Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 381: Adventures in the Barren Mountains

Xiaoya wiped off the cold sweat from her forehead calmly, and smiled innocently, "I can't see the road under my feet, who will carry me for a while?"

Mother, she can't hold it anymore, what should I do?

No, she can't pass out.

Hold on, hold on.

For this request, the two were very enthusiastic, scrambling to be the first, "I'll do it." [

In order to repay the pill, fight hard!

"I come."

No matter what, it's a great thing for this soft and fragrant girl to take advantage of her.

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, a little shy and a little cute, "You two are really enthusiastic, I'm sorry, how about this, you guys make a simple air, I will sit down, so that everyone will not be disappointed, and I will also take the two of you. Affection."

The two looked at each other, what kind of thing was that, "A shelf?"

Xiao Ya enthusiastically explained their doubts, "Just cut two sticks and make a stretcher..."

She just needs to sit on it, instead of walking by herself, she can take the opportunity to rest for a while.

If she goes any further, she will show her flaws.

She talked for a long time, and the two of them understood it.

This girl has so many things to do, troublesome and difficult, she is too difficult to serve.

The fat man was extremely impatient, "I said Miss Bai, we are not your slaves..."

Why do you listen to her in everything?

What else is there to do with a stretcher for her?


The skinny man's complexion is not very good-looking, if he continues to toss like this, how long will he go on?

If it's dawn, everything will be hard to say.

The little girl was in a cold sweat, and quickly interrupted him, "You are members of the Tie family, it is your responsibility to let every guest feel your hospitality, but I don't like to force people, you can leave as you like If you want to stay, stay, I will sit for a while, and then leave after dawn."

Let's get up soon.

At daybreak, you will know that she has disappeared suddenly, and brother Zhuo Ran will come to rescue her. [

The fat man was furious, "No, you..."

It's annoying, knock her out.

The thin man gave him a blank look, knocked him out?Think beautiful.

What about Da Huan Dan?

Thinking of the treasure, his heart became hot and he fought hard.

"It's too easy to make a shelf, let me do it."

He really did it, chopping trees with a good long sword.

The fat man looked dumbfounded, "Brother Nan, are you crazy? Why do you rely on her for everything?"

The thin man looked solemn, "Everything is for the overall situation."

In fact, it's for the great redemption!The most coveted treasure!

This time the fat man blushed, his consciousness was too low, and it was uncomfortable to be compared with others.

"Brother Nan, I want to learn from you."

The skinny man had black lines all over his head, and he said haha, "Learn from each other,"

The little girl couldn't bear it any longer, her eyes began to darken, the little stars were spinning around, and the little hands behind her were scratching the back of the tree, trying to wake herself up.

Still anxiously looking at the two whispering, what are you talking about?


The thin man was enthusiastic, and it was impossible to have a good attitude, "It's almost done, Miss Bai, please wait a moment."

The fat man was dissatisfied again, "Why are you being so polite to her, a yellow-haired girl, and unarmed..."

The thin man's subordinates were busy, and reminded him lightly, "Have you forgotten the lessons learned?"

The fat man suddenly became dumb and stopped talking.

This girl is tough, but I have heard it with my own ears.

Don't look at her thin and petite, with a sweet appearance, but she turned the tide and saved the Tie family from the fire and water, and won the favor of countless people. [

I didn't believe it at first, thinking it was an exaggeration, but after seeing that scene, I changed my mind.

And I saw with my own eyes that she did not know what method she used to restrain a big tiger.

【That's all for today, and I'll continue tomorrow. My poor little girl, she doesn't stop when she's sick. Let's see how she plays around with bad guys while she's sick. Everyone should continue to support her. 】

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