Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 411: Matchmaking is a technical job

The two stared with big eyes, full of gunpowder, and looked like they were going to fight.

The maids who were peeking from the side looked at each other, the two would not really fight.

It's really strange to see Mr. Jian blushing with anger and having a thick neck.

Seeing the twitching veins on his forehead, the little girl was afraid that it might break, so she hurriedly smoothed things over, "Hey, calm down, don't get excited, and talk if you have something to say."

When Jian Yu heard this, she became even angrier. [

It's obvious that she has been provoking him, but now she's pretending to be nice again.

He couldn't help asking the confusion in his heart, "In your heart, who am I? A heinous villain?"

The little girl was stunned, "Is this important?"

It doesn't matter what she thinks.

And it doesn't matter if he is a bad guy or not.

For her, this place will become a memory, and the man in front of her will also be a shadow in the memory,

Once she leaves here, she won't think of him.

Jian Yu looked at her firmly, and stubbornly asked for a promise, "It's very important to me."

Xiaoya's scalp was numb from his weird tone, and her heart felt weird.

"Young Master Jian, don't take everything too seriously. I'm just an insignificant person, and my opinions don't matter. You'd better have a good chat with Shan Hu, don't hurt her heart."

This is a very weird and complicated person, like the flames of moxibustion fever, but also like the ice and snow in winter.

If you get too close, you will either be burned or frozen.

When Jian Yu heard this, his face became even weirder.

"The person I like is not her, I already have someone in my heart."

The little girl was slightly surprised, did she have a sweetheart?

"That's even more clear, don't waste other people's youth and ruin a girl's feelings."

Really, since you have someone you like, why don't you make it clear earlier, why don't you say anything?

Jian Yu's gaze passed her, and she didn't know where to look. Suddenly, his eyes changed, he lowered his head, stretched out his hand, and said softly, "There is something dirty on your face."

"Huh?" Xiaoya dodged subconsciously, avoided his hand, touched her face, and looked in the mirror when she went out. [

He smiled slightly, like a spring breeze, and his fingers moved like shadows. No matter how little girl dodged, she couldn't avoid his hand, and he stroked her face, "Here, here."

Xiao Ya watched his changes in horror, and her back felt chills.

Isn't he sick?

There is no reason to talk about neuropathy.

A roar came from behind, "What are you doing?"

The two turned around at the same time, only to see Tie Zhuoran and Mu Jinmo standing behind them with extremely complicated expressions.

One is wearing purple, the other is wearing white, handsome and unrestrained, each has its own beauty, looks very seductive.

Jian Yu saluted generously, "Young Master Mu and Young Master Tie, the two of you are so interested that you actually toured Fengyun Island hand in hand."

Talking on the mouth, this hand is still glued to the little girl's face.

The little girl slapped him away, treated him as a hateful fly, and slapped him to death.

She wiped the place he touched fiercely. It was so disgusting that she dared to take advantage of her and beat him to death.

The two men on the opposite side looked at each other, their faces turned green, and they shouted at the same time.

"with him?"

If there is something wrong, traveling with a beautiful woman is a pleasing thing. '

Swimming with a rival in love, is it trying to find a way to destroy the other party?

Zhuo Ran shivered, and his skin got goosebumps.

"What are you kidding?"

It was only then that Mu Jinmo remembered what he had just seen, his eyes were condensed into a blizzard, "Don't change the subject, what were you doing just now?"

[Enough here today, continue tomorrow, scroll down and code for tomorrow, woohoo, every day is like a war, so tired, thank you for your support, Chinese New Year is coming, there are so many things, should this be delayed until after the Chinese New Year?This is a serious question that requires serious consideration, haha!kiss]

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