Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 379: Adventures in the Barren Mountains

The little girl rolled her eyes and showed the sweetest smile, "How about this, I have a Great Returning Pill on hand..."

The skinny man's eyes lit up, like little stars in the sky, "Da Huan Dan?"

Oh my God, that is the holy product that people in the Jianghu dream of.

It can bring the dead back to life, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as you take it, you can return to normal.

Practitioners can also increase their skills for 20 years. [

Such a good thing only exists in legends, and I have never seen it with my own eyes.

I didn't expect to hear such good news from this girl.

give him?

Is he dreaming?

Seeing the ecstasy and greed in his eyes, Xiaoya secretly heaved a sigh of relief, as long as she can be moved.

"Exactly, I believe everyone in Jianghu knows its preciousness, but I didn't bring it with me. When I go back, I can give it to you as a thank you gift."

The thin man hesitated for a moment. First, he was afraid that she would lie to him. She was young, so where did she get the Da Huan Dan?

And it's unbelievable that such a precious thing is given away so easily.

Second, to send it back, this... is difficult.


The little girl sneered in her heart, "You mustn't be polite, it is an unsecret treasure of the Shaolin school, and it is rarely leaked out. For others, it is a rare and rare treasure, but for me, it is not rare. .”

The thin man didn't understand, and asked anxiously, "Why?"

How could it not be rare?He is so rare that he wants to die.

This is a life-saving pill. People in the Jianghu fight all the year round, and there are always times when they miss.

The little girl had an innocent face, and said with a smile, "I am a disciple of Yaowanggu, this kind of thing is not rare for me, someone will give it to me, I am not from the martial arts, nor What’s the use, I’m just curious, so I brought one with me.”

She suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, not good."

She was startled and frightened the skinny man, "What's the matter? Did you lose it?"

It will be so miserable.

The little girl laughed, "No, I didn't lose it." [

"There are two of you, but I only have one, what should I do? Or...give it to him? You don't care."

She could see that the two people had completely different temperaments, the fat man was so careless and had a bad temper.

The thin man is scheming and does not speak easily, but what he says is decisive.

Of the two, the fat one is just a front display, while the thin one is the one who decides.

When the thin man heard this, he was in a hurry, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"No, no, he doesn't like this vulgar thing. Let me destroy it."

How can such a good thing be missed?

The boss doesn't have such a good product, haha, he made it this time.

He looks like I don't go to hell, who goes to hell, and he is just and awe-inspiring.

The little girl pursed her lips, her smile fleeting.

Even if you are as cunning as a fox, as long as you have greed, you will not be able to find her palm.

The fat man turned around and came back empty-handed.

The little girl held her chin to hide her head that was as heavy as a stone, "Hey, where are the things?"

The fat man glared at her angrily, "It's dark, what kind of chicken to catch, what kind of fresh fruit to eat, I can't see anything, it's better to hurry..."


What kind of prestige and temperament is a young lady who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and can't even see the situation clearly?

Hmph, will you faint from fright when you learn the truth?

The thin man jumped out without hesitation, "Shut up, Miss Bai has spoken, we must do our best to fulfill her wish, and make another trip."

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