her and walked into the house, "What are you thinking about?"

Is it worthwhile to torment yourself for a woman with a wicked heart?

Even if you are dead, you don't have to blink your eyes.

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