Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 391: Who Is Behind the Scenes

Seeing the suspicion on his face, Ye Yu was very frightened, "I'm not lying, it's true, he should be from your Tie family, he is very familiar with everything here, and can avoid everyone's silent I have no choice but to touch it in. If I don’t give it, he will kill me.”

Can't blame her, she is also a victim.

I don't know who knows her situation so well and has figured out her bottom line.

Zhuo Ran pondered for a while, then waved his long sword, "Tell me the ins and outs of the matter again, and don't miss any details."

Ye Yuning was completely afraid of his arrogance, she really didn't want to be dragged out and stripped of her clothes to make a public display. [

Not daring to be impatient, he said it again in detail.

Both times the situation is more or less the same, nothing wrong.

Zhuo Ran frowned slightly, his thoughts turned.

Ye Yuning was crying, but she didn't cry.

For this kind of person, crying is useless, and they will find her annoying.

She begged pitifully, "I've told you everything, you must believe me."

Zhuo Ran's eyebrows twitched, and suddenly his body flashed, and he rushed to her side, raised her slender and beautiful right hand and looked at it, wondering what he was thinking.

Ye Yuning's heart trembled, and inexplicable fear swept over his body, what did he want to do?

"What do you want to do? You... want to be rude to me? Are you worthy of Yong'er? You keep saying you like her, but secretly covet other women. Hmph, you like her family background and background..."

Speaking of this, I was very emotional, but also faintly proud.

Did he suddenly find that she was beautiful, hundreds of times more beautiful than that dead girl?

So you have your eye on her?

Haha, no one can escape her beauty.

She also didn't want to think that her face was swollen like a pig's head, and Zhuo Ran didn't like to eat pig's head, so how could he have fantasies about her?

Just when he was proud, there was a tingling pain in his arm, and cold sweat flowed from the pain.


He... what did he do?

Zhuo Ran gave her a hard push, "Miss Ye, you take yourself too seriously, now that your hand is disabled, you will never be able to harm anyone again."

Ye Yuning collapsed, her body was shaking in the wind, she couldn't believe her eyes. [

Her Tesuji was disabled? !

Can't use poison anymore?

The superb poison art that he had learned so hard since he was a child was completely ruined?

Without these, how could she be on the Xinglin list?How can you keep Mu Jinmo's gaze?


Anger covered his frightened heart, and he roared heart-piercingly, "Tie Zhuoran, you might as well kill me, I won't let you go..."

Zhuo Ran clapped his hands and wiped them with a handkerchief, as if he had touched something disgusting.

He said casually, "I didn't kill you with a single sword, it was because of Yao Wang's face, you were all covered, otherwise you would be a dead body today."

There was only one thought in Ye Yuning's head, and she yelled frantically, "I want to kill you, I must kill you."

Zhuo Ran's ears perked up, and he smiled faintly, "Young Master Mu, why haven't you shown up after eavesdropping for so long?"

Mu Jinmo jumped off the roof with ease, but his face was extremely ugly.

Ye Yuning's eyes lit up, as if seeing a savior.

"Ah Mo, he was rude to me, and even crippled my hand..."

Extremely aggrieved, she stretched out her crippled right hand and complained pitifully.

Mu Jinmo took two steps forward and pressed hard, "creak." There was a sound of breaking hands.

Ye Yuning was caught off guard, terrified, sweating profusely in pain, breathed heavily, and struggled to speak, "You...you..."

【Enough here today, continue tomorrow, the new year is here again, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day, peace and beauty, and happiness. 】

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