Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 380: Adventures in the Barren Mountains

"Ah!" Fatty suspected that something was wrong with his ears, he was surprised, "What?"

What makes a wish come true?

She was just a prisoner in their hands!

The thin man winked at him desperately, but the fat man remained motionless as if in a daze.

what's the situation? [

Why can't he understand?

The thin man was in a hurry, looked to the east, pulled the fat man aside, and reprimanded in a low voice, "Go as soon as you are told, don't dawdle, move quickly, don't startle others, and make a quick decision."

Fatty was full of confusion, he went out for a while, and his companion's attitude changed drastically.

"Brother Nan, what's the matter with you? Why are you so obedient to her? She's not ours..."

The thin man patted him on the shoulder, "Whispering, take a snapshot and do what I want, listen to me, you must be right."

Only then did the fat man shut his mouth, and went hunting unwillingly.

I was crying in my heart, what are you doing?

Is Brother Nan confused?

It was much faster this time, the fat man quickly grabbed a chicken and came back, the thin man cooked it himself, roasted it, peeled it, and sent the clean two chicken legs to the little girl.

"Miss Bai, try it, this is the freshly roasted Beggar's chicken, it's delicious."

This attitude is not to mention how polite and gentle it is.

The fat man stood beside him dumbfounded, puzzled.

What is this guy so courteous for?

He is not the kind of kind person who only does what is profitable.

The little girl is in terrible physical discomfort, how can she have any appetite?

He took a casual bite and frowned, "It's too bland, tasteless, and not tasty."

The thin man was not angry, and became more courteous. He found an unknown wild fruit, cut it open with a dagger, and the juice spurted out.

"There is a way, pour some juice on it, it will taste delicious."

Xiao Ya took two mouthfuls without taste, not wanting others to see that something was wrong with her. [

The smile became brighter and brighter, and his face was full of appreciation. "That's right, you're still smart and know how to do things."

The thin man also smiled, very humbly, "Don't dare, as long as Miss Bai likes it, you can eat a few more bites."

Fatty's eyes darkened, and he was about to faint.

Who will tell him what's going on?

The companion is like a dog leg, trying to please others in every possible way.

Did he forget his identity?Forgot the mission of this trip?

No, he has to remind him, lest the boss blame him and drag him down.

Just when he was about to speak, the little girl waved at him, "This fat uncle, I'm really sorry to see that you have been busy for a long time, and I will reward you with this chicken leg."

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched, foaming at the mouth, reward him?

Damn, it was the firewood he grabbed and put away with his own hands, how did it become hers?

It's really fucking shameless to talk about rewards.

It's too much.

He can't wait to go up to argue with her, and fight for a result on the issue of ownership.

But his companion kept winking, which made him feel puzzled, and he dared not make a sound.

The little girl took two bites and couldn't eat anymore.

Give it all to these two guys.

The thin man uttered good words one after another, as if he didn't want money, he spouted wildly.

The fat man who watched was angry and annoyed, feeling ashamed.

After eating, the little girl rested almost as well, and continued on her way.

After just walking a few steps, I feel weak and weak, and it is difficult to breathe.

She stopped again.

The fat man is about to cry, why are there so many things going on? [

"Miss Bai, what do you want?"

According to his intention, once the person is knocked unconscious, he can carry it wherever he wants.

What are you talking about with her?

But he didn't dare to violate the above meaning.

Xiaoya wiped off the cold sweat from her forehead calmly, and smiled innocently, "I can't see the road under my feet, who will carry me for a while?"

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