Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 400: Asking for something

"It makes sense, but I'm worried that someone will get there first. There are too many girls who like him. I..."

Xiaoya is not an ordinary girl, she has different ideas and opinions, and she is not afraid of her jokes. The Bai family is a magical place, and everyone in the Bai family is special.

This thought has been held back for a long time, and I can't tell my closest father, I can't talk to my cousins, I can only hold it alone.

Now Xiaoya is here, she is a very special girl, she is extremely smart, has good knowledge, is not small-minded, and is a very good listener.

Xiaoya doesn't understand why she likes that man so much. In her opinion, these two people are not suitable. [

But at this time, what others say is useless.

The less outsiders disagree, the more stubborn the parties are, and the more they persuade, the more angry they become.

After thinking about it, she had to think of another way.

"He's a man of his own mind. Doesn't follow everyone else's advice, but does he show anything?"

Did that guy imply something?

Or confessed?

But it is right for a man to take the initiative in this kind of thing. Girls rush up like a pot of fire. No way, they will be looked down upon.

She didn't want Coral to regret it in the future.

Coral's face froze, and she bit her lip, thinking about Ai Ai, "I just can't figure out what he's thinking, it seems that he is interested in me, but it seems that he has no intention, I..."

She has been so ambiguous all the time, if she clarifies that layer of paper, she won't be so troubled.

The little girl fainted and talked for a long time, it was unrequited love.

It seems that guy is not a good thing.

If you really like coral, you will naturally come to propose marriage. Why play this trick that seems far away?

She rolled her eyes and got an idea, "Then you go and ask him clearly, if he doesn't mean it, you give up immediately."

Simply and neatly, cut the mess with a quick knife.

According to Shanhu's temperament, if someone rejects her, she won't stalk her.

Coral was dumbfounded, she was already considered a very generous girl, but she never thought that Xiaoya would be more daring and dare to do anything.Dare to say anything.

It was... so direct.

But it's not a bad idea. [

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he shivered, "This is not good, I can't ask, why don't you ask me?"

What would she do if she was rejected in person?

Do you want to live?

The little girl had black lines on her face, "Are you kidding me, I don't get involved in this kind of thing."

That guy is no ordinary person, his eyes seem to hide countless secrets.

Intuition told her, as far away as possible, as far away as possible.

She has no urge to solve the puzzle.

That person has nothing to do with her and doesn't need too much attention.

The heart of the coral seems to grow grass, and it will be uncomfortable if it is not pulled out.

"Take it as the reward for taking care of you so hard these days, sister Bai, okay?

This is related to her lifelong event, so be cautious.

But there is no suitable person around her to help her connect, so she can only ask Xiaoya for help.

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, no matter how free and easy a woman encounters relationship problems, she will become shy and coy.

Even the hearty and generous coral is no exception.

She said so, and it seemed too unreasonable to refuse.

Human affection is greater than heaven, and she can't say no to a person who takes good care of her.

She had no choice but to deal with it vaguely, "I'll ask him for you next time when he comes."

Haha, by then she has already left the island and returned home, so why ask any more questions, I can’t blame her for not counting her words.

Coral was overjoyed, "Great, he hasn't left yet, he is on the island, you can ask him right away."

Xiao Ya almost fainted, "What? Why isn't he leaving yet?"

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