Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 418: Privately Determined for Life

Although she is afraid of pain, she also likes innocent and lovely children.

A few more children at home are more lively.

Zhuo Ran was overjoyed, she promised him?

Very good!

Once the wish of many years was fulfilled, the joy was beyond words, she danced and shouted again and again, "Little girl, don't hold back, you must keep your word." [

Hahaha, the girl he likes finally accepts him,

A whole ten years!

Is it easy for him?

Years of guarding the marquis were not in vain, and finally got the man he dreamed of.

His little girl, his baby, his lover.

As long as she walks with him in this life, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He is no longer alone, there will be her in the future, accompanied by their children.

The heart that has been empty for a long time seems to have found the missing other half, and it is so full that it makes people's eyes warm, and there is a kind of impulse to cry.

Great, the world has become better.

All the hardships in the past were compensated at this moment.

The little girl smiled slightly, her heart filled with peace and joy.

Making this decision was a bit unexpected, it seemed a little too soon, and she didn't expect to make a decision today.

The moment he took her hand without any qualms, she made a decision.

He believed her wholeheartedly and never doubted her.

It's a matter of time.

Just for everything, he rushed in front of her, desperately protecting her, no matter what happened, his heart was always the same.

Don't ask how noble your status is, don't ask for wealth, just ask for a sincere heart.

Never leave and never give up, the affection of sharing life and death.

The heart is beating and the emotion is moving. [

This time, will you be happy? !

Zhuo Ran was crazy with joy, running around the room, jumping over from time to time to ask, isn't it a dream?is it true?Not bad!

The appearance of worrying about gain and loss, suddenly happy and surprised, makes people both angry and funny.

Doesn't he care about nothing?

Isn't he the most free and easy?

Why do you look like a child who has won a rare treasure at this time, smiling like a big fool?

But her heart is warm, and the corners of her mouth are raised. If there is a mirror in front of her, she will find that she is smiling like a fool.

Zhuo Ran seemed to have had enough fun, cheered, and rushed over to kiss and nibble on her, making her dodge itchy.

The two made a fuss, and laughter filled the room.

A clear voice came from the yard, "Sister Bai, sister Bai."

The little girl was startled, her movements froze, and she called softly, "It's Coral, let me go."

Because Zhuo Ran was here, he was afraid that the little girl would be too embarrassing and would not be able to let go of her hands and feet, so she sent all the servants away, and no one was guarding outside.

Zhuo Ran was in high spirits, and pressed her and refused to let her go, "Don't let her go, let her go back, it's really annoying, just come here if you have nothing to do."

If you disturb others' love, you will be struck by lightning.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Xiaoya was shocked and pushed him desperately. "Get up, if you mess around again, I'm going to be angry."

Zhuo Ran curled his lips, and got up unwillingly.

The little girl sat down slowly, and was busy arranging the clothes and hair that were messed up when she rolled around. The busier and messier she became, her hands were shaking.

Seeing this, he couldn't help laughing, this girl is really timid.

He stretched out his big hand and quickly helped her tidy up her clothes.

The door was pushed open heavily, a gust of cold wind poured in, and the two people in the room shivered.

"Close the door quickly." Zhuo Ran called impatiently.

Coral looked at the two people stupidly, with spring in the corners of her eyes, blushing face, a lazy look after doing something bad. [

She was quite frightened, "Brother, Sister Bai, you..."

No way, just the two of them, a man and a widow?

Where's the maid?What about the other servants?

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