Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 373: Ye Yuning Goes Crazy

Even if you are dead, you don't have to blink your eyes.

He hated that woman so much.

In the past, relying on that beautiful face and the relationship with the Bai family, her eyes were higher than the top, and she was invincible.

She smeared honey on her lips, but she used all means to snatch away her good sister's fiancé behind her back, pretending to be innocent and pitiful.

Just now, she fell into the hands of the villains, who actually wanted Xiaoya to exchange her body for her safety. [

She didn't even think about Xiaoya's situation.

Thinking of this made him angry.

This is the most intolerable point for him.

Ye Yuning only had her eyes on herself, others were insignificant, and it would not be a pity to die.

Hmph, this kind of person should die sooner.

Die early and clean up early.

Walking into the room, Xiao Ya shivered as the temperature in the room warmed up.

Zhuo Ran poked her on the forehead in distress, and asked the servants to bring ginger tea and hot water to wash her face.

Seeing her drinking two bowls of ginger tea, washing her face, and lying on the soft couch with her own eyes, her little face finally turned red, he let go of his high hanging heart and put the stove in her arms.

"Little girl, it's not your fault."

The little girl panicked, "But I feel very uncomfortable."

That proud and invincible woman suddenly turned into a screaming fool, that feeling really stuck in her throat.

Zhuo Ran sat down beside her and helped her straighten her messy hair.

"Fool, don't take all the responsibility on yourself. You have done your best. Well, the chief culprit is so at ease, what's so sad about you, a passer-by?"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ya's mood improved a lot, "Hmph, his conscience was eaten by dogs."

If you want to blame, you can blame that bastard Mu Jinmo. Since he brought people out, he didn't fulfill his responsibility to take care of him. It's really annoying.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help chuckling and rubbed her little head, "That's right, we don't care about like wolf-hearted people."

Haha, Prince Mu is becoming less and less important in Xiaoya's heart, which is a good sign.

The door was pushed open with a "bang", and a gust of cold wind blew in. Mu Jinmo's slender figure appeared in front of her eyes, "Tie Zhuoran, it's not a gentleman's job to slander me behind your back." [

He was worried about Xiaoya, and finally got out, but when he heard these words, he exploded on the spot.

Bastard, no wonder Yong'er dislikes him more and more. How can it be okay to have such a villain who sows discord every day?

Tie Zhuoran frowned slightly, "I am not a gentleman, and neither are you."

Who wants to slander him?

It's because he doesn't do things properly, leaving behind people to pinch,

What he did, he lost the battle long ago.

No matter how he behaves, Xiaoya will never fall in love with him again, and has already expelled him from her heart.

Mu Jinmo jumped like thunder, reaching out to hit him, "You..."

Xiaoya rubbed her forehead impatiently, feeling a little uncomfortable, maybe the cold wind blows too much.

Sad spring and autumn are really not suitable for her.

"If you want to quarrel, you will have a headache."

Mu Jinmo only thought that she was looking for an excuse to drive her away, and refused to leave, pestering her, desperately explaining that he had no choice but to take care of Ye Yuning.

It wasn't that he wanted to, but according to Xiaoya's wishes, he had to stop to appease Ye Yuning's emotions.

The little girl stared at him in disgust, why is this man becoming more and more rascal?

How can these things be explained?

She doesn't care at all.

There was a chill down my back, which was very uncomfortable.

The little hands are holding the cup to keep warm, and the smoke is lingering, like lingering love.

Seeing her indifferent, Mu Jinmo's eyes darkened, but he said solemnly, "Yong'er, I have something to discuss with you."

The little girl was startled, and sat up straight, "What's the matter? Tell me."

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