Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 410: Matchmaking is a technical job

The little girl was ecstatic, she turned her head and ran to his side, her eyes were shining brightly, "Ah, I want it, please tell me a price."

Gu's Medical Classics is the painstaking work of Gu Yue, a medical saint hundreds of years ago, and it records what he has learned throughout his life.

But somehow, it got lost.

There are not many people in the world today who know his name. Ye Feng is one of them, so he naturally knows it and admires him very much. Influenced by it, his apprentice Bai Qian wanted to get this book wholeheartedly.

But after searching for many years, with the strength of the Bai family, they found nothing, and the disappointment is self-evident. [

The more he couldn't get it, the more he cared about it, and it almost became a heart disease for Ye Feng's master and apprentice.

But I didn't expect this book to fall into Jian Yu's hands, it was a surprise.

Jian Yu couldn't help laughing, she became angry for a while, and smiled like a flower for a while, why is she still like a child?

But so cute!

"That's not necessary, it's my gift to the girl to make amends."

Xiaoya's smile froze on her face, "I don't accept gifts from others in vain, what do you want? You can exchange them."

She is bound to get this thing, but she will not take advantage of others.

Jian Yu was also very polite, "Just treat it as a debt to me, and I will..."

The little girl's scalp tingled for a while, why does it sound like a trap?

With a sudden shock in her heart, she turned her head and left, "I don't want it anymore."

Who knows what he's thinking?

His mind is too deep, she can't play with him.

Anyway, since he knew it was in his hands, there was nothing to worry about.

There are plenty of smart people in the family, let them figure out a way, hahaha.

Her reaction was beyond Jian Yu's expectation, and she was stunned, "You... just leave as soon as you say? Sit a little longer, the weather is very good today..."

What is in this girl's head?

Why is there always a sense of powerlessness in the face of her?

It seems that people from different worlds cannot communicate.

Xiao Ya was very disdainful, "You can appreciate it slowly by yourself." [

Her intuition told her that this man was digging a big trap, so she avoided it.

As soon as she reached the door, a figure chased from behind and blocked her way. Jian Yu was puzzled and puzzled, "What did I say to offend the girl? Please tell me clearly."

If you say go, go, if you say no, don't, simply don't do it, which makes all the rhetoric he prepared useless.

Xiaoya looked at him coldly, "Don't treat others as fools, you are very smart, but others are not stupid either."

He may not be malicious towards her, but he doesn't seem to have good intentions either. Anyway, it's strange that his eyes are too complicated for people to see through.

Jian Yu's heart tightened, and she frowned slightly, "What do you mean? Please make it clear, Miss Bai."

Xiaoya wanted to leave, but he blocked the door and refused to let her pass.

She was furious for a while, this person is too flat.

"What on earth is your intention? You have thoroughly investigated me, and you know my preferences like the back of your hand. Did you search for this book on purpose just to lure me into the bait?"

Jian Yu was secretly surprised, she was not as simple as her appearance, her heart was like a mirror, and she could see clearly.

"You think too much, I don't mean that, I just heard that you are a disciple of Yaowanggu, you must like this kind of book, I give it to you, just as an apology, you don't forget it, why bother to think about it?" so bad?"

Xiao Ya was not ashamed, but her eyes widened even wider.

"Forget it, Shan Hu said that you are a rare gentleman, but I think you are unpredictable, like a snake hiding in the dark, ready to rush out and bite at any time."

Jian Yu stared at her coldly, "You have been prejudiced against me from the very beginning, no matter what I say or do, you don't believe me..."

The two stared with big eyes, full of gunpowder, and looked like they were going to fight.

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