Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 399: Asking for something

The friendship of the previous generation has been extended to the next generation, and it is believed that the friendship will continue from generation to generation.

Xiao Ya saw that she was sincere and sincere, without any adulteration, and was very moved. It is rare for her to be so sincere.

After Ye Yuning took her love with a knife, she was very disappointed in human nature. The people who had been with her for many years disregarded the sisterhood, pretended to be ghosts behind her back, and betrayed her.

This broke her heart.

But don't despair. [

There are always some truths in the world that will not change.

Not all friendships can't stand the test.

She believed that Tie Shan Shan was different from Ye Yuning, they were different people.

She really wanted the friend Iron Coral!

Ever since she was a child, she has no close friends except her cousins ​​at home. She likes Coral's straightforward and carefree personality.

She suddenly thought of something, "Is there something on your mind these days? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Although she has been sick, her sensitivity has not diminished.

Coral has been distracted these days, distracted from time to time, and occasionally frowning and preoccupied when people are not prepared.

Shan Shan hesitated for a while, her heavy heart was about to overwhelm her, and she didn't have any girlfriends to confide in, so she was already overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but want to vomit quickly, "Sister Bai, what do you think of Jian Yu?"

The little girl was startled, frowned in embarrassment, and thought for a long time, "The city is very deep, and the mind is too complicated, not an ordinary person."

Hey, why did she suddenly mention this person?

Did something happen?

She didn't have a good impression of that guy, but she couldn't say anything directly.

Girls' hearts are very sensitive, and they don't like others to speak ill of their sweetheart.

She didn't want to lose Coral as a friend.

Coral frowned, and asked directly, "Sister Bai, did you treat him..."

Suddenly blushing, the words stopped abruptly, embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Although she didn't finish her words, Xiao Ya already understood. There are some things between girls that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. [

"No, he's not bad, but I don't like it."

It's more to her liking to go straight to the point like this.

I'm afraid that one thing in front of one's face and one thing behind one's back are two-faced in everything, with a bright smile on the face, but wanting to stab you in the back.

Shan Shan breathed a sigh of relief, "If I offer to marry him, will he accept it?"

She is not afraid of other people, and she does not let others down, but compared to Xiaoya, she knows that she is far behind.

As long as Xiaoya doesn't argue with her, she will give it a try.

The little girl gasped, her eyes stared at Lao Yuan, she... can't.

Coral blushed completely, but stubbornly wanted an answer.

The little girl thought about it, frowned and said openly and unfairly, "I don't know him well, so I don't know what he thinks."

The voice paused, "But in my opinion, this is not appropriate."

Courage is commendable, but the method is wrong.

Although that man didn't have much contact, it can be seen that he is a very assertive man, not the passive type.

Coral held her breath nervously, "Why?"

The little girl couldn't think of a better excuse for a while, so she just picked a random reason, "It's worthless to send it to your door. You have to let the man ask for it again and again, so he will cherish it."

This is what my mother told her. At first she didn't take it seriously, but now she finds out that it is the truth!

Coral was stunned, she didn't even know this truth, alas, this is the shortcoming of not having a mother, and no one taught her many things.

"It makes sense, but I'm worried that someone will get there first. There are too many girls who like him. I..."

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