Tie Zhongtang thought about it too, "Alright, by the way, Xiaosan and Xiaosi are about the same age, so it's time to choose a daughter-in-law for them. Father, what's your opinion?"

Old Man Tie waved his hands nonchalantly, "The marriage of the children is up to the parents, so you can figure it out. Except for Zhuo Ran's marriage, don't ask me anything else."

Now he is only interested in Xiaoya and Zhuo Ran's marriage, and he has started to plan how to do it.

Once the marriage proposal is successful, it will start to make arrangements, and it must be grand and grand.

"Yes." Tie Zhongtang had no objection, his father had already retreated behind the scenes and ignored worldly affairs. [

Xiao Ya hid her head in the quilt, her face was hot, feeling so ashamed.

Zhuo Ran pulled it several times, but he didn't dig out the girl, and he didn't dare to use force for fear of hurting her.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, he coaxed softly, "Little girl, are you angry? I'm just too happy. I don't mean to share the good news with my family."

"Hmph." Xiao Ya snorted coldly, obviously doing it on purpose, thinking she was a fool.

He is eager to make trouble for the whole world to know.


Seeing her huddled under the blanket like an ostrich, Zhuo Ran felt very helpless, what should I do?pissed her off.

Turning his eyes, he had an idea.

The little girl lay quietly for a while, hey, why is there no movement?

Could it be that he ran away?

She's so mad, she hasn't married yet, yet he treats her like this, if he doesn't marry, she regrets it!

Her body flew into the air for a while, and she was picked up even with the quilt. She was shocked. She lifted the quilt and saw that this guy had such a brilliant smile that it could burn people's eyes.

"Put me down."

Hmph, it's useless to smile nicely.

Zhuo Ran held her face in one hand, turned to the window, "Look."

The little girl was so angry that she wanted to bite him, she was forced to turn around and her eyes lit up.

"Wow, it's a little snowman, why did you pile up three?"

There are two big ones and a small one in the middle. They are very cute, white and fat, just like the one in the painting.

Zhuo Ran said with a smile, "One is you, one is me, and the other is our baby." [

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, defeated by his shamelessness, "It's not annoying."

Now the mouth is full of babies, and there is no shadow yet.

But the anger disappeared, and he stared at the three snowmen, reluctant to blink.

it's beautiful.

Zhuo Ran was also very happy to see that she liked it.

"What's the matter? It's a matter of course. Don't be angry with me again. When I get angry, I get nervous. When I panic, I tend to make mistakes in things. I was scolded by my father just now."

He still pretended to be pitiful, there was no other way, in order to please the beautiful woman, he had to thick-skinned.

The little girl was stunned. After only a while, why did she provoke Tie Zhongtang?

"What? He scolded you? Why?"

The latter sentence is a few degrees higher, obviously displeased.

Her people can only be bullied by her alone, and no one else can.

Tie Zhuoran didn't take it to heart at all, but in order to coax the little girl, he had to sacrifice his image and pretend to be pitiful, "I didn't do a small thing well, so I just said a few words."

After hearing this, the little girl was indignant, "Uncle Tie is really, he has so many sons, why does he let you do everything? He scolds you? Really."

But the most critical and most important thing, but deliberately sent him away, not letting him intervene.

What does it mean?

Zhuo Ran's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly, seemingly with infinite meaning, "Father has his own plans, but I'm afraid he can't do what he wants."

The little girl was confused, "Uh? What do you mean?"

Zhuo Ran patted her head, and smiled softly, "You don't need to worry about these troubles, you just need to be responsible for eating, drinking and having fun, and just be happy all day long."

The little girl was very moved, this man almost spoiled her.

"If you are unhappy in your heart, don't bear it. Being happy is the most important thing in a person's life. If someone bullies you, I will poison you for you."

Her pampering, maintenance, and eccentricity made Zhuo Ran feel warm in his heart and felt unspeakably comfortable. He couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her face, "Okay, I will listen to my little girl."

This sentence became smoother the more he said it, Zhuo Ran selfishly thought that the two of them could come together because of these words. [

A voice shouted at the door, "Brother, your grandpa is here."

[That's all for today, the following is more exciting, continue tomorrow, weekend, I like it the most, you can take a break, hehe]

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