Ye Yuning was caught off guard, terrified, sweating profusely in pain, breathed heavily, and struggled to speak, ""

How could he treat her like this?


Mu Jinmo's eyes were cold, piercing her heart like a sharp knife, "How dare you pretend to be crazy and play me crazy."

He became a joke, fortunately he still cared about an old relationship, instead of knocking her out, he stayed with her for a long time. [

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Ye Yuning's body shook, her face turned completely pale, and then she remembered his biggest taboo, hating others to deceive him.

She was in a turmoil, and for a moment she forgot the pain in her hand, waiting for Ai Ai to speak.

"Listen to my explanation... Yesterday I was extremely angry and really lost my mind, but after taking the medicine and sleeping, my spirits recovered..."

How to do?

He must avenge any grudge, and believes that he would rather bear the world's people than the world's people bear me.

Can such rhetoric be fooled?

It's just such a reason, she felt guilty when she heard it.

Not to mention him who has always been shrewd and capable.

Mu Jinmo was as cold as ice, and his disgust was palpable, "That's enough, you're making fun of everyone in the world, and you're so proud that you even dare to play tricks on me. You're really amazing."

The tone was eerie and cold.

At this time, the unrepentant woman who is still coaxing him is unbearable to watch.

"No, I'm really..." Ye Yu was sweating profusely and blushing, "I didn't play tricks on you. Ah Mo, you must believe me..."

She was wrong, she should have tolerated it just now.

No matter how Tie Zhuoran deals with her, just grit his teeth and endure it.

But now...

Mu Jinmo couldn't help sneering when she saw that she would not die until the Yellow River.

"Who would trust a woman like you? She's full of lies, without any sincerity, get the hell out, I'll be sick to see you."

In the past, his vision was really bad, how could he fall in love with such a scheming woman? [

"Not at all sincere?" Ye Yuning was greatly stimulated, with a miserable smile on his face, "Mu Jinmo, you can't be heartless. I have been sincere to you all these years, and everything I do is for you. How can you say that about me alone?"

Everyone else can say that, but he alone can't.

She obviously doesn't like medicine and drugs.But in order to help him, he ordered to study and study.

Years of hard work.All for him.

Even obedient to his father's words, all his thoughts were on him

But with a single word from him, all the years of hard work were erased.

Years of friendship become a joke.

Mu Jinmo didn't care what she was thinking, the more she watched, the more upset she became.

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go."

Ye Yuning panicked, and tightly grabbed the hem of his clothes with her uninjured hand.I begged tearfully, "Ah Mo, don't go, I know I was wrong, you can tell me to do anything, I will listen to you, I will poison whoever you tell me to poison, and I will develop new varieties , supply more poison..."

Even if her hand can no longer inflict poison, but it can be developed, it is still useful to him.

"Shut up." Mu Jinmo was furious and tried to push her away.

But although Ye Yuning's hand was injured, she was very strong, she hugged him with her uninjured hand like crazy, tried her best to keep him from going.

Zhuo Ran looked at the flirting couple with contempt, it was an eyesore.

If there is no cause, where does the effect come from?

Such a man is not worthy of a simple and lovely girl.

For some reason, Mu Jinmo felt a little guilty when he looked at her.

"Ye Yuning, you crazy, if something happens to Yong'er, you will be buried with her."

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