Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 398: Asking for something

She refused directly, "I can't get involved in this matter, sorry."

Miss Tie Er was angry, annoyed and ashamed, her face turned pale, she snorted coldly, and walked away.

Damn, she's been so submissive, and she's still pushing back.

Could it be that the person she doesn't want is not allowed to be taken by others?

Hmph, eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot. [

Having a big brother is not enough, even Mr. Mu refuses to let him go.

Selfish and annoying.

The little girl shrugged her shoulders, her expression indifferent.

Begging is so high-profile, who owes her?

Besides, this kind of thing cannot be wishful thinking.

Anyway, ask the parties for their opinions.

But as long as he thinks about the relationship between Ye Yuning and Mu Jinmo, he will be lazy to care about these crap.

It's hard and thankless, why bother?

The few people who stayed were a little embarrassing, which was very embarrassing.

But for some reason, they didn't get up to say goodbye.

Miss Tie Wu hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and blushed, "Sister Bai, I also have something to ask."

Coral has a black thread, and the group of sisters don't know how to advance or retreat, which makes her lose face.

"Sister Bai is in good health, so don't quarrel with her."

What are you begging for? Sister Bai is not an ordinary person, so they ask for anything.

If there is anything, go to your parents and brothers.

Sister Bai is not from the Tie family, so it is a matter of course, as if she owes them, it is really speechless.

Miss Tie Wu blushed so much that she was about to bleed, but she didn't flinch, "Say a few more words and leave immediately, Sister Bai, I heard that you are leaving, can you take me with you then? I want to go around and see what is happening on land. Customs and customs, I have never left this island since I was born."

The unexpected request stunned everyone present, why did she suddenly make this request?

Xiaoya looked at her carefully, and said lightly, "If Uncle Tie nods, I have no objection."

Strange, why come to beg her?

If you want to walk around, let the elders of Tiejia take them ashore for a walk.

It's not a hassle.

Miss Tie Wu beamed with joy, looking confident, "That's settled."

As if reassured, she got up to leave at last contentedly, and brought the others along.

As soon as they left, Xiaoya lay faceless on the soft couch, looking sluggish, like a cute kitten.

When there is no one, it is too deserted.

Come together, it's noisy, and you have to spend your time dealing with them.

It's tiring.

Shan Shan let out a heavy breath, feeling ashamed, "They're all a group of young ladies, they're so noisy, Sister Bai, don't get me wrong, they're just..."

She couldn't go on, she was really speechless.

"They are them, you are you, two different things." Xiaoya said with a smile, "Sister Coral, thank you so much these days, you have taken care of me day and night, I..."

Thanks to her these days, she took care of her wholeheartedly, and she remembered this heart.

When Shan Shan heard it, she immediately forgot about the episode just now, "What stupid things are you talking about? What is the friendship between our two families? My father has received a lot of favors from the Bai family, and I can repay one or two. I am too happy to be happy."

My father was in danger several times, but fortunately the Bai family and Prince Tang rescued him, and only one life was saved.

Every bit of kindness is in my heart.

My father often said that the greatest luck in his life was getting to know the couple Tang Youhao and Bai Qianqian.

The friendship of the previous generation has been extended to the next generation, and it is believed that the friendship will continue from generation to generation.

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