Xiaoya's eyes flashed, and she held on to the chair tightly to prevent herself from falling down, "You're really sensible, let's go."

The two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the eldest lady was finally done picking.

Without going into details, he quickly picked up the young lady and hurried forward.

They walked fast one after the other, even though it was dark, they still walked as if they were walking on flat ground.

The little girl's eyelids were pulled down, sleepiness surged up, a gust of cold wind blew by, she shivered, bit her lips, and finally regained some sanity. [

"You walk steadily, don't bump me."

The skinny man had black lines all over his hair, "Just don't worry, be steady."

She tried to keep herself sane by talking to them, and pinched her palms desperately until the back was numb from the pain.

I don't know how long I walked, there was a faint fire in front of me, Xiaoya's eyes lit up, it's here?

The fat man who was walking behind felt that something was wrong the more he looked, "Brother Nan, we seem to be going the wrong way. This is the way to Tie's house."

"The situation has changed." The thin man secretly glanced back and saw that the little girl was half asleep, as if she didn't hear her.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time was burning with anxiety.

How to avoid the iron family's eyes to get things?

The fat man frowned, feeling very unhappy.

It's like this again, the boss is eccentric and gives the task to Brother Nan every time, and he is just a person who assists from the side.

If you do well, you should, and the credit is not yours.

If he does not do well, he will be scolded.

The two stopped, and the thin man crouched behind a tree to observe the situation.

Xiaoya was in a hurry, this distance was not enough for people to find out, and even if they were found, it would be too late to save her.

She looked confused, as if she didn't know anything.

"Hey, why don't you go? Hurry up, I'm hungry."

The thin man broke out in a cold sweat, racked his brains, and finally came up with a reason, "Miss Bai, you are dressed like this, and wandering around outside in the middle of the night will hurt your reputation. Why don't you find a shortcut and send you back without anyone noticing?" .”

How to do?

In fact, he knew that the best choice was to take this girl out of the island quietly according to the original plan. [

But selfishly adored, the coveted treasure is at his fingertips, which makes his head feel hot.

It is impossible to leave at this time even if he is killed.

If you miss it, you will never get that treasure again.

The little girl was getting heavier and heavier, and she was about to fall down. She said weakly, "Okay, you're more thoughtful, the things are in my room, and I'll give them to you when I go back."

The thin man was immersed in thoughts of gain and loss, and didn't notice anything wrong with her.

The fat man became more and more confused as he listened, "What?"

Are these two old acquaintances?

Or was there an agreement reached?

what is the problem?

The thin man was startled and forgot about this guy.

But he quickly calmed down and played with his mind, this guy couldn't beat him.

"Eh? I'll tell you later."

The fat man was very dissatisfied, very angry, and walked with big strides, as if he was venting his inner displeasure.

The thin man has a headache, and the honest man is also troubled.

"Brother, walk slowly, and be careful not to be discovered."

The fat man stared, and said in a rough voice, "What are you afraid of? She's in our hands."

When the time comes, grab her by the neck, and she will still be able to retreat unscathed.

The thin man is very familiar with the environment here, and he was able to avoid the eyes of the guards and find an unknown shortcut.Walking all the way is like entering no man's land.

The little girl sighed secretly in her heart, the Tie family falsely claimed that the defense line was watertight, and was breached twice in one day.

If the person behind the scenes is not found out, I am afraid that I will have trouble sleeping, eating and sleeping.

Seeing Yinshui Pavilion in the distance, she was overjoyed.

The thin man stopped suddenly, frowned and looked towards the brightly lit place, and there was a lot of voices. [

Has it been discovered?

Not good, withdraw! !

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