Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 419: Privately Determined for Life

Where's the maid?What about the other servants?

What's happening here?

The little girl flushed with embarrassment, and secretly slapped Zhuoran.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help but want to laugh, this girl.

He gave Shan Shan an angry look, "Go out, you don't know the rules."

I don't wink at all, so of course I have to avoid it at this time.

No matter how many winks he threw, Coral hesitated,

"But you..."

This is not good, men are unmarried and women are unmarried, living alone in a room, if it spreads, it will be ugly.

Men are better, and they are extremely lethal to girls.

Sister Bai is not mean to her, she can't sit idly by.

Thinking of this, Shan Shan plucked up the courage to face the terrifying big brother, her voice still trembled a few times, revealing the fear in her heart.

"I'll just say a few words to sister Bai, brother, why don't you go out first."

Why is Zhuo Ran willing to leave at this time?

"Let's be honest, in such a cold day, if you don't stay indoors, why are you running around?"

No matter how big the coral is, it still understands the basic rules.

I always felt that this was inappropriate, in broad daylight, not good, very bad.

She racked her brains to find an excuse. "That... I..."

After thinking for a long time, I finally figured out the original purpose of this trip, "Sister Bai, have you met Brother Jian?"

The little girl opened her mouth, and looked at Zhuo Ran somewhat at a loss.

How do you say that?

If it is serious, it will hurt her pure girlish heart.

If you don't talk, you won't give up, and you will get deeper and deeper.

Zhuo Ran accepted her entanglement and took the initiative to take the responsibility. [

"That kid Jian Yu said in front of me that he has a sweetheart and treats you as his own sister, which made you die of this attachment,"

How simple and clear, the meaning is clear, let's leave quickly.

Coral's face turned completely white, and her body swayed a few times, "You... are you telling the truth?"

He really said that?

But he obviously... cares about her very much, they have a lot to talk about, and often forget the time.

Brother Jian is so indifferent, he turns a blind eye to other girls and doesn't even say a word of greeting.

Only for her, it's different.

There is endless talk between you.

He is special to her!

How could she be wishful thinking and be passionate?

The elder brother must have miscommunicated the message!

Zhuo Ran saw her suspicion, and was very impatient, "Can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing? If you don't believe it, you can ask that kid yourself."

Hearing what he said, Shan Shan's heart turned cold. Did he really say it himself?

But she refused to give up, and pinned her last hope on Xiaoya, "Sister Bai."

Although Xiao Ya felt sorry for her, with her face so pale that she would faint at any time, she still nodded.

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless, let's give up early.

That Jian Yu is not an ordinary person, a person who cannot see through, is too dangerous.

The coral was greatly stimulated, its face turned blue and then white, it was extremely difficult to see.

Sister Bai said the same thing, and it seemed to be true.

why is it like this?

Since he doesn't like her, why does he come to talk to her for a long time every time he comes?

Why did you bring all kinds of gifts to please her? [

Did she really misunderstand?

Is that just etiquette?

The little girl couldn't bear it, and persuaded softly, "Don't be sad, there are many good men in the world, and the brothers in my family are all good men. I will introduce you when the time comes."

Compared with her several best brothers, Jian Yu is completely incomparable.

Two lines of clear tears rolled down her cheeks, and Coral burst into tears, in pain, and muttered to herself, "No matter how good you are, it's not Brother Jane."

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