Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 420: Privately Determined for Life

Two lines of clear tears rolled down her cheeks, and Coral burst into tears, in pain, and muttered to herself, "No matter how good you are, it's not Brother Jane."

Coral, who has always been straightforward and generous, is hurt by love and heartbroken like an ordinary girl.

She was so pitiful, with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Ya was very sympathetic, but there was nothing she could do.

Anything can be forced, except feelings. [

Zhuo Ran burst into flames, really useless.

"It's a pity that other people don't like you. It's useless to say anything. If you have the ability, go and make trouble and force him to marry you."

What's there to cry about?

I really like it so much, I think of a way to get people.

However, he is not optimistic.

The contempt in the tone deeply hurt Coral's fragile heart, but the tears stopped.

She straightened her back, and spoke quite forcefully, "No matter how much I like him, I won't cry. If I beg him to marry me, it's not like I can't get married. Brother, you underestimate me too."

What's the use of forcing it?

But she just couldn't figure it out, does Brother Jane really dislike her?

The little girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it's best for her to think like this, because she's afraid that she won't be able to get out of the corner.

Zhuo Ran's face looked better, "Hurry up and get out, we still have business to discuss."

He chased people out openly and aboveboard, completely dividing himself and Xiaoya into one country, and the others were all outsiders.

Coral was originally full of grievances and sadness, but when she heard this, her eyes widened, "No, I want Sister Bai to talk with me, brother, you are a big man, why do you stay in the girl's room all day, it will ruin your life. Get out of Sister Bai's name quickly."

She just said nothing, and stepped forward to grab his arm and pull it out.

But her strength was limited, she couldn't pull him no matter what, instead she was tired and out of breath.

Zhuo Ran slapped her on the head lightly, and said with a quite complacent smile, "What sister Bai? It's called sister-in-law."

He is like a child who has a baby, and he can't wait to share his joy with others.

Coral opened her mouth wide in shock, "What?"

Big... sister-in-law? [

No way?

The little girl became angry from embarrassment, and she was so angry that she said, "Tie Zhuoran!"

Why do you tell people everywhere?

This matter has not passed the parent's level yet.

Zhuo Ran smiled flatteringly at her, but still showed off proudly, "Haha, your sister Bai agreed to marry me, congratulations."

Coral is not an outsider, she knows how to measure.

At this time, his chest was about to explode with joy, and it would be uncomfortable not to let him show off.

Coral look at this, look at that, I feel so confused, has it changed today?

It was normal yesterday, but thunder came today.

She still couldn't believe it, "Sister Bai, is this true?"

Everyone on the island is aware of the big brother's concern, and they are all waiting for when the beauty in his arms will return, and even started a gamble.

I didn't expect it to be done so quickly, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

The little girl was shy and silent, so what should she say?

The siblings directly made her dizzy.

Can you be more tactful?

She is a thin-skinned girl!

Seeing her silence, Shan Shan immediately understood that this was the default.

For a moment, she forgot what was on her mind, and focused all her attention on this pair of neighbors. ,

"This is a happy event. It's great, sister Bai. You will live here for a long time in the future, and we can be companions in the future."

The more they look at each other, the more they match, they really are a match made in heaven.

Now, grandpa must be very happy, and father is also very happy, how about uncle?

Zhuo Ran glared at her angrily, "You think beautifully, she wants to accompany me, she has no time to talk to you, go find someone else to play with." [

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