Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 389: Who Is Behind the Scenes

"Clap clap clap."

The only sound in the yard was the sound of flesh slapping, which frightened a large crowd.

The maids didn't dare to go forward and shrank into a corner trembling.

The young master loses his temper, it's scary!

I don't know how many times I hit him, Zhuoran's iron palm became red, and he reluctantly backed away a few steps, admiring his masterpiece, making a braised pig's head. [

"Not bad, try again? It seems that I haven't reached the limit..."

"Ah!" Ye Yuning suddenly woke up as if waking up from a dream, hugged her painful head, and screamed, "You don't mean anything..."

His face was burning hot, wouldn't it be disfigurement?

She shivered, she was so angry that she was trembling all over, and her eyes showed murderous looks.

All the maids were dumbfounded, she... has recovered from her madness?

God, they all wronged the young master.

It seems that the young master is treating her illness.

My hands were red, it was too much effort.

What a nice guy!

This method is good, we must write it down.

Zhuo Ran smiled coldly, no matter how cunning she was, she still showed her fox tail.

"Sure enough, you are pretending to be crazy, Ye Yuning, if you want to pretend, you must pretend to the end, even if you have a sharp sword on your body, you must not change your face."

Hmph, can't hold it after a few hits?

Sure enough, she is a delicate young lady who can't bear hardships.

Everyone was dumbfounded, pretending?

Damn, cheat everyone's sympathy.

As expected, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she likes to lie.

They pitied and sympathized with her, but she was kind enough to treat them as fools and play around.

Ye Yu was stunned, her face was flushed, and her heart was in a mess. [

She pretended to be so hard, which made Mu Jinmo let go of her guard, but the bastard's slap made her show her traces.

It's abominable.

"What the hell are you doing? You came here to hit me..."

Is it easy for her?

Could it be that she is trying to pretend to be crazy?

If there was no way to go, how could she take this doomed rough road?

Madmen have a bad reputation!

But even so, they still refused to let her go!

Zhuo Ran didn't talk nonsense to her, and asked directly, "Who did you give Xiangning to?"

Ye Yuning's complexion changed drastically, her heart skipped a beat, and she pretended to be calm, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Zhuo Ran hated her deeply, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. With a big wave of his hand, he casually pointed to two thick maids, "Very well, come here, take off her clothes and throw them out..."

The two maids looked at each other, thinking of the sympathy they had been deceived, they were annoyed for a while, and ran over angrily.

These words are as effective as any threat, Ye Yuning was terrified, her face full of disbelief.

"Tie Zhuoran, you are too deceitful, no matter what, I am a guest of the Tie family."

She stresses this point desperately, hoping to stop his madness.

It doesn't make sense at all to talk to unreasonable people.

How could this be?

Did someone have an accident?

But what does it matter to her?

She didn't go anywhere!

Zhuo Ran stared at her coldly, his eyes were like swords, "The Tie family doesn't welcome bad guests like you, you only have two choices, one, tell the truth, explain all the situation clearly, two, let everyone appreciate you Yes, you can choose yourself."

Ye Yu vomited blood concentratingly, it was too arrogant. [

She is a weak woman who has not left the court, how could he treat her like this?

Even if her reputation is bad now, she still cannot be bullied by anyone.

"Tie Zhuoran, don't do things too decisively, there will be retribution."

If you offend her, it's a big deal that we will die together, and we will die together.

Let the entire Tie family be buried with her!

Hands quietly reached into his bosom, holding something tightly.

Zhuo Ran sneered, "Yes, you have already received retribution, I advise you not to move your hands."

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