Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 401: Asking for something

Xiao Ya almost fainted, "What? Why isn't he leaving yet?"

It's not his house, why do you always hang out here?

Coral hesitated to speak, as if it was very difficult.

"He has something..."

Xiaoya quickly waved her hand, "Don't force it, I don't want to know." [

The more you know, the more trouble you have.

Coral frowned tightly, "Do you think he is a bad guy who plots evil?"

The little girl was stunned, "Why did you say that?"

That person was always hanging around Tie's house, and it didn't feel good.

But he's the bad guy, and it seems like it's too much.

Coral seemed to be suffocated, took Xiao Ya's hand, and shouted angrily, "Sister Bai, you are not an outsider, and I will not hide this matter from you. Now the Tie family suspects that he is the traitor..."

The little girl was stunned for a while, "Is he a traitor?"

Is he the one who revealed the Tie family's defense line in secret?

It's also possible that he wanders around Tie's house every day, and he can't hide many secrets from him.

But what is he for?

Coral is in a hurry, why does this person only listen to half a sentence?

"No, it's everyone's suspicion, and there is no real evidence, so they point the finger at Brother Jian. If they can't find out the truth, they blame Brother Jian. It's too much."

She tried her best to excuse Jian Yu, her tone was very upset.

Xiaoya finally understood the real reason why she was in a bad mood these days.

She was noncommittal and just asked a question.

"Why do you doubt him?"

That's the point.

Shan Shan blushed anxiously, "He is not an outsider, he is uncle's favorite junior, he knows everything, especially Feng Shui, uncle believes in this very much, so he has traveled to every corner of Tie's house, there is no place he is not familiar with ..."

Looking at Feng Shui?The little girl is so speechless. [

Shan Shan was afraid that she would not believe her, so she tried her best to explain, "He has been wronged a lot, and it's not that he wants to go shopping, it's my uncle who asked him to find the best geomantic omen place and make it a family grave. Now everyone put the blame on him It's too much to doubt him, the most frightening thing is that the uncle didn't jump out to speak for him."

The little girl blinked her eyes, and the more she listened, the more confused she became, "Where is Uncle Tie? What did he say?"

The brothers of the Tie family are smart, one is resolute and decisive in killing, the other is as careful as dust, with strong martial arts and clever methods.

Shan Shan pursed her lips with displeasure on her face, "Of course my father believes in him, but for some reason, he just refuses to come forward to make decisions for him."

The little girl understood everything, and sighed softly, "Second uncle also has his difficulties."

At this time, everything is wrong.

If it is found to be true in the future, why face the family members?

A shrewd person like Uncle Tie would not do stupid things.

Coral panicked. She could understand her father's difficulties, but she still felt uncomfortable.

"I know, can you...can you intercede for me? Everyone agrees with you."

The little girl refused straight away, "Me? I'm an outsider, so it's hard to talk."

What a joke, this kind of thing is the most difficult to deal with. If you are not careful, you will not be able to eat mutton, but you will get a fishy body.

Besides, Xiaoya is also suspicious of that guy.

Shan Shan sighed, "What are you talking about? You are the great benefactor of the Tie family. If it weren't for you, the Tie family would have already..."

Everyone was very grateful to her and regarded her as a lifesaver.

The little girl spread her hands.With an innocent face, "I didn't do anything, those guys are so useless."

The corner of Coral's mouth twitches, too useless?These words are too flat, and will make many people vomit blood.

That is a big murderer who is sad for everyone and sad for ghosts.

The people killed in this life may line up for several miles.

Across the world, there is no disadvantage.

This time it will be folded in Xiaoya's hands, which shocked everyone.

[I'll stop here today, and continue tomorrow. I have something to do today, so I'll update it twice, and I'll have something tomorrow, and maybe I'll update it twice. Please forgive me. 】[

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