Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 378: Adventures in the Barren Mountains

The little girl was very embarrassed, she shook her head and refused, "No, I can't hold it anymore, get me a beggar's chicken, or roast hare or something, I'm not picky eaters."

Isn't that picky eater?

The corners of the mouths of the two twitched, and the skinny man persuaded him nicely, "Huh? Miss Bai, please bear with me for a while..."

The little girl simply stopped and sat down on the ground, like a child clamoring for candy.

"If you don't give me food, I won't leave. Why don't you just go back to Tie's house and call Brother Zhuo Ran to pick me up."

Laipi looks very skilled.

The two looked at each other with black lines on their heads.

No way.

Is the wise woman who is calm and calm during the day and disappears in smoke when she talks and laughs, really the person in front of her?

Can't believe it.

The fat man's hands were itching badly, "Miss Bai, don't be so self-willed, what does it matter if you are hungry? We often don't eat or drink for days and nights..."

The thin man coughed several times in a hurry, but it was too late, Xiao Ya asked curiously.

"The Tie family abused you? Don't give them food? This is not good. Only when you have enough food and drink can you have strength."

The thin man squeezed out a smile, "That was before, when the Lord led us to fight around, sometimes we couldn't eat..."

Xiao Ya nodded in understanding, and no longer cared about this topic.

The thin man secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he was still a child.

But I didn't expect Xiaoya to lean on the back of a big tree, close her eyes and rest.

"I want delicious beggar chicken and roasted sweet potatoes, hurry up and get them for me."

So tired, dizzy, my body is getting colder and colder, and my head is heavy.

But he didn't dare to let the two people in front of him see the difference.

Ha, a servant of the Tie family?

living nearby?

What nonsense, when she was a three-year-old child?

Lying is also tricky. [

Fatty's temperament was irritable, and he was so angry with her that he raised his big hand to hit him.

The thin man stopped him and winked at him.

Turning around, I persuaded him with a good temper.

"Miss Bai, if you do this, you will waste time and make the young master worry."

No matter how he persuaded her, she was stubborn and refused to move, refusing to walk. "I don't care, if you don't give me something to eat, I won't leave."

In fact, he couldn't move anymore, he was dizzy, countless little stars flashed in front of his eyes, and he was shivering from the cold.

The skinny guy's scalp is numb, he's such a nasty little girl.

But he really couldn't help it, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the fat man, "Okay, okay, go get a chicken."

The fat man is so angry, what kind of shit is he beating?It's late at night, hurry up and get a rest.

The thin man winked wildly at him, and said in a low voice, "Just go out and take a look, and you can handle it when you come back."

Only then did the fat man take two steps reluctantly, and he didn't eat anything.

Xiaoya watched his leaving back, and added with a smile, "Let's see if there are any sweet and juicy fresh fruits, I'm thirsty."

The fat man slipped and greeted her whole family in his heart.

nnd, a difficult lady.

Will she still be able to laugh when she learns his true identity?

The skinny guy who stayed behind stared at Xiaoya for a long time, making her feel terrified, did she show a flaw?

The more nervous you are, the sweeter your smile.

The thin man withdrew his scrutiny and smiled all over his face, "Miss Bai, can I ask a question?"

The little girl is very talkative, she nodded, "Okay, you can ask."

The thin man finally asked the doubts in his heart, "Which family are you from? We brothers are all curious, can't the book help us solve the doubts?"

The little girl shook her head with a smile, making a fool of herself.

"Well, I'll know about it later."

She seemed to have just remembered something, "By the way, you helped me, how should I thank you?"

The thin man was very disappointed, this girl's mouth is really tight.

He dealt with it listlessly, "No, you're too polite."

The little girl rolled her eyes and showed the sweetest smile, "How about this, I have a Great Returning Pill on hand..."

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