Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 412: Privately Determined for Life

It was only then that Mu Jinmo remembered what he had just seen, his eyes were condensed into a blizzard, "Don't change the subject, what were you doing just now?"

Isn't it enough that she provoked one?Go to provoke another one.

She is one on the left, one on the right, is there still him in her eyes?

The little girl frowned, did not open her mouth to explain, and glanced at Zhuo Ran unconsciously, only to see him silently looking at her, his dark pupils like ink were unfathomable.

Jian Yu said lightly, "This is our private matter, thank you, please don't ask any more questions." [

The gentle and polite words hide the sword edge, implying some kind of ulterior relationship.

Xiaoya glared at him angrily, and really wanted to kick him into the sea to wake him up. It really wasn't a good thing, and she plotted against her again and again.

Wait for her.

One day, he will be dealt with!

Mu Jinmo was so jealous, his words were like a thousand arrows piercing his heart, and the pain was unbearable. What made him even more desperate was, why did she only look at Tie Zhuoran?

Just care about him so much?

What about yourself?

What kind of?

Doesn't his feeling matter?


The little girl's cheeks were wet, and she raised her head, and there was a light snow in the sky, as light as cotton wool.Delicious as cotton candy.

She stretched out her little hand, happily welcoming the arrival of the first snow this year.

Her eyes were shining, and the corners of her mouth were curled up, raising a beautiful smile, "It's snowing, I want to build a little snowman."

Every winter, she stays in the Yaowang Valley where the seasons are like spring. How can she ever see snow?

So beautiful.

The little snowman that my brothers said must be very interesting.

Need to find some materials, um, carbon, carrots, brushes, what else?

The corners of the mouths of the three men twitched. When they were so serious, her mind actually drifted away.

This girl can hit a man's self-esteem too much. [

With a big hand shake, Zhuo Ran helped her put on the big red fur coat prepared in advance, and carefully adjusted the hood for her.

With snow-white skin and a bright red hat, she is lined with pink and jade carvings, red lips and white teeth, elegant and refined.

Zhuo Ran was full of tenderness in his heart, he suppressed the wave of emotion that was about to move, and coaxed softly, "It's cold outside, go back to the house to rest, the snow will pile up tomorrow morning, I'll help you build a little girl."

In front of these two guys, he couldn't move his hands and feet, so he had to coax her back to the house, so he could get some money then.

The little girl stared at the snow that was getting bigger and bigger, salivating.

"But I really want it now."

She had been looking forward to it for more than ten years, and finally got it.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help laughing, he was still a child at heart, very playful.

However, it is his unshirkable responsibility to satisfy all her wishes.

"Don't be impatient, otherwise, I'll draw one for you first, and then I'll pile up an identical one."

The little girl was very happy, and nodded desperately, "Okay, okay, let's go."

As soon as she was happy, she forgot about her appearance, took the initiative to hold his hand, and ran out slowly.

She did it very naturally, completely ignoring the existence of the other two men.

Maybe she didn't care about the feelings of the two of them at all.

Tie Zhuoran looked down at the two clasped hands, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, hahaha, smiling complacently.

Mu Jinmo's heart ached and he was numb from the pain. He wanted to stop it, but his hands and feet seemed to be stiff, his mouth could not make a sound, and he watched them leave hand in hand numbly.

Such a scene hurt his eyes more than once, and made him feel powerless.

Xiao Ya no longer has him in her heart, so she has that bastard Tie Zhuoran instead.

Maybe she doesn't know it herself, but the bystanders know.

It was because I saw too clearly that my heart ached to the point of helplessness.

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