Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 377: Adventures in the Barren Mountains

The fire was getting closer and closer, and she saw clearly that there were two people, dressed like servants, and the one in front was holding a lantern, "Who are they?"

The little girl put her hand to her mouth and gave a soft bluff.

"There are tigers, big tigers, softly."

Those two were startled, followed the direction Xiaoya pointed, and saw the sleeping tiger, the lantern in their hands almost fell to the ground in fright.

The little girl's eyes rolled, and the two people, one fat and one thin, had no idea what their identities were. [

The mind is spinning non-stop, and the smile on the face is very cute.

"Why are you nervous? I'm asleep, don't wake him up, which big brother will pick me up from below?"

The two hesitated for a moment and looked at each other. The thin man came up lightly and got the little girl down from under the tree.

The three of them quickly ran away from the tiger's resting area, and they ran for a long time before stopping.

The little girl was gasping for breath, sweating profusely from exhaustion, her body was terribly uncomfortable, and her head hurt.

Miserable, it is a harbinger of illness.

But he didn't show anything on his face, and smiled sweetly at the two big men who looked at him carefully, "Thank you two uncles, you are really kind people."

uncle?The corners of their mouths twitched.

They are in their early thirties, do they look that old?

Fatty looked at her with the weak light for a long time, and suddenly he let out a surprise, "Hey, it's Miss Bai, why are you here?"

The little girl looked up and down unceremoniously, and asked crisply, "Who are you? How do you know me?"

The fat man hesitated, "I am the guard of the Tie family, and I live near here. How did you come here? It is very dangerous here, tigers and lions run all over the mountain..."

Xiaoya nodded understandingly, "I'm just out for a stroll, did anything happen at night?"

Haven't you noticed that she's missing?

However, it is also understandable that the Tie family's vitality has been severely damaged after a big disturbance during the day, and the traitor has to be found out. People are panic-stricken, and their staff has been readjusted.

This is the best time for a sneak attack.

The two of them didn't believe it, and they were not fools, walking around in the middle of the night?Hanging out in pajamas?

The cold face turned pale, who would believe it.

But he didn't say anything, pretending to believe it, the fat man still spoke. [

"Miss Bai, let us brothers take you back. It's not good for a girl to wander around outside."

The tone is very pleading, the expression is also very simple and honest, he looks like a good person.

The little girl rolled her eyes and nodded with a smile, "Alright. Thank you for your hard work."

A trace of complacency flashed across Fatty's face, "It's not hard work, hehe."

The little girl pursed her lips and followed them.

The two stood in front of her and placed her in the middle, like protection and surveillance.

After walking for a while, the little girl suddenly called out, "It's so cold, fat uncle, lend me your big cloak."

Her natural appearance is mischievous and lively, but she doesn't feel pampered and willful. Instead, she is very cute.

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched. Just as he was about to say something, he was stared at by the thin man who hadn't spoken, and shrank back.

Silently brought the cloak over, Xiaoya took it and wrapped it around her body, it was much warmer.

She smiled sweetly and narrowed her eyes, "Thank you fat uncle."

Fatty stared at the sky speechlessly, he was really not old.

After walking for a while, the little girl held her belly and wailed, "I'm so hungry, I want to eat."

The fat man slipped and almost fell.

This girl has so many demands, is she on a spring outing?

The thin man who had been silent all this time opened his mouth, "Persist for a while, how can there be anything to eat in this barren mountain and wild place? There will be delicious food later..."

The little girl was very embarrassed, she shook her head and refused, "No, I can't hold it anymore, get me a beggar's chicken, or roast hare or something, I'm not picky eaters."

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