Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 388: Who Is Behind the Scenes

"Yes..." Mu Yumo hesitated for a moment, frowned slightly, and stopped talking.

Zhuo Ran was very anxious, at the critical moment, this person lost the chain.

"Tell me, at this moment, you're still playing tricks, don't you just hope that something will happen to Xiaoya again?"

The crime was too great, Mu Jinmo couldn't bear it, his expression was extremely serious, "It's Xiang Ning."

"Xiang Ning?" Zhuo Ran blurted out subconsciously, "Could this drug come from the Valley of the Medicine King?"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed, but how could it spread to Fengyun Island?

But this name... a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, "Could it be..."

Knowing that he had guessed the answer, Mu Jinmo frowned, and said in an indescribably heavy tone, "It's Ye Yuning's most proud work. With this fragrance, it ranks fourth on the Xinglin list."

There are two major lists in the Central Plains Wulin. One is the list of masters, which catches all the masters in the world.

The person who has been ranked number one these years is none other than Tang Youhao, Xiaoya's father, whom they are all familiar with.

The second is the Xinglin List established ten years ago, which lists people with outstanding medical skills all over the world.

And the medicine king Ye Feng is a well-deserved number one.

But in recent years, Ye Yuning has suddenly emerged as a formidable younger generation, and has the potential to inherit his father's mantle.

When the people present heard this answer, they looked at each other with ugly expressions.

Zhuo Ran was furious, and slapped the tree fiercely, "Damn it, why does she keep doing such unscrupulous and immoral things?"

It's her again!

Every time something happens to Xiaoya, she gets involved.

That woman is crazy and does nothing good.

No, are you really crazy?

Hmph, would such a shameless, shameless person with no lower limit be crazy?

How can it be?

He was so angry that he rushed to the guest courtyard without thinking.

nnd, if he didn't torment that dead woman to death, he wouldn't be named Tie.

Rushing into the yard like a gust of wind, Ye Yuning got up early and was sitting on the ground, staring at the gate of the yard eagerly. [

Seeing him coming in, she let out a piercing scream, "Don't come over, ahhh."

A maid came over, helped her up and coaxed, "Miss Ye, he is my young master, he is a good man."

It's so pitiful, she is so beautiful, but she has encountered such a terrible thing.

If it was her, she would have been killed by a headshot.

I have no face to see people.

Is this the confidante? !

Hey, it's not a good thing for a woman to be beautiful.

It's still safer and more blessed for Xiaojiabiyu like them.

Ye Yuning listened but didn't hear, screaming continuously, the sound like killing a pig pierced the silent sky.

His eyes were still dull and blank.

Without further ado, Zhuo Ran stepped forward and slapped him, "Slap."

The beating made her dizzy, she was dumbfounded, her eyes widened in a daze.

Why hit her?

Ahhh~!Another sharp cry sounded.

Zhuo Ran's slap was like lightning, and he slapped him twice.

"Call again, let me slap you once, I'm looking for someone to practice my hand and experiment, I really want to know how many slaps are the limit that a person can bear."

There was nowhere to vent the anger in his stomach, and when he thought of this woman repeatedly hurting the little girl, his anger became even more intense, and he had to vent his anger.

The maid was dumbfounded, what happened to the young master?

Are you crazy?

He has always been proud, and he doesn't bother to make a move on a woman.

This time, he was unreasonable and beat people for no reason.

Did something happen again? [

Ye Yuning's screams stopped immediately, she hugged her head and kept silent, as well-behaved as a domestic cat.

"Clap clap clap."

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