Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 390: Who Is Behind the Scenes

Zhuo Ran sneered, "Yes, you have already received retribution, I advise you not to move your hands."

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew out his long sword and pointed it straight at her hand. The tip of the sword was gloomy and cold, and a gust of cold air rushed to his arm.

As long as her hand moves, his sword will fall, ensuring that the arm will fall to the ground immediately.

Ye Yuning's face turned pale with fright, she didn't want to lose her perfect arm again, for a moment, she was in a dilemma and froze on the spot.

But that anger had nowhere to vent, and he yelled indignantly. [

"You savage, you don't deserve to touch me, let go, or I will call molestation."

Zhuo Ran's answer was very simple, the sword rose and the sword fell, "Wow." With a sound, the coat suddenly split into countless pieces, scattered all over the ground like butterflies.

Ye Yuning was dumbfounded, she didn't expect him to follow through on what he said, without being sympathetic at all.

Zhuo Ran held up his sword, pointing the tip at her nose, as if wondering where to strike.

Ye Yu's frightened face paled, he held his breath, and didn't dare to move.

I'm afraid that this lunatic will suddenly give her a sword and ruin her face.

Now all she has left is this peerless face, which must not be lost.

She was used to Zhuo Ran's smile all the year round, his carefree attitude of not caring about everything.Have you ever seen such a tough side of him?

Moreover, he had no interest in her at all, and even turned a blind eye to her unparalleled beauty.

What else can she do for a person who can't be moved by beauty?

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhuo Ran was very displeased, "Throw it out, let everyone come over and witness the striptease of a big beauty Ye."

Ye Yuning was frightened and terrified, there was nothing she could do to a person who had no weaknesses. v

She gritted her teeth, and put down her harsh words, "You kill me, I'm not alive, at worst I drag you to die together."

Zhuo Ran looked at her lazily, the tip of the sword trembled, and she screamed in fright.

He rolled his eyes impatiently, "Do it."

A useless woman who usually does all kinds of bad things, but when things come to an end, she becomes a shrinking turtle.

Sure enough, the bad guys have no guts.

The maids responded, and rushed forward like wolves and tigers, dragging her to run outside.

Zhuo Ran's sword shadow was always around her, as long as she made a strange move, she would immediately dismember her body, and she had no doubt that he would do so. [

The maids were very strong, and they shot out in anger. Two of them held down her hands and feet, and the other two pulled her clothes.

It was useless for her to struggle desperately, she was so frightened, "No, I said it, I said it all."

This man is not human!

With a wave of Zhuo Ran's hand, the maids stood aside, not obedient.


Don't eat the toast, eat fine wine, and treat this kind of dead pig with a woman who is not afraid of boiling water, she is more ruthless and heartless than her.

Ye Yuning took a peek at his face, it was as dark as water, she couldn't help shivering, and all of them were recruited.

"Xiang Ning, I am... to a masked man in black, but I don't know who he is, and I have never seen his face..."

She no longer dared to hide anything and told everything about it.

It turned out that one night, the grounded Ye Yuning was sitting by the window bored, when a man in black suddenly appeared and asked her for a lot of good news.

The opponent is very skilled, she is not his opponent, of course she knows the times and handed over everything.

Zhuo Ran was half-convinced, "Humph."

This woman is full of lies, and she can even pretend to be crazy. Her character is questionable, and her words are even more questionable.

Seeing the suspicion on his face, Ye Yu was very frightened, "I'm not lying, it's true, he should be from your Tie family, he is very familiar with everything here, and can avoid everyone's silent I have no choice but to touch it in. If I don’t give it, he will kill me.”

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