Not good, withdraw! !

Just as he was about to turn around, the little girl saw through his thoughts, she was so anxious that she rolled her eyes, thinking from her heart.

She screamed violently, "Ah, it hurts so much, why did you hit me? If you have any grievances, make it clear to your face, don't be a ghost..."

The fat man was so angry that he screamed aloud.

"I didn't hit you, you talk nonsense... "[

The voices of both of them were very loud, especially in the silent night. There was a commotion at the door, which already alarmed the people inside.

The thin man couldn't stop him in time, he was so annoyed, "Shut up, let's go."

The guards have already chased after him, "Stop, who is it?"

Looking at their weird shapes, it's really weird.

The thin man couldn't run even if he wanted to, and stared at the fat man angrily, not doing enough to accomplish anything, but more than failing to do so.It was all in his hands.

But at this moment, he said with a smile on his face, "It's my brother."

The guards looked at them suspiciously, they were wearing Tie family's guard uniforms, but who was sitting on the pole?

Xiaoya was afraid of being seen through by these two guys, so she wrapped her head in it so that she couldn't see clearly.

But at this moment, he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to wave his fingers, so he just hummed a few times.

The more the guard looked, the more suspicious he became, and he stopped sharply, "Password."

The thin man was obviously stunned, what's going on? "Password?

What is that?

As soon as he said it, he regretted it. Isn't this showing his flaws?

As soon as these words came out, the guards of the Tie family put all their strength on guard, and those who drew their swords hurriedly formed a group, shouting, "They are spies. Catch them quickly."

The fat man was terrified, he threw his hands, turned his head and ran away.

"Get out."

The thin man was caught off guard, all the weight leaned over, and all of it was pressed on his head. He fell heavily to the ground, and the little girl fell on top of him with a thud. , personnel do not wake up.

The skinny man became a big meat pad, and he gasped in pain.

It was too late for him to turn over, the sword was already on his neck. [

He scolded his mother angrily, bastard, he left me and ran away.

The fat man didn't escape either, and was taken down by the guards within a few steps.

The little girl has fallen and fainted, and she is still unconscious.

The guards boldly lifted the corner of the cloak, revealing their snow-white delicate faces, "Here is is it Miss Bai? What's wrong with you?..."

A figure rushed over like lightning and snatched Xiaoya away. She was shocked to see her unconscious and motionless, her face paled with fright, "Xiaoya, Xiaoya, wake up, wake up! Xiaoya! Doctor, hurry up!" Find a doctor!"


The Tie family father and son stood by the bed, their faces turning blue.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Zhuo Ran looked at the girl with weak breath and pale face, his heart ached, he hated those bastards and himself.

He actually failed to protect her well, causing her to be wronged and sick.

The gray-haired doctor had been treating for a long time, his brows were furrowed,

Zhuo Ran's heart trembled a few times, his face was snow-white, and his hands and feet were weak.

What's wrong little girl?

Tie Zhongtang's mood was equally solemn, his Tie family had always been an iron bucket, airtight.

But when did it become a back garden where cats and dogs can come and stroll?

Seeing that his son's face was extremely ugly, more like a patient, he felt sore, "Doctor, how is she?"

The doctor shook his head slightly, "I'm suffering from a cold, the situation is very serious..."

The hearts of the Tie family father and son hung in the air, tense.

A slender figure rushed in from the outside, yelling anxiously, "How serious is it? Feel free to use any good medicine, no matter how expensive it is, give it to me."

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