Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 421: Privately Determined for Life

Zhuo Ran glared at her angrily, "You think beautifully, she wants to accompany me, and she has no time to talk to you, so go find someone else to play with."

He still has a lot to say.

Coral's eyes rolled, and instead of retreating, she ran forward and pulled Xiaoya up to run out.

"No, I just like to play with Sister Bai. You are not married yet. What are you in a hurry? It's full of gossip and gossip again."

Xiaoya was caught off guard and almost fell. [

Zhuo Ran is in a hurry, what are you running for?

Don't drop the little girl.

"Slow down, it's cold outside, she's weak, don't mess around."

Coral froze for a moment, then stopped, "Then you go out, don't embarrass Sister Bai."

Zhuo Ran has black lines all over her head, and doesn't understand what she is insisting on.

"What's there to be afraid of? Xiaoya and I don't care what other people think."

It doesn't matter to the person involved, what's the rush for the people next to him?

It was inexplicable.

Coral hopped anxiously, what's going on with these two?


A clear voice sounded outside, "Is anyone there?"

A familiar voice came into my ears, and Shan Shan's expression froze, "It's Brother Jian, he's here!"

Are you here to find her?

She didn't care about other things, let go of Xiaoya's hand, and ran out in a hurry.

Xiaoya poked her head out and stretched her neck, watching the two standing together, wondering what they were talking about.

Coral is shy and shy, but still looks at Jian Yu with admiration.

She couldn't help sighing, "Huan Huan still can't let him go, what should I do?"

Really, why did that guy come here again?

Didn't you say keep your distance? [

This is what he called keeping?

I really want to smoke him!

Zhuo Ran said lightly, "After a long time, she will gradually forget it. When she meets someone who loves her like a treasure, she will let it go naturally. Don't worry about her."

Just worry about your own business.

Coral didn't know why, her face was a little ugly, she suddenly turned around and waved at Xiaoya.

"Sister Bai, Brother Jian is looking for you."

Xiaoya pointed to her nose in surprise, "Uh? Looking for me? What's the matter?"

It's so cold outside, she won't go out.

Seeing her not moving, Jian Yu came over and took out something from her bosom.

"This is Gu's medical classics, for you."

The little girl twisted and refused to answer.

"I said no, why do you still use it?"

But if you are curious about this legendary thing, take a sneak peek, um, another peek.

Zhuo Ran has black hair, this girl is too cute.

"Young Master Jian, why not..."

He was about to exchange other treasures with him, but Jian Yu glanced at him coldly, quickly moved away, and stared at Xiaoya intently, "Well, I'll sell it to you."

The little girl's eyes lit up, this is quite possible, "How much money? Tell me a price."

The last thing she needs is money.

Jian Yu stretched out a finger, "One or two."

"Eh? One or two?" Xiaoya was stunned, with a headache. What does this person mean?

Lazily guessing his thoughts, she casually took out a stack of banknotes, "I don't take advantage of others, how about this, I'll give you 1 taels of silver."

Well, this is money snatched from those Japanese pirates, hahaha. [

Jian Yu didn't answer, she seemed to be angry, and her tone was even more indifferent, "No, I'm not short of money, just one or two."

The little girl pursed her lips, took the book with one hand, and handed him money with the other, "One tael is for buying your book, and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine taels is the reward for your hard work. You have spent so much time thinking about it." ,Thanks for your hard work."

No matter how you hear this, it sounds like a mockery.

"Hahaha." Zhuo Ran burst out laughing.

[That's all for today, continue tomorrow, the two are finally together, Scattering Flowers, are you happy watching?It’s Junjun’s New Year’s gift to everyone, okay? 】

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